Reviews from

in the past

(This is the 1,500th game I've logged on the site! BACKLOGGD FOR LIFE)

The PS5 showcase in the summer of 2020 sold both me and my wife on the system, and one featured game that interested us was Sackboy. Once it came out, reception was middling, so we held off on buying it. But when it hit PS Plus earlier this year, I ran out of excuses to keep putting it off.

The co-op seemed like the preferred way to play, so my daughter and I started making our way through... and she lost interest REAL quick. Now, she's beaten Mario 3D World multiple times, so the genre seemed like a good fit for us, but the whole thing just felt uninspired. The movement is boring, the level design is boring, the enemies, the collectibles, the music, etc. I've tried to keep playing by myself for a while, but while the game is clearly a competent platformer, there's not really anything going on here that stands out from its peers. This is the kind of game that could be fun with the right group or if you were a kid with like 3 games, but in my 30s with a shortage of free time, I can't justify sinking more hours into the gaming equivalent of an ambivalent shrug.

Intensely conflicting game for me… I had (and still do have) a deep love for Little Big Planet when I was a kid that would play it with my brother all the time for a couple years. So seeing Sackboy placed on what’s a “just okay” 3D platformer kinda set me off at first. But at the same time, god this has the feel I really wanted it to! It really does feel like an LBP story mode, something that's been severely lacking in the world ever since LBP3. It has that soul of the series there, at least a little bit. The world is of course amazingly crafted, and it definitely does feel like an LBP game… one without creative aspects outside of character customization. I guess I just want a Little Big Planet game again, and this at least kinda looks and feels like an LBP story… but that’s really the only big positive.

Painfully mid. If this is what Sony see for Sackboy/LittleBigPlanet going forward they’ve made a big mistake

This is one of those games where the first hour or so of the game is the slowest, most by-the-numbers boring baby game level design (albeit with a very solid art style and soundtrack) but, if you stick it out and learn how to do good movement tech with the roll, you end up running into some of the best 3D platformer levels I've seen in quite some time. There's a level in this game that's far crueler than 3D World's Champion's Road and I love it.

How can a game have so much charm yet no charm at all at the same time? In a way it feels cute and is presented well but in other ways it feels lifeless and straightforward. It's not a bad game but even with multiplayer I found myself bored of it after a few hours.

creating a bunch of different sack characters was the main highlight of this game for me. well of course the levels were fun, but that feeling of excitement of seeing what new outfits I unlocked does so much for me. and then experimenting with different colors and combinations. a very good co-op game for sure.

If I wanted to play Super Mario 3D World with worse levels, I'd play Super Mario 3D Land.

(Played in coop with a friend) I honestly struggle to come up with anything remotely original to say in regards to kid-friendly 3D platformers. For me, they're kinda just there, fun enough and then I forget about them. Sackboy: A Big Adventure definitely has its visuals going for it, which are absolutely beautiful and richely detailed. Every level also kinda has its own idea, which is really motivating - It's always kinda exciting what's around the next corner. Especially joyous I think are the song-based levels, it's kinda sad that there's only three of them, but the emotional whiplash of hearing Britney Spears' Toxic in this game might actually be something I'm gonna be able to remember about this game. So yea... this is a fun 3D platformer, worth the time and the 30€ I payed for it.

I dropped the game when I got to the level set to Uptown Funk. I don't think I'm returning to it any time soon.

it was nice its no Rayman legends though and the pc port is a mess

Sackboy: A Big Adventure is a really fun Mario-inspired 3D platformer with simple controls and beautiful artsy asthetics. I also wasn't expecting to hear Foster the People or Britney Spears songs in this so that was cool!

Liked 🙂

Sackboy: A Big Adventure is a cute 3D platform game. Very enjoyable and fun! It’s extra challenges are very hard and a blast to go through! This is a solid PS5 Launch title and I recommend it to anyone that is a fan of Little Big planet and Super Mario 3D world!

How can you not like this game ?

Lbp fans keep yourself safe

Sony's take on a Mario 3D World-like game leaves a bit to be desired. Sackboy moves too slow and sluggish where it feels like a chore getting through some of the levels. Then other levels can make it really difficult to see the depth of Sackboy leading to a lot of frustrating restarts. The worlds themselves are at least pretty unique and the visuals are nice as everything is made out of craft materials, all running at a smooth 60fps. Music wasn't my favorite, the use of pop songs felt a bit strange in a game like this but it was neat how the level was synced to the music.

