Reviews from

in the past

Didn't play the first game but instantly fell got engrossed in the nemesis system. Didn't care much for the story, maybe because I didn't play the first one. The nemesis system provided so much replayability, generating its own stories. Heavily Underrated

One of my favorite games ever. Underrated.

This game improves on alot of what the first game established.

The nemesis system can be pretty fun, unlike the first game.

The story is better but the requirements to continue the story ruins the pacing a bit. Though luckily I already had most of the requirements done by the time I got round to those points.

The epilogue is a shitshow making you play 8 hours of fortress defence just for a 3 minute cutscene. This and other aspects like the online lead me to believe this was originally going to be some sort of live service game luckily it turned out not be... Fully.

The combat is much improved compared to the first game, adding a difficulty option and giving us some cool new abilities.


This game slaps but the endgame grind is brutal

Better than the prior game, just does everything before and more

This game, aside from the nemesis system, has nothing. No original ideas, just a boring ubisoft-type game with no soul. Some of the most mind numbing combat of all time, almost as bad as something like arkham, where you just mash the left and right mouse buttons and you win a fight. The nemisis system is probably my only pro, and it is quite a big one. I love dynamic storytelling in games, and the nemesis system does it well, fuck WB for patenting it so it couldn't be used on games not as boring as this one. Nothing atrocious, you'll have a fun enough time if you just wanna turn your brain off for a stupid open world game, but even for that year, ubisoft made a much better open world game with wildlands. Maybe this is cooler as a LOTR fan, but this game made me feel nothing, which is the worst thing a game can do.

The gameplay is repetitive and boring af especially after droppping batman origins and made me realize it was jus a batman arkham re-skin
Story is also ass i had no i idea wtf is going on a milf spider hiding a ring and ghosts
never liked the 6 hour movie anyway

If Shadow of Mordor was a demo, this would be the full game. It takes all of the mechanics and playstyle of the first and expands on it in a fantastic way. The army you need to conquer is bigger, the threat is larger but your arsenal and personal army grows to the challenge. It's a fantastic ride, and the entire cast is really solid!

Only gripe is that the game does glitch quite a bit. I'll be fighting a Captain and they'll leave the screen and then pop up again, with their cutscene and everything, and restart the battle. It's annoying, but not a dealbreaker for me.

I would reccomend playing Shadow of Mordor first just to get a feel for the gameplay, but this was a really fun game!!

Tinha o Pet e o Repete. O Pet morreu, quem sobrou?

Combate do caralho e a história é muito louca, mas assim.

Tinha o Pet e o Repete. O Pet morreu, quem sobrou?

Un jeux incroyable dans un univers incroyable, j'ai fini ce jeu a 100% j'ai rien a dire le systeme de pouvoir recruter des orcs dans son armée c'est juste une trop bonne idée !

Platinum Trophy - Not perfect, but damn if it isn’t great. It’s a crime that the nemesis system has been taken away from us since this game dropped, It’s so addicting, nothing else comes close. This is a comfort game for me, and it’ll always hold a special place in my heart.

This review contains spoilers

Got this off of Xbox Gamepass during the Covid lockdown and it really had me hooked. Gameplay isn't nothing ground breaking, and can get really repetitive, but despite that I kept playing and enjoying myself. The nemesis system that makes procedurally generated bosses keeps the game fresh and interesting, and gives you a Pokémon like feeling as you catch and dominate orcs and make your army. The story though nothing amazing at first redeemed itself in the later half, and talion is still one of my favorite protagonists ever. Although his fate was also tragic, it was nice seeing him get peace at the end.

Not the best game but after reading the LOTR it is solid fun

Infinitely playable multiplayer, the perfect enemy system, very interesting builds and gear that actually change gameplay features.

Игра очень интересная, ровно до того момента, как тебе начинает генерить орков, типа берсеркера, который иммунный к заморозке, к стрелам, перепрыгнуть такого орка нельзя, уязвимостей нет и приходится крутится в форме вальса вокруг орка минут 15.
А так, для дрочилки в открытом мире, очень интересно. Немезис система развлекает тебя на полную и даже микропесочницу создаёт. Со временем, конечно, уникальность иссякает, но первое впечатление очень сильное.
Кстати, много очень времени провел на арене, тоже свой фан есть.
Движок тоже понравился, ощущения от персонажа приятные, в большинстве случаев персонаж делает что надо. Так же удивляет, как движок держит в памяти такие большие локации, со всеми орками, которые как-то там с друг другом взаимодействуют, как там здания отрисовывает в зависимости от расстояния с тобой, особенно заметно, когда на драконе играешь. Так все ещё и со стабильным фреймрейтом
Единственное, что кроме рандома, который поднасрать тебе может, разочаровывает прикрученная задним число рпгшная дроч с циферками

L'ombre du mordor en mieux

instead of starting over at 0 with your abilities, you start off this game with the maxed-out abilities from the last game and new ones are added on from there which I liked. kinda made it hard to go back to SoM though as it felt like you were “missing” a bunch of abilities. other than that, this one ripped up the lore and threw it out the window (“omega hot goth dommy mommy” Shelob). combine that with a very boring and repetitive endgame, and this one got tiring too quickly unfortunately. still really fun gameplay and the nemesis system was still great.

