Reviews from

in the past

Baby's first Donkey Kong Country and that's a compliment. Everything about this game is way better than you would expect from a license game by Microids but it feels very good to play, has an appealing visual style and even some songs just have a very fun vibe about them. It's extremely easy and nothing is really "special" about it but it's just pretty fun

Okaish Donkey Kong Country like - but much easier.
The Main Game is a bit Short with only 3 different Worlds with like 10 Levels each but its fun and it looks pretty.

Theres an additional world (DLC?) With another 9 entertaining Level and a new Mode.

A short, easy, breezy Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze-inspired platformer. Cute and pleasant art and music and satisfying core controls carry thing this through its tad-too-easy level design balance. Being on the short side, I really didn't mind it being on the easy side; it was a nice little game to pop on the Steam Deck for a few levels each night.

There's a 10 level long volcano/dinosaur-themed post-game expansion that's worth the price of admission alone. The level design is far more complex and more difficult than the main game. The team improved so much between launch and that update that I would love to see what they do with a sequel. If they can carry the quality of that expac through an entire game, they'd have something super good on their hands.

As it stands, "Marsupilami: Hoobadventure" is a totally solid, pleasant, worthwhile little game for any fans of the DKC formula.

Joguinho ok , bacaninha para passar o tempo e só jogar

A great DKC clone with a few ideas of its own such as clinging onto rings and wall jumping. It may be a bit too safe and easy for some but I had a blast. The only downside is that it's about half the length of your average DkC with only four worlds. Still, what's here is all killer no filler so it's hard to complain!

Everything about this is dogshit BUT the gameplay is one of the best I have ever experienced in the genre, this makes it better than at least 10 games I finished this year.

Yeah, I played because is a DKC clone... didn't pay off as I was expecting, but just the very existence of this game is funny AF

What an absolutely underrated 2d platformer. While it borrows from plenty of other platformers, it uses these influences in the best ways possible to create a very enjoyable adventure!

For 2d platforming fans, this game can be best described as a combination of Donkey Kong Country Returns and Rayman Legends. For newer players who may not have played those games, then think of this as a fun, super vibrant 2d platformer with lots of secrets to find and lots of challenging areas to cross. All the while, you play as this long tailed, cute Marsupial character (he's from an old comic series).

The game does that great thing that most games should do where the core game isn't too tough to run through but if you want the challenge, it is there after the fact. Collecting everything, going for the 100% and playing the tougher challenges is where the hardcore platforming fans will have a ton of fun.

On top of the core game, they added in a whole new dinosaur themed world that includes new and different biomes and challenges. When I started this portion of the game, I was amazed to see that they added so much more new content for free!

So on the negative side, the boss battles could've been a lot more inventive. The boss battles are basically a set of forced scrolling levels where you are trying not to let the left side of the screen catch up and get you while also chasing the boss on the right (which we've seen in many games). Each one just gets progressively harder, but I would've liked a bit more variation in the boss battles.

There were also times, very few, but they did happen, where the controls didn't feel super fluid. This was mostly in the really difficult levels after the main game. There were times where I would look at my controller in dis belief because I thought I jumped? Again, it didn't happen often but for this to happen in a level that demands super precision platformer, it was a little irritating.

Great game though, if you're a platforming fan of any kind, you have no reason to pass this one up!

Me ha gustado más de lo que esperaba, porque llevaba tres meses en los que no había terminado ningún juego porque los que probaba no me terminaban de enganchar y al final los abandonaba. Pero vi que el Marsupilami estaba de oferta por cuatro euros y se veía gracioso y decidí comprarlo y me lo he terminado y consiguiendo casi todos los logros (que no soy alguien que se centra en los trofeos).

El juego es un plataformas 2D muy inspirado en los Donkey Kong ya que tienes un botón para rodar y hacer daño a los enemigos, hay islas tropicales, también hay lianas, al derrotar al jefe le puedes seguir pegando para conseguir más “bananas” que en este juego son como frutas. El juego es corto ya que solo tiene cuatro islas y en cada isla hay de media unos diez niveles. Pero aun así el juego esta entretenido ya que se va añadiendo poco a poco mecánicas y distinto tipos de enemigos. Lo que más me ha gustado es la isla de los dinosaurios porque cuando te pasas el juego desbloqueas los niveles de esa isla en modo cataclismo que es como una versión del mismo nivel, pero están modificados para que sean más difíciles. Además del modo contrarreloj en esa isla también es más desafiante que el resto del juego, de hecho, hablando de la dificultad el juego es fácil, de las tres islas principales solo ha habido un nivel en el que haya tenido que reintentarlo muchas veces (más de veinte vidas perdí en ese nivel) pero es uno opcional y que esta al lado del nivel final, el resto de niveles me los pasaba sin perder vidas. Así que yo diría que los mejores niveles del juego están en la isla de los dinosaurios porque esta el mayor reto del juego (el modo cataclismo y el modo contrarreloj es el que está más ajustado).

A nivel visual el juego me ha gustado mucho, lo he jugado en una switch normal y me han asombrado los bonitos y coloridos que eran las zonas, jugar esto en una oled tiene que ser preciosísimo. Además, que las islas tienen diferentes temáticas, una tienes más zonas de puerto, otra es más como una jungla, otra es un templo y la última es más selvática.

