Reviews from

in the past

O jogo é excelente, mas deveria ter um pouco mais de fases.
Joguei com minha namorada, quase apanhei.
Recomendo 🤕👍🏼

Vampires and stakes... werewolves and silver bullets.... demons and holy water... Nick Robinson's career at Polygon and Overcooked... I feel like I've played a piece of history

Just finished playing this entire thing co-op with my lovely girlfriend mayagirli ( We absolutely rinsed this thing, getting 3 stars on every level including all DLC, and what a good time we had doing it too. We were a well-oiled machine, settling into our roles very quickly and typically getting 3-stars on a blind run of a level.

It's a juicy formula Overcooked 2! has, and the developers squeeze it dry, reworking the core mechanics into so many interesting configurations. The free DLC alone almost doubles the game's total content, and with the reasonably priced paid DLC on top of that, the main campaign is but a fraction of what Overcooked! 2 has to offer.

My only real issues are presentational elements. The main thrust of the game's narrative is that the "unbread" have been risen by the careless Onion King, and our chefs must travel the kingdom to make them delicious food, satisfying their hunger and putting them back in the ground. Outside of the the game's opening and ending levels, the main campaign gives up on presenting this theme entirely. Kitchens generally stick to a restaurant theme, with many even including visible customers (human, not "unbread"). Thankfully, one of the DLCs does a much better job at presenting this narrative element, featuring horde-mode-esque levels which function differently from the regular levels.

Other flaws include a lacking world map, some issues with readability, and odd physics when an object isn't locked onto the grid. Aside from those, we had a fantastic time with Overcooked! 2. Developing a strategy, refining the execution, getting into the rhythm of it... it's so satisfying when you get it right. Looking forward to going back and playing the first at some point, but for now I think we're Overcooked out.

my friend asked me to go to her house so to beat this game with her she then proceeded to berate me for the next 3 hours because i kept falling off the plane it ended up with me crying in front of the tv screaming im sorry while cooking some fucking blueberry pancakes

Cut the lettuce
Heat the grill
Toast the buns
Cook the patties
Serve the drinks
Melt the cheese
French the fries
Sweep the floors

The ketchup, the mustard the salt and the pepper,
Pour it on right cuz we got no extras
You watch the grill, control the flame guys,
Follow the rules stay productive and wise

Cook those burgers
Turn the patty over
Watch them fries
Better execute sooner
Bring on the ketchup
Don't forget the cheese
Bring on the mustard
Handle it with ease

Um jogo que apesar da aparência bonitinha, pode facilmente destruir uma amizade ou casamento de anos. Recomendo jogar com quem funciona sob pressão (não foi o meu caso). No mais, extremamente divertido, principalmente em cooperativo.

Pretty fun co-op game that can be beaten in just about one sitting. Though the levels aren't as good as the first one and feels slightly easier.

Sponk is the worst cook ever

A bigger and more complicated sequel, I think I like the first one slightly better. I wasn't able to finish it, I don't remember if I got stuck or what.

Acho o jogo bem divertido no geral. Ainda mais quando jogo com outros 3 amigos, pois aí o jogo se torna uma confusão intergalática.

Meia estrela a menos para cada vez que quis dropar o jogo por alguma coisa idiota de alguma fase (fui até o final)

Loved the first game so much that I 100%'d it.
We quit playing Overcooked 2 about halfway through the last world after 3-starring every level before it.
The second game is needlessly more difficult and wacky. Doesn’t really introduce many more mechanics. It’s just the first game but harder.
And not a fun challenging. It’s a difficulty spike that feels random. It’s difficult to get into a groove in later levels as they just feel chaotic.

This is the dark souls of cooking games

Some new recipes are cool, but the game starts out too easy and becomes increasingly Very difficult, the final levels are boring as they start to punish small mistakes a lot and become more about movement than time management

Amazing multiplayer party game.
Gameplay: absurd. This game imitates exactly the cooking experience. You feel the pressure of being in a real professional kitchen. You will be challenged in every single stage the game will throw at you.
Presentation: I appreciated the soundtrack and the aura of epicness it evokes. Every environments is well designed and feels different from one another.
Play with someone. It will enhance the overall experience.

This game requires a special relationship with someone. My spouse and I had a great time but I cannot imagine playing it with anyone else.

While the game itself is much more polished than the first, the star ranking is a lot more forgiving so it's not as challenging.

The levels are more unique gameplay wise, but I do wish there were more variation in style. The recipes this time around do add some interesting mechanics as well. Also throwing items is definitely a big plus!

Still ends up being a fun co-op game to play through.

fun when it works. Just don't play it with your brown friend

Enjoyment - 5/10
Difficulty - 3/10

The sequel to the crazy cooking game. My order was Overdone.

Um dos melhores coops locais de todos, ótimo pra festas, pra jogar com um amigo num dia de bobeira, e tem uma mecânica boa e divertida. Podia ter menos história, ninguém liga pra história

Acho que eu nunca gritei tanto a frase mais conhecida machistamente do mundo "VAI LAVA A LOUÇA MULHER", no caso eu tava jogando com a linda da Sofia mas ela também me falava pra fazer tudo, igual a mim, os dois se odeiam mas se amam como sempre, joguinho simplesmente MARAVILHOSO só doeu MUITO a mão pra jogar esse jogo por muito tempo, trilha sonora BOAS PRA UM CARALHO, independente de quantas vezes eu escutava não era enjoativo, de verdade, são poucos jogos assim mais casuais que são feitos com TANTO carinho, cozinhar com uma CONSTANTE pressão nunca foi tão desafiador e também muito legal, principalmente em uma companhia tão divertida e maravilhosa como a da Sofia, TE AMO LINDA, eu realmente amei a experiência em questão de tudo, só não gostei TANTO ASSIM de que existem fases mais sem graça que outras, mas isso não é o problema, o problema em si é que dá pra perceber quando as fases são BEM fáceis e logo em seguida vem de cara uma muito difícil, não existe meio que um balançeamento de progresso, quando você avança de mundo ou capítulo não tem como você muito entender a dificuldade das fases, não que isso seja um ENORME PROBLEMA mas me incomodou um pouco que as dificuldade das fases são meio que aleatórias, menos no começo porque né as primeiras fases servem de tutorial, não dá pra fazer algo TÃO IMPOSSÍVEL ASSIM NO COMEÇO, mas olha... Que joguinho maravilhoso, novamente, eu amei a experiência e realmente quero vivenciá-la novamente em um futuro terceiro jogo. AO TRABALHO CHEFES!!!

more of the same...which is to say fun!

oated and grained all over

last night was like a movie and then u ask them about last night and it was just them playing overcooked 2 LOL

Very fun game, to play with friends and family, works with up to 4 people, which is incredible, witnessing the confusion of it, it just gets a little too difficult in some parts, but that's part of the fun.

It's got a nice polish and even preserves some of the charm from its predecessor, but I'm very much not a fan of some of the new bells and whistles, and was very much left wondering why Overcooked even needed a sequel at all.


Cook oouughhhh throw the rice oouuuuuuuhhhh wash the dishes ggguhuuhuuu.

quase perdi muitas amizades mas eh fenomenal !!!!