Reviews from

in the past

Serious Sam was probably designed as a perfectly well thought out shooter somewhat, but every time someone from Croteam said "Hey, wouldn't it be funny if we-" they would all say yes in unison and then promptly add the most hilarious bullshit you've ever seen in a game.

Balkan magic, imagine physics (sort of) and reflections in 2001. The engine was ahead of its time

A classic that everybody should try out!

It's fun to shoot hundreds of enemies at the same time but the game just doesn't give you enough ammo to tank everything, and in some sequences it even takes away your weapons

Boomer Dynasty Warriors (compliment)

Serious Sam: The First Encounter (2001): Venir 8 años después de DOOM y 5 tras Duke Nukem 3D, y no aportar ni una sola idea nueva. No es mal juego pese a hacerse repetitivo, pero tengo la sensación de haber jugado a esto mil veces, y es mi primera experiencia con la saga (6,35)

...a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


Extremely loud, stupid and fun. Non-derogatory.

at times very annoying, but overall I think I like it. the part where the just spawn like 500 clears at one point is really funny

Do you like fighting 60 enemies that dash at you all the time?
Do you like games like Dark Souls?
Do you like being thrown in almost impossible situations, while the game expects you to have god-like reflexes?

"git gud" isn't a valid answer. This game is hard and unfair. It got so boring after just 5 levels and I forced myself to finish this game. Whenever an encounter ended I just thought "Thank god that's over, time for another repetitive fight that will last 5 minutes" to myself.

A cherished game from my childhood , Serious Sam is basically just you shooting hordes of monsters while walking through beautiful environments from a long lost civilization (Egypt). And it was surprisingly filled with mystique, awe , history and just pure mayham.

It's a simple game done right.

The initial levels are very well made. The mechanics are tight, weapons are great, shooting is orgasmic. All around badass. However, the last missions kill the formula that made it great. Missions are too long in the end and the enemy mobs are tiresome. I got bored and I didn't feel like beating it. However, for what it's worth when it's good it's good.

I'm sure the life as a screaming exploding guy must be pretty fun

fps fans when i show them actually good fps games like Serious Sam

I almost gave up after level 2 because Sam is frustratingly slow. I'm glad I didn't.

This game is some premium-garbage. Once you accept the games tendency to say "fuck you" as hilarious instead of annoying, it becomes a lot more fun.

I still do think Sam moves too slowly. The game speed should have probably been upped across the board.

The copy and paste arenas do start to get a little old, and the massive levels and such slow walking speed led to me never really secret-hunting. Most secrets are also just another "fuck you" anyway though.

The First Encounter was overall a great time and I look forward to possible refinements in the other games.

Can't hear you mom my testosterone level is too high
This is serious manner we are speaking
Aliens mom aliens!

Amazing shooter game, cool story!

This guy is serious. Seriously... check out his gun! That's seriously cool Sam!

Played it as a kid and really enjoyed it - stupid, violent fun that helped me a lot to release my aggression. As a teenager you sometimes have problems controlling your anger, shooting masses of enemies in Serious Sam definitely helped. I even played it in a kind of mini-Lan with 2 friends at my parents' house, it was great.

Antes de tener un Xbox, mis hermanos y yo teníamos una PC que si bien no era la gran cosa, era muy decente para esos años. Nos gustaba mucho descargar juegos, uno de ellos fue Serious Sam, no conocíamos absolutamente nada de la saga, entramos en blanco. Vaya sorpresa que nos dimos, tremenda joya. Para ese entonces un juego así de frenético, violento y explosivo era un deleite para los ojos. me sentía muy cabron jugando juegos así jajajaja (estaba morrillo).
La historia nunca ha sido el fuerte de esta saga pero no se necesita cuando puedes darle en la madre a miles y miles de soldados de Mental

An outstanding FPS that is both enhanced and damaged by the game designers trolling the player constantly. Essential that any FPS fan plays this game, but I wouldn't judge you for not finishing it.

This game reads like a parody of late 90s first person shooter design. Bullfighting the Kleer skeletons has a nice rhythm to it though

Be a badass action hero from the future, travel through time, massacre hordes of monsters. Action packed FPS probably intended to be played at LAN parties more than anything. Huge numbers of enemies requiring all the basic FPS tactics and weapons to dispatch. A must have for LANs, or a quick blast with an online friend. Note, the first SS is split in two episodes.

If I had to fight another Kleer Skeleton I was going to lose my mind

Fun arena shooter with rough edges that can make it feel miserable at times

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The true definition of a classic video game.

Serious Sam: The First Encounter is a classic and a game that had a big impact on my gaming history. When I first installed it, I was overwhelmed by the excellent action right at the start and the fine combat mechanics. You just shoot stuff and hope to make it to the next level, but this game nailed the FPS category by a long shot. Sure, the FPS genre already had its masterpieces named Doom, Quake and Wolfenstein, but Serious Sam was a fresh, new, fully 3D First Person experience that I did not experience yet in my life.

In Serious Sam: The First Encounter, the earth is under attack by Mental and his alien horde and earth is overrun, lost completely in disarray. In a desperate attempt to turn the tide, you are teleported back in time to ancient Egypt to, hopefully, change the course of history in favor of humanity. You travel to different parts of Egypt, including Karnak, Luxor, the suburbs of ancient Cairo and the Valley of the Kings.

On your journey, hordes and hordes of Mentals monsters attack you from all directions and you blast your way to the Great Pyramid, where you defeat Ugh-Zan IV, Mentals most powerful general. After that, you leave a phone message for Mental, telling him that you are coming for his ass and then fly away in your spaceship, which is put down by stupid Serious Sam fans flying in a rocket crate cart and crash into you, starting the Second Encounter.

I loved the many different weapons you collect and use in the game. The double-barreled shotgun, the minigun, the laser, they all feel great to use and the satisfying gurgle of enemies when you pump them full of bullets, or explode them into a thousand pieces, is amazing.

Serious Sam: The First Encounter plays and controls fluently. It is faced paced, responsive and very smooth. Changing weapons is easy, there are a fair amount of health and ammo pickups and the overall balance in the game is perfect. Yes, the game is incredibly hard on Serious difficulty, but even then, you got a fair chance. If you die, it is on you.

The graphics are amazing for its time. You got big, detailed levels that all runs flawlessly on the Serious Engine. Animations are nice and they somehow managed to increase the draw distance to a level in which it seems that your rockets fly for all eternity, well outside the boundaries of a level.

The music is epic, just epic. The Croatian Band Undercode made almost all of the metal soundtracks that play in boss battles, and they sound amazing. The Egyptian themed ambient music in the other levels is iconic and to this day, I remember every track.

The boss fights are really cool. When I first played them as a kid, I did not have the balls to wake up the big Arachnoid Adult that was sleeping over the Ankh, I was really nervous for Ugh-Zan IV who was chasing me towards the Great Pyramid and the horde of frogs in the Oasis level came as a total surprise to me. Croteam knows how to impress their players.

The multiplayer in Serious Sam is excellent, it is on par with Quake, plays fast paced and is well balanced. Weapons are scattered nicely throughout the map and for the platforming experts, the strongest of weapons can be reached on high platforms or forgotten rooms on the map. To my surprise, it is still active today.

In the end, I can only praise Serious Sam. It is a masterpiece of a game, a true classic and one that I can boot up anytime.

Definitely recommend it.