Overall it's an alright 3D platformer.

This game really miscalculated how invested I was in, like, the lore of LittleBigPlanet.


I never really minded Sackboy's floaty and slightly sluggish movement in his 2D outings, but there's something about moving across the Z-axis that feels like you're wading through thick soup. Maybe it's the perspective from the camera angles being used but I was never really able to build up any momentum on those kinds of levels which for me is a hallmark of an enjoyable platformer. Not to say I disliked every 3D level, but I found the game a lot more enjoyable when it returned to LBP's sidescrolling roots.

Even with the movement issues I found some things to like in the later level designs and challenge trials - this outing really does follow the Mario formula of starting easy and then throwing the hardest levels at you as optional content or once you've finished the main story which is a sensible way of doing things, but the majority of those early levels feel rather uninteresting as a result, something especially noticeable given the speed at which Sackboy can move.

Also a final note of praise for the audio team for how well implemented the music is to each world you're dashing about in, whether it's an original piece or a remix of licensed music.

Começou bem e terminou chatinho. As vezes ele perdia um pouco o gas. Ele é longo demais e não muito criativo. Mas ele é competente em fases diferentonas e consegue te entreter bem com os visuais. Vale muito

This game is a true hidden gem among former Playstation exclusives. Incredibly strong presentation coupled with tight and varied gameplay across dozens of stages provides a spectacular fun time.

It's pretty much what you think it is.
It's Super Mario 3D World but with Sackboy, only this time it's a lot slow and sluggish, the levels sometimes have pop songs in sync with them, all of the levels look like they were made out of arts and crafts, and the writing and voice cast is very British.

Nossa eu não consiguir jogar isso, as fases parecem que duram 3 horas é tão mais tão genérico que dói.
Pra mim o principal problema e os comandos que são todos tão batidos que parece que você já jogou esse jogo mesmo não tendo jogado, é tudo tão truncado e datado os visuais da fases apesar de serem legalzinho o level design é muito genérico e chato pra com que você queira continuar jogando.
Amo plataformas mas esse é genérico, chato e desinteressante.

An offshoot from the "LittleBigPlanet" series turned out to be a boring mediocre game that pretty only thanks to the visual, cooperative, and its "no alternative" in the "PC-environment".

pretty average 3d platformer with some fun gimmicks. the extra half star is entirely for the britney spears toxic level. just the best level i've ever played in any game ever.

Isso aqui é uma covardia para com os dois primeiros títulos da franquia que estão presos no PlayStation 3 até o presente momento. Chato.

The Uptown Funk level is possibly the most out-of-touch and cringeworthy thing ever created. Rayman Legends did it way better. No Stephen Fry either :(

Solidly fun Mario-3D-land style platformer, with a lot of unique mechanic ideas and fairly charming throughout. Music levels are the highlight, similar to the Rayman legends music levels but 3D. Controls pretty well for nearly all of it. Has the same thing as LBP3 where the soundtrack and level of charm is good and better than a lot of games but nowhere near LBP1/2 levels.

Feels like they could've done some more fan service of having areas based on the parts of craftworld from the earlier games and having some of the older music and characters in there rather than all new stuff which can at times feel generic.

Great level of player driven challenge, if you're going for all the optional stuff and acing the levels then it's probably one of the hardest platformers on the market, up there with hollow knight endgame, but if youre just going through for the story then it won't be too much trouble.

Think it's probably a bit too long, about 1/2 through about half of the levels stop introducing new ideas and feel like padding and are a slog to get through which is a shame compared to the first half where every level introduces a new concept or mechanic.

Overall a solid platformer with good level of charm and design and fresh ideas but overall has a level of generic-ness and padding that stops it from being fantastic.

The hitboxes on the crabs can fuck right off tho

Sigh... it was fine. It was a good platformer, but I just want another Littlebigplanet.

É um bom jogo de plataforma linear, bem como Mario 3D World.
Ele é meio genérico, mas em questão de gameplay em si, ele é divertido! Principalmente em multiplayer.

Só acho uma pena desperdiçar o potencial que LittleBigPlanet tem só pra fazer um joguinho de plataforma 3D sem alma, o objetivo que a franquia tinha não era esse. Pra mim isso é a mesma coisa que lançar um jogo de plataforma do Steve do Minecraft, não faz sentido.
Mas é, definitivamente é um Jogo 3D legalzinho. Se você só tiver um PS4, e tá com vontade de jogar um Mario, isso pode vim a calhar.