Reviews from

in the past

Un cortito viaje musical visualmente impactante con una banda sonora cojonuda. Lo más cercano a un álbum de música jugable. Muy recomendado si tenéis un ratito.

If Annapurna is the A24 of video games, this is their Everything Everywhere All at Once.

This game is like being invited to an awesome dance party that you don't know any of the moves to. It's exciting and there's a lot of beautiful crazy stuff going on - but damn if you don't feel like an ass bumbling your way through the routines like your first day at a dancercise class.

The whole game is dripping with style, drawing on a mix of 60's style combined with a surreal dreamy glittering space theme. It works really well and the visuals are a treat from start to finish. It's a shame then that some of the levels are super short, it's a real mixed bag of song lengths.

Every stage gives you a certain level of freedom to move around, but has an expected path based on the strings of collectibles that are hard to follow and appear abruptly. The game does nothing to guide you it just kinda expects you to figure it out so you're sure to crash and ruin the songs multiple times.

Everything is scored to a space pop opera that never fails to be enjoyable while it lasts and levels have you zipping at high speed around dreamy scenes fending off against tarot card inspired antagonists. Once you've played it a few times you'll be dancing along with the music and scoring points but until then expect your first run through to be a sort of practice for the real thing.

Creative, stylish, and great sound track, but maybe a bit too much style over substance here? There's just a level of accessibility missing.

It's a playable version of those music videos you'd see if you ever go to a gym that got them goddamn TV's all over the place
It gets no points because the experience of it can be simulated by just watching a playthrough or listening to the soundtrack but that is not a negative thing in this case

More like sayonara wild farts amiright?

I love this game.

I expected Sayonara Wild Hearts to grab me instantly and pull me along through every level with fast, reactive gameplay. Instead the game is more like the experience of listening to a new album. At first it's a little grating and there were multiple sections I didn't really like and had to force myself through. It's through memorisation of every little detail that I found myself enjoying the game much more after repeated playthroughs.

Chasing top ranks and completing the in-game challenges provides enough of an excuse to keep playing the game past the first hour. I've doubled my playtime since 100%ing the game and I'll probably return to it as well.

Um album de musica interativo. Coloque seus fones de ouvido, apague a luz e curta

If I had a penny for every time an indie game featured a trans character fighting insurmountable odds to accept themselves, all while incredible music plays, I'd have 2 pennies.

Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice.

Não tenho palavras pra descrever esse jogo, ele é curtíssimo, mas mesmo tendo menos de 2 horas, é com certeza um dos meus jogos favoritos de todos os tempos. Eu adoro jogo musical o que é ironico pq eu odeio filmes musicais kkkk. Mas em formato de jogo quando bem feito, funciona que é uma beleza, o que é o caso desse jogo. Simples, lindo e cativante. Annapurna eu te amo.

Esse jogo tem tantas, mas tantas formar de ser apreciado, que não consigo nem condensar em uma review. É um espetáculo visual, auditivo e narrativo que pode ser apreciado de diversas maneiras, tudo isso depende de quais elementos o jogador mais valoriza, ou melhor, percebe.

A trilha sonora já foi para a minha biblioteca e os elementos visuais são estonteantes. A jogabilidade é bem frenética, quem vê de fora, pode até achar um pouco confuso, mas quem está jogando, se integra ao jogo e entra em um mundo completamente diferente, assim como a protagonista.

É um jogo curtinho, mas o fator replay é dado por ranks de pontos (bronze, prata e ouro) em cada fase e também pelos enigmas do zodíaco, que te pedem coisas diferentes em casa fase e liberam conquistas. Além disso, é um ótimo jogo para mostrar para os amigos que te visitam, uma vez que podem ter a certeza de que nunca tiveram uma experiência semelhante em um jogo de ritmo.

This game changed my life (made me an annoying pop music fan)

What Sayonara Wild Hearts lacks in length, it more than makes up for in spectacle. It's quick to grasp, but hard to master, has a truly incredibly soundtrack, and gorgeous visuals.

I've only played through it once so far, but I have no doubt I'll replay it for years and years to come. Its immensely satisfying, and feels like it rewards you for learning it.

It's the only game I can think of that's comparable to Rez, and I really do wish I could say that about more games.

O conceito de jogos como experiências espirituais

Sayonara Wild Hearts is a pretty game in such an unconventional way. In comparison to a music video, the idea of making a game to compliment an album (or vice versa) is such a fun gimmick and it visualises the themes of the record in a cool way.

This is an incredibly unique rhythm game that creates the feeling that you're actively participating in a pop album audio-visual laser show of sorts. The gameplay itself is varied, creative, and it's a pleasure to navigate the auto-run courses with the gorgeous neon art and fantastic musical notes giving all sorts of sensual pleasure. There are some sections that reminded me of the great movement/sound experience in The Pathless, but this is certainly not a 1 for 1 comp to that game. As for the story, it seems to be about love, acceptance, and healing, but I wasn't really completely following it as it is definitely a little abstract. I'm not the kind of gamer to care about perfecting these levels or getting high scores, and in fact it frustrated me when I would crash and the music briefly got interrupted while the game reset me back into the level (even though to the credit of the devs this happens in a flash). It's a brief, very enjoyable experience that I'm glad I had, and I come away from it loving the music and wanting to listen to the soundtrack straight through as soon as I can get the chance.

A damn fine game. Music is perfect, game play feels amazing and it proves to the video game indusrty that you can make a great 2 hour long game with insane replayability.


It's amazing, I love it with my entire heart. I've never played a game that made me feel quite like this one and it manages to do it within one hour and using little to no dialogue. The music and gameplay just speak for themselves

By far my most replayed game. Super relaxing and a big hit whenever I show people this game. It is also beautiful to look at if you arent sensitive or have bad reactions to flashing lights. If that is you though this is probably not your game

It cane be hard if you wanna do a challenge run (play through the whole game in continous without dying and/or getting every pelled which is what me and spouse do from time to time)

It is also pretty easy if you want it to be I showed my niece when she was four and now that she is five she is able to do every level without getting frustrated and handing me the controller. I'm super proud of my niece the only games she plays are this, mario kart, and devil may cry.

Sayonara Wild Hearts will 100% be the new game I recommend whenever an individual has trouble understanding how video games are art.
With its vibrant color palette, absolutely killer soundtrack, fast paced arcade-rhythm gameplay, and the fact that it is just OOZING in style, it's really hard keeping quiet about this experience.

Your performance on the 23 levels have a grade from Bronze to Gold. The levels also have silver coins that are scattered and need to be picked up and collected. Without a doubt, the game wants you to reply these levels multiple times in order to achieve the best score while also finding those silver coins. I never felt like these tasks were a chore. In fact, I was looking forward to my next playthrough as soon as the credits rolled on my first. I will enjoy every single second I will put into this experience.

pointing at the screen like leo dicaprio when the credits say "and Queen Latifah"

Fun rhythm game with catchy songs and all the neon aesthetic you could want


bonito demais meu deus 😭😭

It was refreshing, nice music and great art style and I also liked the simple but cool story. The game is just a nice music experience, like an album to play. Very cool game that completely captivated me and after 2 hours it's already over :)

every time i play this game i have to cry real hard. i would write something more significant or profound about loving and hurting or whatever but it's pretty hard to do that through the waterfall of tears pouring out of my face