Reviews from

in the past

Legitimately one of the greatest games ever. Especially the final case which literally blew me away.

a much more cohesive package than aa2, with less arbitrary solutions, this game sold me on the franchise enough to finish the rest of it, even if rumors make me think it'll never hit these highs again. time for some coffee.

Atmey: The name is Atmey... Luke Atmey! ...Ace Detective.

Err, umm... The name's Wright. Phoenix Wright... ...Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations (2006)

This may sound a bit sacrilegious, but I do think Trials and Tribulations has its fair share of problems that hold this game back from being a perfect finale for the trilogy.

The third case of this one is also pretty bad. At times, I even thought its characters were more annoying than the circus guys, who could at least sometimes get a laugh out of me. It was introduced in Justice For All at first, but this game is arguably more annoying about it, which is the amount of unfunny pervert characters. They kind of ruined Larry for me in this game because of this. Dahlia Hawthorne is a really great villain except for the that very weird writing decision they make in regard to Terry Fawles and her that I’m sure you can get at what I’m saying. Its just a bunch of small elements that don’t sit right with me.

However, the final case of this game is an amazing way to tie all the characters together and conclude all the remaining threads the trilogy has. The way it even ties back to DL-6 was incredible and satisfying and elevates the trilogy as a fantastic set of games, even with their flaws.

an amazing conclusion to the trilogy. Diego Armando is very hot and I think he made me realize things that I only understood better later, glad to say that an ace attorney character helped me discover my sexuality.

A masterpiece, my favorite of the trilogy and one of my fav games of all time, I've never experienced such an amazing story, where everything comes togethere and goes forward just so right. Atleast it feels like I've never experienced anything quite like it, or maybe I geniuenly haven't lol but either way this is one awesome game

This is probably the best game in the series.

This is the best Ace Attorney game around. Either this or Investigations 2.

primeiro caso da trilogia: prove por que seu amigo Larry não matou uma mulher


the only time a lawyer can cry is when it's all over... que jogo foda

Dahlia Harthorne and Mr. Frog when they are in a psychopath competition but their opponent is Louie from Pikmin:

they graduated from the servington university with a masters in cuntology motherquake measuring 9.9 on the cunter scale broke the cuntometer

Bridge to the turnabout is the best case in the trilogy. Loved this game. Godot especially lol

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I would cry like that too if I went from looking like Ichiban Kasuga to Gojo Satoru
If the citizens of Naples knew about a videogame character named Diego Armando they would honestly go crazy to be honest

To me the best Ace Attorney yet. It may focus too much to one case in the background until the end but it's so well written I don't care.

Right after 3-5 finished, and the credits rolled, all I could say was "holy fuck". 80 hours through these 3 games, and this is the one that just got everything right. I don't have much words to say, just a truly emotional and personal experience, and by the end it ended up shaping out to be one of the best games I've ever played.

The only time a lawyer can cry is when it's all over.

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Sale un pederasta y se muere

This game changed how I engaged with media forever, made mystery fiction my favourite genre of writing, became my favourite game series ever and irreparably changing me as a person from the day I finished to the day I die. I was like 14 when that happened, fucked up honestly.

We return once again to the role of Phoenix Wright for the conclusion of this trilogy. Where Justice For All floundered due to poor writing and some tedious cases, Trials and Tribulations is a masterful return to form. Trials and Tribulations features a wonderful through-line that uses flashbacks to Phoenix and Miles' earliest days as lawyers, and is heavily connected to characters like the now long-dead Mia Fey; the end result is a lengthy and twisting plotline that ties together across both past and present. Our main opponent across the stand is Godot, an effortlessly cool antagonist, but the real star here is the writing, which stands head and shoulders above either of the other 2 entries.

this is the peak lawyer content better call saul fans don't want you to see

I played as Miles Edgeworth

melhor jogo já feito. (sou literalmente o godot)

Incredible beginning and end, but I wish Phoenix's mid-game cases were more relevant to the plot.

This game improves upon the problems in the second and has possibly the best cases in the series. The last case is a beautiful end to the series with how it concludes a bunch of different character arcs and brings back the best song in the series. I also love games with multiple playable characters.

The end of a journey I started many years back.

There are other Ace Attorney games, and guaranteed, I will be playing them. But this is a conclusion to the original characters, those who we fell in love with through the course of this trilogy.

As a resolution, this is as satisfying as you could ask for; new characters and cases interact with old ones to create a mystery and drama transversal to the series. A trip to the past fleshes out current characters and prepares us for an emotionally heavy finale, one where we might even shed some tears for both a person long gone and one we only just met.

I will argue that Recipe for Turnabout is the worst case in the Phoenix Wright Trilogy (or at least, most boring). The Stolen Turnabout isn't the best but it's still pretty fun.

The other cases, though? Goddamn. Bridge to Turnabout might be one of my favorite endings for any game, trilogy, or hell STORY I've come across. Years later, I still think about it a lot.

The pinnacle of the original trilogy. A tutorial case that's not only ACTUALLY GOOD but also provides necessary background for the rest of the game. Followed by an incredibly fun 2nd case and a 3rd case that was surprisingly decent. And then the 4th and 5th cases of this game tie the finest bow on this damn near masterpiece of a game, the 5th case being my favorite among all 3 games. PEAK STORYTELLING, PEAK GAMING!