Reviews from

in the past

O jogo é excelente, mas deveria ter um pouco mais de fases.
Joguei com minha namorada, quase apanhei.
Recomendo 🤕👍🏼

Enjoyment - 5/10
Difficulty - 3/10

The sequel to the crazy cooking game. My order was Overdone.

Um dos melhores coops locais de todos, ótimo pra festas, pra jogar com um amigo num dia de bobeira, e tem uma mecânica boa e divertida. Podia ter menos história, ninguém liga pra história

Sponk is the worst cook ever

A bigger and more complicated sequel, I think I like the first one slightly better. I wasn't able to finish it, I don't remember if I got stuck or what.

Very fun game, to play with friends and family, works with up to 4 people, which is incredible, witnessing the confusion of it, it just gets a little too difficult in some parts, but that's part of the fun.

Meia estrela a menos para cada vez que quis dropar o jogo por alguma coisa idiota de alguma fase (fui até o final)

Cook oouughhhh throw the rice oouuuuuuuhhhh wash the dishes ggguhuuhuuu.

last night was like a movie and then u ask them about last night and it was just them playing overcooked 2 LOL


I luv this game SO MUCH. I'm a casual coop fanatic, and this one hits me hard

I always wanna play it, but everytime someone begins a journey with me, 99% we don't finish it. I just beated it one time with 2 more friends and it was a w e s o m e. We got 3 stars on every level, It's a great challenge

For me, a must-play

Just me an the boys cookin and yelling at each other.

No sweat just blood and tears.

working a minimum wage job: the video game

pov: if me and my friends were in The Bear

fun when it works. Just don't play it with your brown friend

my friend asked me to go to her house so to beat this game with her she then proceeded to berate me for the next 3 hours because i kept falling off the plane it ended up with me crying in front of the tv screaming im sorry while cooking some fucking blueberry pancakes

oated and grained all over

Acho o jogo bem divertido no geral. Ainda mais quando jogo com outros 3 amigos, pois aí o jogo se torna uma confusão intergalática.

more of the same...which is to say fun!

Pretty fun even with friends who are not very experienced gamers and the level gimmicks are pretty neat, but ever since plate up came out it feels kind of outdated.

Some new recipes are cool, but the game starts out too easy and becomes increasingly Very difficult, the final levels are boring as they start to punish small mistakes a lot and become more about movement than time management

THe party game. Also, my heart rate goes up when I look at this.

Amazing multiplayer party game.
Gameplay: absurd. This game imitates exactly the cooking experience. You feel the pressure of being in a real professional kitchen. You will be challenged in every single stage the game will throw at you.
Presentation: I appreciated the soundtrack and the aura of epicness it evokes. Every environments is well designed and feels different from one another.
Play with someone. It will enhance the overall experience.

Difficile quand tes potes sont des bras cassés.

Great party game, but quickly overwhelming

The early levels are fine with small quirks, but later one get more tedious with layouts and gimmicks on top of trying to remember recipes. Everyone was quick to tap out after 2 levels.

I think my girlfriend is tired of my constant “YES CHEF”s more than my inability to follow basic instructions.

Um dos melhores jogos co-op que existe.

It seems like a cute and well crafted game but it feels kinda boring to play on your own. Maybe I'll do a proper review of this game if I get someone else to play with.

I thank this game for expanding my vocabulary cause every time I play it, from my mouth came out the most obscene, hurtful and honest insults, on 17 different languages, 2 of them undiscovered all because my friends can’t put the fucking meat on the pan.