Reviews from

in the past

Probably the worst mainline Pokemon game ever. You can really tell its just a beta for Scarlet and Violet from how a lot of its features are fully realized in those games. Features aside the story and characters actually just suck too there's nothing good that stands out about this game.

basic but I kinda like it still

Sabe aquele arroz com feijão, que você come todo dia, mas que ainda é bom, mas em algum momento ele vai enjoar e depois você volta a comer ele como sempre fez, esse jogo é basicamente isso ele foi lançado em um mar de polêmicas, juntamente com o peso de ser o que iria marca a nova geração de pokémon com uma enorme expectativas do que poderia vim a ser, mas apesar disso tudo ele continua sim sendo um bom jogo pokémon e apesar de não conseguir ser marcante em vários aspectos, ele traz algumas coisas interessantes como o designer dos personagens que eu acho muito bem feito tirando seu rival principal, acompanhado com a melhor coisa desse jogo que ele sabe que esse é teu ponto principal, que é justamente seus ginásios e a magia por trás de lutar em um. Aqui não vemos a luta de ginásio padrão, aqui os ginásios são estagio de futebol com uma música absurda por trás com gritos da pessoa de valorização da batalha, tendo como ponto forte como já mencionado as músicas que nesse jogo estão muito boas. mesmo que a batalha seja uma luta simples e fácil, a trilha por trás consegue te empolgar e torna esse jogo divertido, além de ser um jogo curto que não o torna cansativo e com a sensação de arrastado, é sim um jogo que podia ter sido mais, mas foi sim uma boa aventura.

This game was so disappointing, the story was really bland and has forgettable evil teams and rivals. Gigantamax is easily the weakest gimmick in pokemon, the gym challenges are annoyingly boring, and the battles are either easy or frustrating. Some positives to the game are how the effects are amazing and the pokemon themselves are pretty cool too with pokemon like Toxtricity and Corviknight being some of my favorites. Overrall, very mediocre and one of the weakest pokemon games i have played,.

I won't pretend it wasn't enjoyable but... it got old for me really quick. I didn't even bother with the pokedex or the DLCs...

Didn't help that the game felt really easy too. I'm not expecting anything too frustrating, but I at least expected some challenge by the end of the game.
They also removed megas, which was probably my favorite game mechanic on the newer gens.

easily the shittiest pokemon game

eu acreditei que as wild area seriam como um mundo aberto, fui enganado

very good game when you dont have a bitch in your ear saying its bad

Yeah I didn't hate it. The main pros are that there are a lot of really great Pokemon and human designs here which makes the game more memorable than it might actually be. James Turner my beloved.

Unfortunately everything else is rather safe. Dynamax is such a lame mechanic because of how limited it is. The story is the epitome of "well, some kid beat me in Pokemon so I guess I gotta let them through" that people like to make fun of when you're fighting criminals and people trying to destroy the world. You beat the bad guys once in a plot with no buildup and they crumble instantly. Also Team Yell sucks.

It's an average experience, but not one that is actively bad or terrible.

pokemon sword and shield are good games when you dont have a little rat in your ear telling you otherwise

Didn't play until a year or so after the DLC dropped.

Probably my least favorite entry in the series. It's just devoid of soul. You don't feel that spirit of adventure the other games gave you. It just felt more of the same.

the most mid pokemon game to ever mid
Gameplay Rating: 3/10
At the core of the game, it's still Pokemon. It's a GIGANTIC downsize compared to USUM, and the Dexcut has sent Gamefreak down a horrendous slippery slope where they know they can get away with doing less. Any argument in support of Dexcut has been proven completely wrong by Gamefreak's incompetence.
As for the actual game itself, the new pokemon are all just fine. You've got some real stinkers like Carkol and whatever the fuck the fossils are, but you've also got some good mons like Centiskorch, Drednaw, Dottler, etc. In general, there's more good mons than bad, but the bad ones reek rotten.
Route design-wise, it's generally fine. One memorable highlight is the route where you can see Falinks march around, that was pretty cute.
Story Rating: 2/10
this shit atrocious bro
Hop is like, fine. Marnie's stuff is all locked away behind an obscure mechanic nobody knows about. Bede's stuff is half-baked.
The whole Two Heroes parallel with you and Hop is lame, and the motivation for the Darkest Day is also comically stupid.

Colorblind Test: B+
Shinies that are barely visible turn into even more of a pain.

As it stands the normal Pokémon franchise is in a lot of aspects limited in what it can do. If it stays as it as from combat to Pokémon collecting it's running the risk of eventually all games blending into one because they are all the same. If it changes it runs the risk of becoming too different from the rest of the other games and suddenly it doesn't belong in this list of Pokémon games and it should instead join Pokémon Ranger or become it's own thing.

Pokémon Arceus found an healthy middle it's not too similar from all the others and it isn't too different either. But this one? This one is the same as it has always been except it has a drawback. The story's bad.

It sets up something interesting right at the right but soon enough it becomes, ridiculous and dare I go as far as to say cringe? Compared to other games like the well loved Pokémon White/Black this one feels insulting.

Then we have the added fact that the game looks ugly, it wasn't as buggy as later releases but it is just as ugly. With it's bad rendering and non interesting looking well, anything. It's hard to stay engaged on anything but the Pokémon themselves really.

All this to say I think this should be where this type of Pokémon games stop. Because at the moment what do we have to look forward to? Arceus aside, all next games will look like this one (if not worse) and the gameplay will be exactly the same. It's a wonder how people can keep buying these games every other year instead of just sticking to the one they think is the best (the one they played as a child).

Can't even sit and pretend like it was the worst thing ever after it became my second most played Switch game

The game that made me finally give up on Pokemon

Somehow reminded me of the Stanley Parable map
That is not a compliment for a pokemon game
The only reason it's got 1.5/5 is for the new (very good) character and pokemon designs and the (very good) music, otherwise the base gameplay is an absolute barren land devoid of... love.
Absolute waste of the British region concept.

Awful and lazy game with one of the worst stories from a Pokemon game.

Way too overhated it does have its flaws sure but Most of the flaws come from the core mechanics of pokemons aging formula. it has some of the most memorable characters and gym leaders in the entire series

To me, Pokémon Sword represents a sense of complacency and laziness with the Pokémon series that no other game can truly encapsulate.

For one, the graphics. Now, I’m no graphics guy, but this game looks terrible. Lazy animations and textures that can sometimes rival the Nintendo 64 in looks are prevalent.

Also the gameplay, it’s bad. The game is super easy and offers little challenge which makes it super boring to play.

And while I know Pokémon is not known for its gripping stories, the game has little dialogue that could be considered interesting and all the characters feel very basic.

So overall, I feel Pokémon Sword offers little to the series and little entertainment value to the player.

Now Pokémon Shield on the other hand… I never played, but maybe the exclusive Pokémon “Appletun” overshadows all the drawbacks of this pair of Pokémon games and makes them 5 stars… maybe.

The first Pokémon game I did not finish. Incompetent in so many areas, most notably visually, but it’s also laughably easy, the story is insulting, and the lack of polish in almost every facet of the game is maddening. The only reason this gets more than half a star is because of Cinderace.

Despite it's many, MANY flaws, it was still super enjoyable to me, and marked the start of when I took Pokémon semi-seriously and actually took the time to beat it. Goated series!

No passion/soul/life in this game. Could have been so much more.

5quadrillion dollar franchise put this slop out in 2019 and somehow it still sold 5morbillion copies because Pokemon fans will defend fucking anything

my first real experience with pokemon and i honestly loved it though the base game is rather short