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What an interesting experience this was. From what I can tell, most Ace Attorney fans see this as a “high highs, low lows” kind of game, and yeah I’d say I agree with that. I think the new mainstays are very strong, Pearl and Franziska are both great characters, and again those highs are insanely high. The final case is better than every case in the first game, and the second one is very strong too. But the first case is a mixed bag, and Turnabout Big Top is one of the worst segments I’ve ever played in a video game LMAO. So that alone shows that the game is literally a 50/50 experience. I have my other issues with it as well, like how Franziska is kind of underutilized, and how it feels more like a tool for the overall series’ plot rather than something that is a conclusive story from start to end. Seems like the score I have is way too high, and tbh maybe you’re right 💀. But at the end of the day, it’s still Ace Attorney. All of the first game’s best qualities are still on full display here, the gameplay is insanely satisfying and cathartic to succeed in, the mysteries are consistently pretty investing and leave you wanting to know the truth, the main characters are still as strong as ever, if not stronger. Characters like Edgeworth and even Mia get new sides explored of them that we didn’t really see in the previous game, and the dilemma that Phoenix is faced with in the final trial is genuinely incredible, and acts as a fascinating deep dive into his character. Sure Maya is pretty much the same but also she’s the goat so I can let it slide. Basically, if this were a game in a shittier franchise, then it’d be a LOT more fucked.

Ace Attorney Justice For All is a game largely carried by its final case. The others, while good, with the exception for turnabout big top, don't particularly have that AA spark that almost all of the cases in the original had. With each case of the original, it felt as if the cases were written around each character in the main cast, as Edgeworth, Phoenix and Gumshoe all grow as actual people over the course of the game. In Justice For All, it rather feels like they’re filler cases, where nothing of any real importance is advanced with the exception of the new prosecutor. It even feels as if they’re constantly looking for excuses to shove Maya off to the side for the sake of Pearl being the focus helper of the game. And while I certainly like Pearl, I don’t want Maya to totally disappear because of her.

But, like I said, the final case more than makes up for what is a light and fun, but ultimately filler Ace Attorney

Substantially worse than the first game---every case drags, even the ones that are well-written.

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This game is so crazy in terms of quality. It starts off with a case for babies and so much handholding and bad writing. After that it has a pretty good case which makes me excited for the next game. After that, the worst case I have ever played with every single character acting super wrong and multiple pedophiles and one of the biggest logical leaps that I have seen in these games, maybe even in any game. Finally, one of the best cases I have ever played with twists and turns, it flips the whole thing on its head and provides wonderful characterization for Phoenix and Edgeworth. All in all, it was good and bad, it was fantastic and horrible, it was smooth and clunky in terms of logic. It was a mess but it was still fun.

The Ace Attorney games have always lived and died by their story and characterizations. This is only natural when a game has fewer gameplay elements and mechanics than your average Point-and-Click adventure. Unfortunately, a compelling story is where Justice for All falls short.

It leans heavily into the ridiculous and wacky side of the series, asking the player to stretch the suspension of their disbelief to its breaking point, with zany cases and a logic that sometimes is hard to follow; it's just a little too much. You lose sight of the original’s charm and humor, when each new case just tries to top the previous one, instead of offering a compelling murder mystery to crack.

Adds more mechanics to the original and new music, however the 3rd case sucks and is about two older men having a love triangle with a 16 year old which isn't treated as weird at all, and they removed the best song from the original.

Achei esse inferior ao primeiro. O primeiro caso é só um tutorial, mas gostei de colocarem que o Phoenix estaca sofrendo de amnésia pra justificar o por que ele não saber como o tribunal funciona.

O segundo caso é muito interessante, apesar de algumas coisas serem previsíveis.

O terceiro caso eu realmente não gostei. Ele começa bem, mas eu simplesmente achei a solução dele extremamente viajada.

Agora, o quarto caso encerra o jogo de uma forma perfeita. Foi o melhor caso da série até agora pra mim e há momentos que conseguem te passar tensão.

