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Mega Man Battle Network 2 ao mesmo tempo melhora de forma significativa os pontos fortes de seu antecessor — o sistema de batalha e o mundo — e exacerba seus problemas — o ritmo ruim e roteiro idiota. MMBN2 é com certeza mais divertido, mas não o suficiente para carregar a aventura por mais de 30 horas, e menos ainda para se fazer o extensivo conteúdo pós-game. A fadiga do late game é bem intensa aqui.

Agora resta a pergunta: será que MMBN3 vai manter o que é bom e corrigir os problemas dos anteriores, ou ser uma versão ainda mais extrema dos erros e acertos da série?

i have been doing WAY too much this first month of 2024. this makes my 11th game that i've finished in january, and i swear it's not that i'm just no lifeing this shit. this was a hard mode playthrough i set up about a year ago, and only just finished now. you could say the same about a lot of games i've finished this month (FE7, SSX 3, Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel), but it's worth mentioning here because i spent a loooooot of time in this game.

it's funny whenever games have a hard mode and then just completely fail to balance mechanics around it. did you know that, in hard mode, because of how the Mole1 and Mole2 viruses work, it's impossible to get the chips they drop (PopUp and Meteor18) through normal means and instead have to roll for them at the chip trader? extremely fun oversight aside, hard mode doesn't feel like the major difficulty spike it should be. earlygame is definitely hell, and getting good bust ranks is a lot more difficult to accomplish until around midgame. but, hard mode, just like normal mode, still gets broken in half by gater. sure, the boss HP totals skyrocket when you multiply them by 1.5 (MagnetManV3 boasts an intimidating 2700 HP meanwhile PlanetManV3 has the highest total at 3300 HP), but the same basic strategies will work here just like they did in normal mode. Invis3 still makes you untouchable, Gater still deals a stupid amount of damage while being easy to make flow in your folder, and FullCust is still broken. this is by no means a complaint, it just feels odd that capcom would go through the effort of hiding this hard mode behind so many obstacles only for it to feel relatively unconsidered.

MMBN2 is still at its base a fantastic game and i still had a great time with it. if anything, the hard mode experience has left me thinking that the overall ease and simplicity of normal mode could at least be somewhat solved by using some of these HP totals. maybe keep the virus HP totals the same (to make random encounters + escaping be less tedious) but use the navi HP totals from hard mode? i could always just play the "remove the letter G from the game" mod, but something like this feels at least a little more sensible and organic. ah well, difficulty issues aside, it's still one of the best games on the GBA and a highlight of the series.


They should have cut out the second half of the game, too much unnecessary backtracking that made me quit the game more than once. I had to use a guide to finish the game because I was losing my mind going back and forth between Netopia, Den Area and Undernet. Nevertheless, this is a fun and challenging action role-playing game that is definitely worth playing

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Se o pessoal acha maluco megaman 7 ter a produção de 3 meses, aqui eles fizeram um RPG em 9 meses, UM RPG.

A gameplay teve um grande avanço, pois agora megaman não recupera vida após a batalha, logo posso me divertir, e teve a adição para novas armaduras para o megamam, que mesmo sendo confuso como obter elas, são uma boa adição. Você pode obter no total 3/4 pois o jogo não deixa você ter todas, e o mais chato fica na parte de obter nelas. Elas são dadas de acordo da forma que você joga, se tu usa muitos chips defensivos, tu fica com a de planta, se tu for muito na ofensiva, pegará a de fogo, o problema disso é que pra desbloquear uma nova armadura, é necessário cerca de umas 300 batalhas aleatórias... 300 BATALHAS? TA MALUCO????? Bem podre e suga todo o tempo da sua vida para obtê-las, no final do jogo pode acontecer de tu só ter uma, porque a primeira tu ganha na luta do shadow man. As dungeons ficaram mais do mesmo, sem muita inovação, e com puzzles criativos. Apesar de ainda não botarem um mapa, agora ele está mais simples e organizado.

O que mais me dói nesse jogo é a trilha sonora ser totalmente genérica, o máximo que eu gostei foi o boss final, o staff roll e a ultima dungeon (que é de padrão ser boa na franquia), de resto, muito esquecivel.

E a parte que mais incomoda, a reta final do jogo, puta merda, que bagulho chato. Tu tem que ficar falando com todo santo npc do jogo pra vê se ele tem alguma conexão com a undernet, e qual npc estranho tem essa conexão? Um boneco normal do jogo que serve como assistente virtual, uau. Tu tem que ir de lá pra cá várias e várias vezes, um troço que demora cerca de 5 horas, 5 HORAS, dava pra eu zerar megaman 1 até o 4, de tão demorado e chato que é essa parte. No final tu fica igual aquele meme do "eu não aguento mais" porque é essa a honesta reação. É aquelas partes ruins de jogos que dá até desânimo de jogar ele denovo.

E o que mais odeio, é o final, "oh, coitadinho do vilão, ele era abusado na infância" foda-se! Independente do que você sofre, não é justificativa para as merdas que você comete! "Ah não, foi pra mostrar como o lan tem empatia, por não mandar o muleke pra cadeia" sério? Cara, ele foi capaz de matar pessoas, e lan é coração mole o suficiente pra deixar esse psicopata livre na sociedade? Vá à merda. Seria muito legal ver um final onde o megaman clássico dá um abraço no willy, e dizer que ele perdoa todos os erros que willy cometeu, haha que final incrível, viva o poder da amizade, uhu (contém ironia).

