Reviews from

in the past

Oyuna puan vermicem ama şunu diyebilirim; oyun tek kişilik oynanmaya çalıştığında tam bir çöptü zorluk olarak. Kırk takla atman gerekiyor bazı boss'larda. En az iki kişilik oynanmaması gerektiği bariz gibi geldi bana o yüzden.

Ayrıca diyaloglar da çok zayıf geldi bana. Zorlama bir mizahı var. Yaratılmış olan evren de öyle.

A game with decent, possibly well made combat but has some of the worst writing in existence. Like Jesus, please shut the fuck up

Mayhem Brawler is a solid beat em up game. It's definitely on the short side with each stage taking roughly about 5-10 minutes to complete assuming no game overs. There's 7 stages in the game so the whole playthrough will run just a little over an hour which is on par with other similar games in the genre.

The comic book art direction looks gorgeous.

The combat is somewhat basic with a one button combo system. There's also a button for the Power ability which varies between characters.

Boss fights are surprisingly easy. It's mostly the mobs that appear with the boss that provides additional challenge.

Story is okay. I'm not sure if this was an already existing IP or it's because the story is told too quickly without properly developing characters and other name dropped events, but I didn't follow the story too well.

Gameplay structure is nice though. Each stage other than the first and last have an alternate stage. After clearing the prior stage, you can choose between two actions which will lead you down a different story path and stage. The final stage actually consists of three alternates and your decisions leading up to it will determine which stage you get. So there's decent replay value overall.

Um Beat up bem feito
É difícil achar um Beat up bem feito na pegada de street of rage e Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, porém Mayhem Brawler não fica nada pra trás. Com jogabilidade fluida e personagens bem feitos o game brilha na jogabilidade que é onde um Beat up bom deve brilhar.
o jogo conta com 5 personagens, todos eles muito bom de jogar, exceto Dolphin (o grandão) que achei meio travado. Finalizei o game diversas vezes em cooperativocom 3 controles e funciona muito bem, porém as vezes me senti perdido com vários inimigos na tela e o game não conta com um indicador de personagem oque pode ser facilmente implementado pelos Devs. As conquistas são gostosas de fazer ainda mais com os 3 finais diferentes que o game proporciona 👍