Acho que ele tem os mesmos defeitos que o primeiro, com a diferença que o enredo de alguns casos não são tão bons assim. E o defeito de não ter uma tradução pra português dificulta ainda mais a experiência (eu joguei ele na coletânea de Xbox Séries).

PW:AA:JFA repete os mesmos defeitos do seu antecessor e peca um pouco na história, mas se você gostou do primeira e gosta de histórias de investigação, tenho certeza que esse jogo pode te agradar.

Ignore case 3 and we are good

The small improvements in gameplay mechanics like the psyche-locks and presenting profiles not being restricted to punctual situations are very appreciated. Justice for All actually makes a poor first impression, because the tutorial case is very bad, and while the third case is great, it's very flawed. However, the second and fourth cases are phenomenal and represent a much longer fraction of the game than the other two, which solidifies this game's position as one of my favorites of all time.

Oh, how a foolish fool makes a foolish face while dreaming foolishly foolish dreams~

Shu Takumi dijo que lo escribió borracho y se nota.

Lo único bueno es el último caso y porque ya se le estaba pasando la borrachera.

imo the best game from the trilogy, but ill admit its rough around the edges. rough in the middle, actually. rough in the case 3. but every other case is great, and the finale case is one of the best in the series

Nearly a decade after my first time playing the trilogy, I'm finding new appreciation for the unraveling of its mysteries, the warmth of its characters, and particularly in Justice For All, the ambition of its final chapter. While the finale of the trilogy and the later great ace attorney Saga both present a much more interwoven and ambitious overall plot, Farewell, My Turnabout is still the most densely packed, nail biting roller coaster of a case we've had the privilege of enjoying. It's always special when a game series decides to flip even its most core conceit on its head.

The second game in the original trilogy is not bad in any sense. However, in comparison to 1 and 3, it feels slightly disconnected. The second chapter delves into the Fey mythology and introduces the village of Khura'in, as well as Pearl, who's great. While I love chapter 3 and 4 in their own right, again, in comparison to the cases that follow the main Phoenix/Maya/Edgeworth storyline. Although, the final case is one of the most memorable, with de Killer and Engarde being great characters and having a great twist. Almost forgot how great Franziska von Karma is, too, and her storyline with Edgeworth. Great game, and continuing with good music.

Weak compared to AA1, and Turnabout Big Top is infamously bad for a reason. Last case is stellar though, and Franny is an entertaining antagonist.

The fourth case is better than the fourth or fifth cases from the first game, which is kind of incredible. The game leading up to that point is a much more mixed bag, with some absolutely awful sections. It's a bit hard to rate a game with such higher highs and lower lows. Overall I think I'd give it the same score as the first game but that doesn't really give the full picture of how they compare to each other.

I've only played this game and the one before it at the time of writing, so it's quite obvious to me that this game is a huge dip in quality from the last one. This game isn't nearly as consistent as the previous game. Justice for All has its first two cases pretty alright without much memorabilia to them and its third case is just extremely annoying when it comes to trial.

However, the fourth and final case of this game is arguably the best of the maybe 9 or 10 cases I've played with this series. I really like the fact that it throws several curveballs in terms of what you come to expect being a defense attorney. Suffice it to say, this final case HARD carries this entire game.

Still a bit disappointed in the lack of different types of cases. Like the first game, it sticks you just murder cases you solve. Really wish that whenever I get to the third game that gripe is fixed. Also, I didn't really like the fact that a lot of the staple soundtrack was changed in this game. I found the soundtrack of the first game to be very iconic given how many times I've seen it used across the internet, so maybe I'm just being grumpy, but it felt a bit off-putting that I was hearing different tunes altogether than what I came to expect.

3/5. Kinda wish this game didn't really exist but the final case of this game makes up for everything I had to bear before it.

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There is a lot to say about this game and it feels wrong giving it the equivalent of a 7 but I think that it's accurate.