Better than the first combat is still fun

I don't know if this series is for me. I trucked through Battle Network 1 because I heard that the series had a rough start, and the battles in it were decently fun. I don't know about this though. Most of the bosses have felt kind of awful. I might pick this up and finish it later but I'm so tired of the walking back and forth for story progression. Got to MagnetMan.exe's scenario but I feel like I'm forcing myself to play further.

Not bad not that good either

A noticeable improvement. Found most of the bosses to be very creative compared to the first game. Chapters and dungeons are much improved. Until Freezman tries to make up for how inoffensive the rest of the game is. An absolute padded slog fest that reminds you this game was made in 8 months. Style change is an awesome addition but the amount of battles needed before you can switch is absurd. Post-game has more meat but continues to waste your time when you really just want to fight cool bosses.

Esta secuela mejoró MUCHÍSIMOS aspectos del 1, englobando lo que son las batallas y el diseño de los mapas, además de incluir una trama más interesante, aunque aún básica, característica de Battle Network

Aún así... breath in backtracking

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they hacked the 8MS to create natural disasters worldwide this is just like my favroite visual novel Ciconia When They Cry - Phase 1: For You, the Replaceable Ones

Style changes were a good addition but the rest not quite there yet

Much improved over the first game. Still has some pretty annoying dungeons and a lot of backtracking, but the internet maps are better to navigate (still very mazelike, though) and more visually interesting, the battles have new mechanics that add some additional depth, and the introduction of the Style system is neat.

Huge improvement over the first one. Styles are one of my favorite mechanics in the whole series, and makes BN2 and 3 hugely replayable. The game, like every other title in the series, suffers from some wonky writing and a lot of backtracking/tedious fetch quests, but honestly, if you're playing Battle Network, you do it for the gameplay, visuals and music, and they're all here.

colored ice should be banned

This game was really weird because if you got rid of the insane amounts of padding and backtracking you'd have an excellent 10ish hour experience. But for whatever reason, they threw in massive sections of going back and forth through different areas just so they could pad out the length of the game. It sucks too because the Netopia and plane scenarios are easily the best parts of the series so far from what I've played, but they're sandwiched in between some of the most monotonous, boring sections I've ever experienced in an RPG. Still, this is a good game with some really funny degenerate combos like Tree Bomb + Prism, Gater, etc. Also the writing is honestly half the fun of this game, the dialogue is the perfect combination of intentionally and unintentionally hilarious.

I adore how much these games feel like you're playing a saturday morning cartoon

This is a great example of a sequel improving just about everything about the original. The already fun gameplay has been tweaked just enough to feel markedly better than the first game, the story kept me much more actively engaged, especially towards the finale, where I think the original Battle Network falters, and Navi fights are all around generally better, with higher highs than the first game ever had. Unfortunately I do think the game does have two notable low points involving KnightMan and ESPECIALLY FreezeMan. That being said this is overall a great improvement on an interesting idea for an RPG, and knowing the next game is supposed to be even better has me so excited to see what Battle Network 3 is all about!!

Battle network 2 is a great entry into the battle network franchise and a massive improvement over 1. Its reccommended that a newcomer start with this over 1 because of that. I really enjoyed playing this game, but if I had to say one issue i had with it it would be the fact that the puzzles and the level design can be a bit boggling, but thats to be expected for a 2001 gameboy rpg.

Battle Network 2 is objectively an improvement of the first game in pretty much every way, but at the same time it makes so many obnoxious missteps and ends up being a massive pain to get through.

Chips are better, there's more variety, the web isn't a maze to navigate (well not as much), and there's just a lot more to the game in general. I feel like the story isn't as good, and while the actual scenarios themselves are fun, the writing gets really stupid, even for the Saturday morning cartoon shit they're going for.

I think the real turning point for my opinion of this game was the Freezeman scenario, where you have to go back and forth from one NPC to the next for what felt like hours. The most blatant padding I've seen in a video game ever. Wind Waker's Triforce quest is nothing compared to this. Some of the other themed areas like Knightman's where annoying as hell too, but at least they were paced properly.

Difficulty is also all over the place, where the earlier bosses tend to be harder than the later ones. Quickman and Toadman are annoying, gimmicky mother fuckers, meanwhile Freezeman and Magnetman go down like chumps.

Regardless, the game is fine. An improvement on the first game for the most part, sure, but way too many issues for me to want to return to it.

Esse jogo tem um backtracking gorduroso, sério, ele fica insuportável do meio pro final dele, pelo menos o combate até que é divertido principalmente nos bosses

More mega man battle network. hell yeah!

Technically it's an improvement over the first, but the padding in the back half of the game drove me crazy.

I tried. The Battle Network subseries has a strong cult following, and after hearing how much of an improvement this sequel is over the 1st game, I decided to give it a shot.

Boy I can't imagine how dreadful the first game is then. This features basically nothing that I enjoy in RPGs - your skills in combat are governed by RNG basically, there's no sense of progress or improvement, and the writing is basic with a localization that is clearly subpar, to put it mildly. I was just bored really.

Not for me at all.

The combat is fun (tricky in places - bloody Puffballs) and the story has a nice school holiday vibe. But the repetitive backtracking in the penultimate section (and the general confusing layout of the Net) is a real drag.

Aunque todo el gameplay sí mejoró, siento que hay muchas conveniencias de guión, así como que pasé fácilmente 100 veces por los mismos lugares para buscar un objeto en específico, realmente sentí que estaba en un laberinto.

A great sequel I loved playing with friends. Really fixed a few of the things from the first game. Bass is super edgey and cool.

Is it normal to feel this as an improvement over BN3? Playing this one right after that felt so refreshing as it pretty much cut all of the filler that made BN3 a tedious experience to me.