Lo que menos me ha gustado el juego ha sido los niveles contra los jefes porque siempre era el mismo y además consistía en el típico nivel de que tienes que avanzar rápido porque la pantalla se esta desplazando continuamente, me hubiese gustado que al menos hubiera una batalla de jefe como en los Donkey Kong. También decir que la historia es mala, pero yo no espero ver una historia buena cuando juego a un plataformas 2D.
Otra cosa que también hubiera estado bien seria que de los tres personajes jugables que hay tuvieran alguna diferencia en su gameplay, y también que como el juego es fácil que hubieran quitado el sistema de vidas porque dudo que haya gente que se habrá quedado sin vedas.

Le pongo un 8 de nota porque me este juego me ha conseguido enganchar (cosa que no había hecho ningún otro juego que he jugado en estos últimos tres meses), por el precio porque por cuatro euros que me ha costado me ha parecido que es una experiencia gratificante y se lo recomiendo a la gente que quiera un plataformas 2D entretenido sin muchas complicaciones.

Great platformer. The added Hidden World is excellent. It's pretty obvious what games this game was inspired by, but it has it's own charms and does certain things better, so that's okay. I would love to see a sequel or just another platformer from this studio.

i'm surprised how genuinely solid and well-made this was! it's very obviously heavily inspired by the donkey kong country returns series, and while it never quite reaches the level of innovation, level design quality, and exhilaration highs of especially tropical freeze it's a pretty good alternative! you might think tropical freeze is a bit of an unfair comparison considering it's like THE gold standard for 2d platformers (at least in my opinion) but the level of inspiration kinda demands that comparison in my opinion. I don't think any other donkey kong country inspired indie game really comes close to this one though. it looks pretty good, has some decent music, and movement feels really solid! i don't really have much negative to say, i wish the dojo levels weren't on the map since they just reuse the bonus stages from the real levels and while the controls are pretty great, it feels like the wall jump takes a second to activate and it caught me a couple times.

i'm mainly knocking off points because it's a little TOO DKCR inspired and it could benefit greatly from a few more worlds and a bit more of a ramp up in difficulty within those worlds. i had a pretty consistently good time but it never really had those big over the top and exhilarating moments i love in 2d platformers, especially tropical freeze to take it to the next level for me. considering you can get it for $20 max and often on sale for way less it's a super worthwhile pickup and i'd like to see more from this team, it was a lot of fun!

it was really nice of Nintendo to make a multi-platform Donkey Kong Country game

I had no prior knowledge of the source material so going in I was expecting to play a children's platformer for a laugh. I was wrong.

For the first few levels I was still under the impression that I was playing a soulless kid's game but about half way through the first world I realized I was playing a somewhat janky, easy but fun platformer. I was flying through levels and time trials thinking I had an easy 100% ahead of me. Then came the 3rd world and DLC world.

This game had me conflicted. I was getting irritated by some of the janky mechanics like ping-ponging off ledges, attaching to floating rings when I didn't want to (or attaching to the wrong ones) and enemy hitboxes that sometimes don't make sense. At the same time though I couldn't put the game down and found it extremely rewarding to master a gold time trial that I had been stuck on for the last 30-60 minutes.

The game seems to really shine and show a culmination of all the developers' best ideas in the DLC world so I'm glad I finished with that and on the highest possible note (not having time trials in Cataclysm mode really helped!)

I'm very happy I gave the game the time I did and I came out feeling accomplished with my 100% completion, however I would not do it again.

kinda goes hard for no real reason.

Starts off strong with nods to donkey kong country. Unfortunately once I realised I needed to replay each level via time trial or cataclysm mode it went downhill. The levels are not long so if not done the game was very short (3 - 4 hours). A cute art style lacking charm, repetitive music and unresponsive controls at times. I was happy with my time overall but towards the end I could not stomach a 100% completion.

Mostly there but not all the way.

Marsupilami is a really well polished 2D platformer that controls tight and looks beautiful. I had fun playing it and that's all that really matters. The regular levels were very much on the easy side. The only real challenges come from collecting and going for gold medals on time trials. And even that is all well within reach. The game also features a fourth 'bonus' world to complement the base game's three worlds. You unlock this world early in World 2. It has the most fun levels with have time trials that get close to pushing you. Then you can play all the levels in the bonus world on a harder difficulty after beating them all. It's the corner of the game that is the most rewarding and ends up taking up half your play time. When you finally return to the base game it comes off as even easier. Was a weird little off balanced quirk.

The game also only has two resolutions which is really really odd given how optimized it is otherwise. You can only select 720p or 1080p. Even manually using Unity commands to force the resolution in the launch parameters, it gets reset on the title splash screen. My desktop is 1440p, my Steam Deck is 800p. I would've loved to have either. Especially the 800p on Deck. Again, this game is phenomenally optimized. You can run it at 6W TDP on the Deck and never lose a frame below 60. It's impressive. It's a polished game both in looks and under the hood. I just don't understand the resolution limits. Especially ones with the same width ratio that wouldn't affect gameplay/timing of onscreen objects.

Fun. Polished. Just a little on the easier side and lacking an option or two. I'm also unfamiliar with the French cartoon source material but it was weird to show the other characters on the title splash screen and have them never be involved. I thought I'd be unlocking a character or something. Shrug. Well worth the price of admission for 10hrs of throwback 2D platforming. I'm happy.

[copied from my Steam review]

Plié en 3h, un Donkey Kong Country pensé pour les plus jeunes. Challenge très soft et progressif, assez joli (même si ça se répète un peu dans les décors).
Ça manque un peu de dynamisme et de variété mais c'est pas si mal !