See with this one , you got two options.

First: you can hate the game because it doesnt fit into tolkien world building and logic too well and therefore is pure blasphemy to a person of culture like you

Second: Understand that this is a fun time in a setting from the lord of the rings world and is actually a very good innovative and engaging video game.

I went for the second , as you can guess and the story objectives and gameplay are all very engaging ( as i am playing arkham games i see that the combat is quite similar).
The abilities are super fun and the duality of our protagonist is quite fun to engage with.
The biggest selling point is the nemesis system with the orcs making the game feel like a real actual world and makes the immersion better.
If you can live with it being not the literal book/movie, this is probably one of the best lord of the rings games and is really worth a try

grom giggles has and will be my best warlord for years

Definitely an improvement over the first game in terms of playability, gameplay quirks, and the world, and not so much in terms of story. The playable world takes you to more parts of Middle Earth than Shadow of Mordor, including Minas Morgul when it was still controlled by Gondor; all in all, it's refreshing after the first game only included two areas. Where Shadow of Mordor played around a little bit with the established Lord of the Rings lore, Shadow of War has completely given up on maintaining any type of relevance in canon. J.R.R. Tolkien probably did a few loops in his grave with the reveal of Shelob (the spider from Return of the King) as a sexy, dark-haired human woman. Game is at least fun to play, and any chance to play around with the Nemesis system introduced in Shadow of Mordor is well appreciated.

God damn this game is a slog to play through.

The first act was fun and a good set up to what I thought would be a better story. I was wrong. I was wrong because the same dang thing happened to me like in the first game. I was bombarded with side content that I completely forgot what the main mission was and was questing if I was doing a side quest when I was actually doing main missions.

How the hell did they do it again. I thought clearing the the outposts was the game and I had to fight my way back to the opening area. I was very wrong and it's probably my fault, but I'm still annoyed.

I am happy that the nemesis system was expanded and more integrated with the main story, even if I cleared all the outposts before I really did the main content and ruined the pace of the game. Actually, I'm mad that they allowed me to do that. Maybe I'm not liking open world games as much as I use to, but I wish there was a bit more linearity to the game so I actually feel compelled to play the main story. I hate being bogged down by all of this filler side shit in games and this game especially.

The combat has also made an improvement over the pretty good combat in the first game. I like that the orcs have more strengths that make me vary up the way I approach the encounter and that they add more beast as into the middle of fights as well too. Pretty good mix of that. Unfortunately the gosh darn parkour still sucks and I feel like is worse because I had to spend so much more time playing the. It became pretty infuriating towards the end when I would get stuck on stuff on the ground or climbing or assassinating the wrong guy over and over and over. That was a really big let down and something I thought would be fixed.

Higher highs and lower lows. This really is Assassin's Creed.

Aujourd'hui ce jeu ne vaut plus rien ( 3€ ) et pourtant il est vraiment pas mauvais. On incarne Talion dans sa quête de conquérir le Mordor, on doit alors annexer des régions en prenant d'assaut des forts. Pour ça, il faut recruter des Orcs et ce système est vraiment classe, on les choisis en fonction de leur niveau, de leur faiblesse, on peut les faire devenir plus fort en combattant dans des fosses. l'histoire est vraiment simple, mais efficace au final, quelques antagonistes, des trahisons, des monstres, on est servi. Malheureusement, le jeu peut devenir répétitif à la longue, et c'est parfois compliqué de combattre entouré de 50 ennemis et 6 capitaines. Le système de déplacement est stylé ( on se croirait dans un Assassin's Creed ) et la vf à de la gueule.

o final desse jogo é triste pra caralho mas ao mesmo tempo é mt bom pqp

Muito melhor que o primeiro em MUITOS aspectos, mas peca no mesmo ponto

Chegando na metade do jogo eu não aguentava mais ficar indo pro lado e pro outro dominar orcs e fazer guerra.

Mas foi bem divertido, final surpreendente.