I will start with the bad first. A lot of the new characters introduced in this game are not super enjoyable. For example, Franziska von Karma is very annoying for most of her screen time, which is kind of a problem when she is the main prosecutor you go up against in this game. She'll constantly whip everyone in the court and keep repeating that Phoenix is a "foolishly foolish fool" over and over again. Her base personality is so annoying that even though they started to give her some more depth near the end it doesn't mean a lot (although she has potential to become a better character). Pearl is a character that is cute and sweet but there are somethings about her that are just somewhat annoying. The constant shipping of Phoenix and Maya for example is just weird, and there are times where she says things that are impressive for any child her age to know, and then others where she doesn't even know the most basic words and concepts. She is basically just very inconsistent and half of her dialogue feels like it's her whining, but I don't necessarily dislike her. I still enjoy her cute childlike innocence for the most part, it's just that I think she is a weaker character than some of the original characters such as her cousin Maya. Other than weaker recurring characters than the first game, the cases are much less consistent as well. The first tutorial case is mostly forgettable, I don't really have any strong feelings about it. I also don't have super strong feelings about the first real case. It doesn't stand out as anything special but it definitely wasn't anything bad and it introduced a lot of things that I'm sure could come back in a more major way in the third game. The third case, however, is genuinely the worst case of the series so far. All of the characters introduced during this case are unbearable. The annoying clown, the asshole puppet and his creepy ventriloquist, the extremely annoying and stupid daughter of the victim, and then to top it all off the defendant in this case is just an arrogant asshole magician. A lot of these characters are into the underage daughter that I mentioned as well and are trying to pursue her in a romantic way which is really weird. Phoenix and even the judge will also make comments every once in a while that come across as creepy and really weird, and the game doesn't really acknowledge how weird it is. Even Maya will cheer for her to get with the puppet for example. But anyways, these characters that you have to constantly interact with throughout this case just made it kind of hard to sit through sometimes, but I don't actually dislike it as much as others just because I think the core gameplay of Ace Attorney is still quite enjoyable. It is still bad though.

Now that I've mostly got the negatives out of the way, I want to go into detail about what I think this game does really well. I will start with general gameplay improvements before moving on to the more interesting stuff. To start, they introduce a new mechanic called "psyche-locks" that add a whole new level of engagement in the investigation process. In the first game all you do is gather the evidence and that's it, but in this game you have to do that while also breaking through the characters' lies and get them to tell you the truth so you can have a better understanding of the situation to use in court. I didn't like this addition at first, but it really grew on me as, like I said, I think it made the gameplay more engaging. Other than this I don't think the game play changed in any major way, but it has been a while since I played the first game now so there could be things I am forgetting. Anyways though now I want to get into what really stands out about this game, and that is the final case.

Right off the bat this case hits you with a twist when Maya is kidnapped and Phoenix is forced to take the defendant as his client or else the kidnapper will not let Maya go. It introduces the question very early of "Would you fight to get a not guilty for a murderer if it meant saving Maya?" which is a question that stays prominent throughout the case. At first you think that he is really innocent and there is nothing to worry about, but as time passes the truth starts to reveal itself and spoiler alert: the defendant is a guilty party. This dilemma and what it does for Phoenix's character is by far the best part about the game. It explores his character in a way that I would have never expected from Ace Attorney and it made me appreciate him and the game a lot more. It really makes you question your own morality and what you would do if you were in that situation, and what it really means to be a lawyer. Another thing that makes this case better is that Edgeworth is back and he is actually the lead prosecutor for the case, which means no more whipping and shit from franziska. He also has a lot going on as well as he has changed since the last time we saw him in the first game. No longer is he just the enemy but throughout most of this case he kind of works as your ally and he also heavily contributes to the main theme of "what does it mean to be a lawyer." Gone are the times where he would forge evidence and do anything to get a guilty verdict, he has come to realize that his true job is discovering the truth, and he uses his experience and growth to help Phoenix better understand himself and grow as well. There's a level of character depth to this case that was never present in the series before and I really appreciated that. I could go into a lot more detail about this case and what I love about it, but I struggle to even find the best way to start explaining my thoughts and I think what I have said does a good job at generally giving what makes it so great. I believe it to be the best case in the series so far and I think they will have trouble ever topping it. It is genuinely a 10/10 experience, however, since the rest of the game doesn't really match up to that quality, the overall game gets more of a 7-7.5/10. Not as consistent as the first game and has much lower lows, but the highs are much higher as well. Definitely worth playing if you liked the first game for the last case alone.

