Reviews from

in the past

This built off IV so well! Unlike the previous 4 this time the "Robot Master" equivalent bosses were completely original. I loved that the main blaster could be upgraded. And the returning bosses from I-IV were a nice touch as a send off to the GB series.

I need to play this game again because it's been a while and i like mega man but i like Mars he's so funny.

Mega Man on the Game Boy usually recycled ideas and enemies from the NES games but this game created a new story with unique characters and upgrades that make it stand out among the other portable Mega Man games. The story is cool and inventive, the new ability is fun and distinct, and overall this is a solid Mega Man game. Its value doesn't just lie in its portability, instead, this game is up there with some of the best entries in the series.

This one is really good. Probably the best of the Gameboy Mega Mans. IV and V are really good, but I think V is very slightly better. I love the theming on everything. The celestial theme and the Mega Arm really make this one stick out against all the other Mega Mans in my mind. I think Tango is dumb though. I like all the weapons, though I did think the block picking up one was pretty useless, same with the dash due to the lack of screen real estate. The bosses were super fun. I really like the Mega Punch, I think its fun to use and it makes me use the other weapons more since its not as spammable as the charge shot. The music is great and the stages all look great too. The game just has a nice flow to it. I think it falls off a bit in the final act. I did not like the space shooter section with rush. The boss rush with the Mega Man Killers was a nice novelty, but it all being in one level kind of sucks. I really love the final boss though. The fact that most of the weapons, aside from Tango, the dash, and the block picker upper, were useful made it a lot of fun to navigate through the levels. The levels never felt like they overstayed their welcome, and aside from a few moments where they just drop you in a pit and expect you to dodge spikes, felt extremely fair. They're challenging and just fun. I felt great while playing this one. I'm glad I gave the Gameboy games a shot. This, IV, and the first one to an extent, made it worth it.

Why are the game boy games so fucking good

This one is actually really cool! Along with making a wholly original cast of "robot masters" the overall levels feel like they've really learned from the previous entries. A decently fun time and even better than some of the normal classic series.

Okay so this is a weird case, Megaman 1-4 on gameboy are watered down versions of the NES games, but this fifth game is actually completely original, so I wanted to look at it. And colour me surprised, this game is a hidden gem!

They put so much effort in this and it’s ahead of it’s time, considering it included features that wouldn’t show up in the console games for years, such a shop to buy upgrades and a more elaborate story. It’s still simple, but there’s actually dialogue between characters and the setting of travelling the solar system creates a memorable experience. It is all in black and white, but the detail is no less apparent, i really like how this game looks, smaller screen aside.

The game is classic Megaman, you run, shoot and use special weapons which are.. okay, not the best selection but a few stand out with some unique properties, like a gun that can heal you if you catch the ejected bullet.

The levels are fun, and I only noticed a Few cases of overly punishing level design. The bosses are great and overall I think the challenge level is spot on.

While Megaman V may just be more of the same, I think it’s one of the better classic games, and really should been included in the legacy collection. While not mind blowing, this is how you do a gameboy version right - 7.5/10