Reviews from

in the past

Played this entire game in co-op with girlfriend and it was such a fun time. I loved the levels that played in time to music, and we loved trying to collect all the costumes and customizable items.

If you're going for the Platinum trophy however, the Ripsnorter is NO JOKE. Major difficulty spike for that challenge compared to the rest of the game.

Maybe the best LittleBigPlanet.

So much damn creativity at every corner. The level design, the gadgets, the presentation of the whole thing. All of it is of such top tier quality. An absolutely incredible OST that includes real fun remixes of listened songs made music-based levels a highlight. Sackboy has also never controlled better. The platforming is tight and responsive and feels wonderful in motion.

Really, the only thing it does worse than the Media Molecule games is UGC. I was never a big UGC guy to begin with so, I'm fine with that.

An absolute and uncontestable home run from Sumo, made even more impressive considering how lackluster LBP3 was. I'm still glowing on this one.

Cute game but very boring. Not much of a challenge and while it's a co-op game, there's very little in this game that actually requires working with your teammate. Not worth it.

i loved LBP1 but especially LBP2. when LBP3 came out i was a little disappointed because it wasn't optimized at all, the game suffered of very big issues that even locked me out from the game and had to restart, not to mention the multiplayer- so i was really relived to see how fun and good this title is compared to LBP3. i honestly enjoyed it a lot and just like the previous titles it's even more fun with friends.

I had such a great time, playing this with my father!! That last trophy for platinum still haunts me....


This was fun. i'll get back to it someday

Sozinho esse jogo é frustrante e difícil, mas acho que ele foi desenvolvido pra jogar coop, parece até outro jogo de tão divertido que fica. O level design no coop se encaixa perfeitamente. Tem defeitos como visual genérico, dublagem em pt ridícula e mais outras coisas que não cabem aqui, mas no fim, é divertido.

Cool for a little sibling game, had a lot of fun playing it and have been meaning to come back to it, it’s just so long and there are way too many games I want to play more. If I’m ever babysitting though, it’s the move.

A really great platformer but around 20% of its levels are locked away for solo players, which is unfortunate.

Sackboy is a great platformer, Sumo Digital finally showed what they could do with the LBP franchise and redefined what the next titles could be.

Some people found changes like the camera perspective and gameplay not true to the original game but I found myself being overwhelmed with nostalgia with a fresh taste of new mechanics and gameplay.

I played the whole campaign throughout with my friend and we both had a lot of fun, the stages and levels were all brilliantly made with many collectables and challenges to get past.

I ended up going out of my way for the platinum for this game and it actually turned out to be quite difficult, the ripsnorter level was something I found myself reattempting several times and I was extremely satisfied once done.

Sackboys aesthetic and LBP as a whole will remain something special to me and I look forward to the next games Sumo may make.

Jogo muito bom na sua proposta, só acredito q seja longo demais. "Cavaleiro tricotado", mais conhecido como "inferno 2".

i love sackboy but i'm sorry my boy this platforming is kinda doo-doo, i played co-op and the connection was always poor causing us to die over and over again but the game is still good maybe stick with local co-op if possible

Sackboy: A Big Adventure es un juego de plataformas muy entretenido. Con un diseño de niveles bueno y variado, este juego te permite disfrutar de una de las experiencias más divertidas en PS5 por el momento. Tanto su apartado artístico como el técnico son excelentes y la música es bastante buena (hay niveles musicales en el que avanzas al ritmo de la música, de mis niveles favoritos). La historia es muy simple y típica, pero no es importante en este tipo de juegos. Como puntos negativos están las físicas, para mi gusto un poco toscas (sobre todo si vienes de jugar a cualquier juego de Mario) pero aun así son aceptables; y la jugabilidad bastante menos notable del modo un jugador (en multijugador es mucho más divertido y dinámico, además de que hay niveles exclusivos en cooperativo). Juego bastante recomendable sobre todo si lo podéis jugar con algún amigo o familiar. 8,3/10

This one was just... fine. I enjoyed playing it, but it all kind of got sucked out of my brain afterward. Maybe it's because I'm just too used to the LittleBigPlanet formula. The music levels were super hype though.

a fine platformer, lots of charm and a great soundtrack, however it doesn't really do anything special gameplay wise and the levels aren't that challenging

Very nice game, started of pretty easy, almost childish, but after some levels I was quite satisfied with the difficulty, I especially enjoyed the "Knitted Knights trials", which are basically little time trials which are pretty hard to get gold on, but I liked it so much that I got it on all 15 of them (for people who sill say that there are 16 - my condolences, I don't have that much time on my hands). The regular levels are varied and fun, definitely an enjoyable experience. I had to grind only for the last level which required 275 orbs to open, but it was still cool to remember the older levels.

Cara, sei lá.... É inegavelmente um jogo divertido e bem feito, ainda sendo de um gênero que anda meio ''morto'', que é platformer 3D. Cenários bem criativos e um level design bacana.

Apesar de vários elogios, achei o jogo meio sem ambição, satisfeito com a conquista de ser mais um bom jogo de plataforma 3D, além disso, o moveset do Sackboy não é metade do que se espera de um moveset top pra um jogo desses, então acabou sendo muito repetitivo. Se você jogou umas 5 fases, já jogou o jogo todo, basicamente.

Também admiro os responsáveis pela versão de PS4 por terem BOLAS de deixar o jogo em 720p pra garantir um 60fps estável. Não é como se o jogo fosse um suprassumo de gráfico pra início de conversa, então um framerate mais suave deixa a experiência BEM melhor.

Saudades do LittleBigPlanet 2....

A perfectly moderate 3D platformer that was pretty to look at but felt basic and slow to move around in. Music-driven stages were neat but I didn't finish out of boredom.

Felt like a poor mans 3D mario. Wasn't awful but it didn't feel extremely great either.

such a really cute game! the main thing that held it back for me is that the controls felt very stiff. i know the gameplay is meant to feel similar to littlebigplanet but in 3d but i think it would've been a lot better to let things be a little more fluid. the game is adorable tho and that lbp charm really shines through all the way until the end

I'd rather have an usual LBP but Sackboy is an interesting enough spin-off to give a chance. The main problem with it, most of the levels are not quite though provoking and challenging. Perhaps except for the Knitted Knight's ultimate trial which was a plat breaker all by itself.

Less good mario 3D world, wish it was better mario 3D world or just... good maybe?

Sackboy: A Big Adventure is an adorable platformer in a world that is a giant arts and crafts project.

The story is simple, what little you get that is, and doesn’t really have any real resolution.

The level design is mostly fun and creative, but starts losing steam around the last two worlds, as if the developers got bored and just started throwing random assets together and calling it a day.

While Sackboy is a fun game, it would probably be more fun if played with a younger relative.