Reviews from

in the past

Out of all of the Contra games I've played so far, Operation C has got to be the easiest and most comfortable.
Of course, there's still some challenge here, but after Contra III being hard as balls, it was nice having a more comfortable game to go through.

The gameplay is very much based on Super C, and Stages 2 and 4 of this game are very similar to the top-down levels of Super C, and in general, Operation C doesn't have much unique stuff.

It's pretty much a Contra Diet for the Game Boy, and I think that's fine.
I enjoyed my time with Operation C regardless.

Fizeram um mashup enorme, colocaram músicas do Contra 1, fases do Super C reimaginados, e ficou... bom?

É bem daora, só que infelizmente as fases são muito longas, então cada game over é muito mais frustrante que um jogo padrão da franquia. Algumas partes da fase final são meio sacanas também e por fim, tem alguns bosses meio chatões.

Enfim, bom jogo.

The Game Boy Contra, I put this off back in the day due to this one only having 9 Lives Code instead of 30, luckily there is a rom hack to fix that issue and with that I played and quite enjoyed it, it's short but hey it's a Game Boy game and I don't enjoy many original GB games but this one is really fun and have all the signature beauty of console Contra. This is the last game I played to finally complete all classic Contras, atleast the ones I find worthwhile.

Did you know at one point Contra III was gonna be called Super Contra IV? Acknowledging this one as Contra 3 but didn't happen fsr, maybe they thought title was too similar to Castlevania 4? You're still number 3 in my heart, Operation C!...and I guess that makes Contra III Contra IV and Contra 4 would be Contra 5 lol

Surprisingly fun and complete Contra game considering the hardware it's designed for. Might be one of the best action games for the original gameboy.

Played on the Switch version of Contra Anniversary Collection. I deleted the collection from my library, so I will not be continuing this game.

It's contra for your tiny crappy screen!
It's alright.

It seems like a pretty good conversion of the 8-bit Contra formula. The monochrome screen makes it harder to tell what's going on. The difficulty level is extremely frustrating - even with the Konami code. It's practically impossible without cheats and is past the point of being fun.

Muy buen traslado de la formula a una plataforma inferior técnicamente.

Great game, and the difficulty is perfect, but the platforming can be absolutely bullshit, since they decided to put everything at a sort of isometric angle, making pixel perfect jumps hard as all hell. Still a fun challenging experience, even with a few shortcomings, but man, i fucking hate that platforming.

It's a great remix of the older Contra games shrunk down to a Game Boy experience. Nothing really new, but does the most it could with the tech limitations of the system.

obviously less developed or high octane than the 4 other contra games i played but i'm a big fan of the game boy aesthetic, music included, so it's not much worse than any of them by me.
this type of GB game, cute little portable versions of then-current home console games, gets i think benefited by the current contexts where they get played: for free/very cheap, not as curios exactly but as a product of underpowered days gone, where they're easier to appreciate as exactly that, miniature versions that don't last as long, have relatively crunched screens, all the silly and/or cute aspects inherent to them that i find charming, even having grown with a wii and then 3ds ps3 wii u. being that those don't make this game unplayable or unfun, just a bit slower and with awkwardly short horizontally jumps, it's a good deal. in our demake-filled landscape i think these games r undervalued (mario land is better than smb1)

Oh, thank god. The first entry on the Game Boy of a well-known Konami series...that...ISN'T SHIT?! Seriously, though, this game is a very pleasant surprise, comparing it to Castlevania: The Adventure. The only thing they have in common other than being the first entry of a Konami series (starting with C) on Game Boy is that they both have great music. However, this one instead has much more reused music, taking up about half the tracklist. It's a little disappointing, but these are pretty good renditions of those NES songs from the original games. The graphics look nice, especially playing it on the Konami GB Collection (which is how I played it). The gameplay is very similar to classic Contra on the NES, with a few (bearable) changes. Some of them were even good, such as the built-in autofire. Yep, no Machine Gun power up, it's the default. Laser was also booted, leaving Spread, Fireball, and a newcomer. Spread Shot was downgraded to 3 bullets per shot, though by getting another Spread Shot power up, it's upgraded back to 5 bullets, with higher shot speed as well. Fireball is about the same as Super C, but with the autofire mechanic built in. And finally, we have the Homing power up. It's first-tier Spread Shot, but it has homing. AND YES. IT IS VERY OVERPOWERED. I got from Stage 1 to halfway through Stage 4 on one life JUST because of Homing. Speaking of stages, there are five. Less than the NES' eight, a humble number, but still enough so that it has some meat on its bones. The stages are as follows: Harbor, Base, Jungle/Waterfall, Alien Base, and the Laboratory (not official names, I made these up). Stages 2 and 4 are top-down, like Super C, and the rest are normal side-scrolling. I'm glad they went with the top-down stages, but I think it would've been cool if they threw a 3rd-person hallway stage in there. Nothing is wrong with these stages, hell, I think they're pretty good (favorite is stage 2), but none of them are very memorable. They just feel like...more Contra stages, nothing revolutionary, but obviously I can excuse that for being a GB game. For Contra fans, this is definitely a must-play, even if just for the novelty of it. I think it's a great addition to the series. Would be cool to see a remake, but of course, that probably won't happen. (but if it does get remade like 7 years later, I am officially a prophet)

Operation C is a really good adaptation of Contra on a handheld Game Boy, shocks me to see this is only ‘91 because this is a quality product.

Maintains the side scrolling and overhead stages of the originals, gone are the behind third person view…

I’d only dock it for being outrageously difficult during the final stage. The power-ups are non-existent and it’s impossible to beat with only the three lives you are given. I tried fruitlessly to do a code for extra lives, the Konami Code unlocks a level select which is good but yeah cheesing with Save States was my only real way to persevere through.

There's a lot to like about this game and there's a lot to complain about. On one hand it is great that you can hold down the fire button no matter what weapon you have. There's also a homing gun which is very nifty. However, a lot of the difficulty is stripped from this game and it ends up being way too easy. I feel because of this it is the best Contra game to introduce to beginners but otherwise not on the level of the NES games. (Barring Contra Force, obviously)

Also, having your final boss do nothing while you attack it is super lame and shouldn't be in any game ever.

how you're supposed to do this with 9 lives and no save states I don't know