Before I talk about the negatives of this game I would like to say that case 2 is a really good set up for the third game and that case 4 was a really suspenseful case with shell de killer begin really intimating. However those do not save the game from the dreaded case Turnabout Big Top. It is easily the worst case in the entire series, with such a gross plot line off a love triangle between 21 year old and 31 year all fighting for the love off a 16 year. The whole mystery off the case was boring as well as the setting. I also found the killers motives for murder being pretty fucking petty and he could off sorted it out by a rational adult. This game also seems to lack an overall plot unlike the first game with the DL6 incident and the third game focusing on dahlia Hawthorne and her family. I fell that Franziska also barley gets any development and hell even the ost was pretty forgettable. the only songs i remember Reminiscence ~ Steel Samurai's Ballad which is pretty good and Berry Big Circus which is the complete opposite of good.

Case ranking:

the circus case is one of the most jarring, unpleasant, tonally dissonant experiences i have had in years. the game bounces back and forth from being engaging and dynamic to dull and colorless, and the villain in the end serves more as a tool for growth for phoenix than an actual character. this feels like an attempt was made but whiffed. looking forward to the much praised sequel.

Justice for All como sequência traz mecânicas que melhoram a narrativa de investigação, como apresentar perfis dos personagens, deixando separado das evidências, deixando bem menos complicado apresentação de alguns fatos nos casos e psy lockers que deixam a seção de investigação mais envolvente e instigante.

Em relação a história, maioria dos casos tem uma história mais fraca que anterior, talvez ainda com problema de ritmo durante as investigações que pode deixar um tanto chato,porém ultimo além de ser possivelmente o melhor caso entre os dois, a narrativa do jogo ainda trás um desenvolvimento muito bom pra todos personagens, principalmente pro protagonista.

Really wish half the cases weren't bad. Last case is a true masterpiece though, maybe my favorite in the series. Besides the obvious 3-5, of course.

2-1 - meh
2-2 - ok
2-3 - garbage
2-4 - the best fucking case in the entire series what the fuck

O primeiro Ace Attorney foi absurdo de bom, um dos melhores jogos que já joguei na vida e eu pensei que a sequencia seria tão bom quanto mas eu fui olhando pela internet e reparei que MUITA gente deteste o Justice For All então fiquei com a pulga atrás da orelha
Resumindo: Ao longo das minhas horas de jogo posso falar que o Justice For All é tão bom quanto o original, a trilha sonora mudou mas continuo marcante, todos os casos chegam a ser ser surpreendestes e sem falar que o ultimo caso é o melhor de todos porque aquilo..foi digno de um filme, meus amigos
Eu amei o Justice for All e para mim ele é tão bom quanto o primeiro

eu quero que o caso do circo vá pra merda

Replaying this game made me realize how harsh I was being first time I played. Although, half of the cases are unforgivably bad 2-2 is pretty good and 2-4 is a masterpiece. My opinion on the ost hasn't changed much. It is still one of the least memorable in the series not bad though and it has its moments. 2-4 carries this game though.

More Attorney shenigans, it's a good game yet it feels the weakest of the trilogy, oh well, Love Franny

Perdeu a memória o que vtnc kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

2 Casos Peak, 2 Caso legalzinho.
Não superou o 1 pra mim, mas me conquistou em muita coisa. A Música, Os Personagens...
E acho eles melhores desenvolvidos do que no jogo anterior até, tudo isso em um pacote lindo.
E bom, nem preciso comentar do Caso 4, simplesmente magnífico e tenso.
Pelo o que me disseram, eu esperava que era um jogo fraco, e hoje em dia, até que é pra mim....aí lembrei que Ace Attorney não tem jogo ruim Hihihihi