Reviews from

in the past

he llegado a amenazar a mis amigos de muerte por este juego de mierda, mis amigos han llegado a amenazarme de muerte
que gran juego, la verdad

Difficile quand tes potes sont des bras cassés.

I thank this game for expanding my vocabulary cause every time I play it, from my mouth came out the most obscene, hurtful and honest insults, on 17 different languages, 2 of them undiscovered all because my friends can’t put the fucking meat on the pan.

This game had such a large amount of charm and interesting level design which lead to me having some of the most fun playing co-op game since like MHW. Was refreshing playing a silly party game after playing long epic story rich rpgs.

working a minimum wage job: the video game

Just me an the boys cookin and yelling at each other.

No sweat just blood and tears.


The throwing mechanic lifts this sequel to even greater heights. Some new dishes and different level mechanics are welcome but expected additions. Should replay, writing this has gotten me feeling like playing it again.

The bear season 3

Nunca jueguen esta mierda. Nos la pasamos gritando como si estuvieramos en the bear.
Soy carmy por cierto.

Fantastic couch-coop game that can be played also with anyone that is not well-versed with videogames, resulting in fun, chaotic moments.
But even if you yell at the monitor every now and then, you will be coming back to get those 3 stars. It's just so much fun!

One of the best co-op game experiences in my opinion. A lot of fun and a lot of chaos!

While easy to reduce to just "a silly fun co-op game with friends," I found myself unexpectedly impressed with Overcooked 2's design. Countless games have tried to invoke the frantic chaos of busy restaurant-style food prep, but Overcooked 2 stands out as an ideal blend of simplicity and co-op commotion.

Level design is the main standout for me, with (mostly) fun gimmicks throughout, designed to shake up the formula each time the party seems to be getting the hang of things. These range from the team being split up in pairs on two separate rafts drifting down river, forced to use the new throw mechanic to toss food back and forth, to crazy late-game gimmicks like one chef tasked with operating a control panel to move platforms carrying other chefs where they need to go. With no shortage of creativity, each level feels fairly distinct with its own flavor, and the difficulty curve is pretty consistent too.

Something as seemingly simple as assembling a cheeseburger with your closest friends can quickly become hectic when the terrain itself morphs to render some areas of the level completely inaccessible, the game is generally difficult enough that groups playing for the first time will have to play later levels more than once if they want a three star rating. This process of dividing up tasks and making efforts to optimize as much as possible was one of the more enjoyable aspects for me, I typically played with a group of three or sometimes four players. Much more challenging four star ratings become available in the post-game, striking a nice balance between groups that want to tryhard, compared to a more casual team that's just satisfied with finishing the campaign.

Not all these levels are winners, and the typical co-op frustration is there, but conquering a tough level as a group of four is rewarding and most importantly, a ton of fun. My alligator chef was often on rice duty or pasta duty, and some of my more selfless allies volunteered themselves for the much less exciting dishwasher job. I didn't forget your sacrifice, guys.


Great party game, but quickly overwhelming

The early levels are fine with small quirks, but later one get more tedious with layouts and gimmicks on top of trying to remember recipes. Everyone was quick to tap out after 2 levels.

pov: if me and my friends were in The Bear

O melhor jogo cooperativo pra acabar com relacionamento, amizades e humilhar pessoas

I couldn't finish this game, not because it was too hard but because my friends hate me now

Release your inner Gordon Ramsay on your friends!

Fun game!

Is it as good as the first one? No, but it maintains the same idea and is enjoyable, although it's much easier.

jogo casual que é bem mais divertido pra jogar em multiplayer local, pois o single é tão sem graça e fica impossível.

a melhor coisa é ver o caos acontecer na cozinha do jogo e com as pessoas jogando esse troço

nothing makes my girlfriend more upset than how bad I am at this game

acelerou em pelo menos três meses meu término com minha ex, ótimo jogo.

Play with 3 people so they can yell at each other instead of you.

This game this game almost ended my relationship a great game