Reviews from

in the past

Cuando me regalaron una vieja PS3 pirateada venia ya este juego instalado, la verdad que al principio lo prejuzgaba mucho por parecerme muy infantil con esos diseños de Discovery Kids y decidí pasar de largo sin haberlo probado.
No fue hasta que me dejaron a cargo de cuidar a mi sobrina y la dejé con Noby Noby Boy.
A cada rato ella me llamaba por cualquier cosa que podia hacer en el juego, una frase más increíble que la interior... hasta que lo vi en pantalla, ver para creer como dicen.
No sé bien como describir a Noby Noby Boy, te dan un espacio lleno de juguetes pero solo te dejan agarrar uno solo, ese uno acaba siendo el mejor juguete que cualquier nene o nena puede tener en su vida.
Las cinco estrellas que le tengo a este juego no es por haberlo jugado, es por ver a ella disfrutar como nunca con Noby Noby Boy y realizar cosas que creía imposible en un juego. Me guardo cada historia y momento en mi cabeza como álbum familiar.
El bichito que se estira y se encoge no tendría tanta vida sin las manos de inocencia.
Ojalá más juegos como este y ojalá volver a ser niña.

A fun little toybox that I did not stick around for.

We all knew about this game long before its arrival. We saw it in our dreams. We didn't try to look for it because we were too scared that Noby Noby Boy might only be a figment of our imagination. But it's here, and it's wonderful. Do not discourage those still untouched by its magic, let them find it on their own. Noby Noby Boy is waiting, forever, in our hearts.

me and dandersen & matty del balzo ate firecrackers that were too strong and we had a mental breakdown playing this.


makes me cry to even think about.

World needs more games like this. This game has a soul, unlike most, and what else do you need? Wonderful experience and totally worth of the asking price!

I think I'm starting to realize that all of my favorite games are one degree of separation from being interactive wallpapers

Namco's tendency to pigeonhole studios into doing one thing is a fuckin drag, so it's nice to have seen Keita Takahashi break out of the Katamari Containment Chamber and try something really strange. It's neat, and I loved my time with it, but at this point it fills me with eerie memories of both the time I had with it (I was borrowing a friend's PS3 for a weird reason) and also the friction of this era and the slow ceasing of publishers making smaller games.

When it's not about rolling balls it's about stretching, obviously.

Noby Noby Boy supposedly was an experimental online game with the goal of working on a "global stretching achievements" to reach the end of the game, this game pretty much was the Japanese counterpart to the more popular game called "Curiosity: What's Inside the Cube?". Curiosity did release 3 years after Noby Noby Boy so this idea of having the whole world working toward a common goal was really creative! Though it also means that the game is over and there isn't really much of a reason to come back to it as without the online aspects this game is just a quirky little Japanese oddity with no real goal.
As someone who grew up with a Wii and not a PS3, I can't really say much about this game as I never got to play it when it was a thing, but as a Katamari Damacy fan I guess I'm kinda disappointed since Keita Takahashi never really got to make another game that had original gameplay but also an addictive one, but I do wish someday he'll try to go back to his root and try to work on something that has both a great and unique presentation while having addictive and fun gameplay.

I will not rate this game as it's not really a game, without the online aspect and just ranking the game as it is it would just be a 2.5/5, cute but there's nothing to do.

The music when Girl reaches a new planet is the best.

This is a dumb game but I think the game itself knows it so it's fine. I usually just boot it up to listen to the weird easter egg song and hear the streching sound to get some ASMR going

I didn't play the game long enough to see girl reach out all the way to the furthest galaxy, but it was always very relaxing to just wander around Keita Takahashi's wacky imagination.