Reviews from

in the past

Serious Sam was probably designed as a perfectly well thought out shooter somewhat, but every time someone from Croteam said "Hey, wouldn't it be funny if we-" they would all say yes in unison and then promptly add the most hilarious bullshit you've ever seen in a game.

The studio got a GOTY award on Gamespot for this back in 2001 and they've been chasing that high ever since by making the same game over and over again

Balkan magic, imagine physics (sort of) and reflections in 2001. The engine was ahead of its time

A little after the halfway point, the game loses a lot of originality and I felt like it began just throwing vast amounts of enemies at me to pad the game length. The level design also began getting samey.
This was also a relatively short shooter (7-8 hours) so that was unfortunate.
Despite that, the overall presentation is nice, it remains action packed through and through, and blasting waves of enemies, while getting a little monotonous at time is still enjoyable.

Can't hear you mom my testosterone level is too high
This is serious manner we are speaking
Aliens mom aliens!

everything people claim devil daggers and similar to be. Small wars as encounters are cool but killing a couple of enemies out of 100 has little meaning compared to clearing a room of a total 4 nazis in every other fps, here you spend minutes killings dozens in a single arena and while each fight has its own particular order in dissecting the hordes the high number of enemies makes it feel like a grind
co op is a spectacle but the more players join the more braindead the game becomes

"It ain't the size that matters,it's how you use it."

A classic that everybody should try out!


It's still a more fun coop experience than many games that pride themselves with it, may those who shittalk it choke on a kleer bone

ps: jebem ti hrvate ali imaju dobre igre :DDD

Classic boomer shooter. Install the Ray Tracing mod if your machine can support it.

This guy is serious. Seriously... check out his gun! That's seriously cool Sam!

Played it as a kid and really enjoyed it - stupid, violent fun that helped me a lot to release my aggression. As a teenager you sometimes have problems controlling your anger, shooting masses of enemies in Serious Sam definitely helped. I even played it in a kind of mini-Lan with 2 friends at my parents' house, it was great.

It is impossible to think of this game without hearing the sound of way too many skeleton horses, alien bulls, and screaming headless kamikazees bearing down on you.


fps fans when i show them actually good fps games like Serious Sam

I almost gave up after level 2 because Sam is frustratingly slow. I'm glad I didn't.

This game is some premium-garbage. Once you accept the games tendency to say "fuck you" as hilarious instead of annoying, it becomes a lot more fun.

I still do think Sam moves too slowly. The game speed should have probably been upped across the board.

The copy and paste arenas do start to get a little old, and the massive levels and such slow walking speed led to me never really secret-hunting. Most secrets are also just another "fuck you" anyway though.

The First Encounter was overall a great time and I look forward to possible refinements in the other games.

sam is not serious at all what the fuck

This game was made for speedfreaks. It's all about that non-stop pop-pop of stainless steel. Here's how it goes: you enter a room, quicksave, die to 5 enemies who spawned behind you, quickload, die to five HUNDRED enemies who spawned in front of you, rinse and repeat. Seriously, sometimes it throws over 800 enemies per level after the first half.

It's very fun, but you can certainly feel that it's a game from 2001. For the amount of enemies that we have, Sam doesn't have the appropriate mobility to deal with. It's like you're playing Doom Eternal, except your character can't sprint, double jump, hookshot or melee and he walks two times slower. Sometimes, traversing the open areas is a chore just because of how slow Sam is. Reminds me of walking the semi-open world Halo in Halo CE with slow-ass, sprintless Master Chief.

Level design is sometimes confusing and the assets all look the same, which makes it even more confusing.

More often than not, you're gonna have enemies spawn right behind you or jump at you immediately as soon as you open a door, which feels cheap because usually one jump from a Kleer takes 20% of your total HP on normal. At least it has the VERY helpful saving system of Doom and Half-Life (blessed be the one who came up with it), where the game encourages you to savescum like a motherfucker by giving you unlimited saves, quick saves and a quick save log so you won't lock your character by quicksaving right before dying.

Overall, it's a really fun, turbo-hardcore game for fans of FPS games, adrenaline and high blood pressure.

Bonus points for somehow not giving me motion sickness šŸ‘

Serious Sam is such a fun series this started it all and it still holds up gameplay-wise. Very fun to play with a friend.

I would rate this four stars if it didn't have SO. MANY. GODDAMN. KLEERS.

This game (and series) is the most intense and hardest doomer shooter in the genre. A lot of what happens in this game is something that DOOM Eternal wishes it could achieve, for better and for worse though. There's many times were like... 50 enemies are in a open field and you're just kind of left to deal with. You're fucked if you stand still for half a second. It's very VERY difficult, and as much as I would like to say it's fair.. sometimes it isn't. There are genuine troll moments where your curiosity peaks and find a secret location, and then it's just a +1 health pick up and when obtained 3 really strong enemies in the game just spawn behind you. I died so many times in this game that it felt like I was gonna run out of infinite lives.. but that's what's fun about it. The enemies in this game are all recognizable, memorable, strategic, and all honestly.. amazing in design. Levels are also extremely memorable with their layouts and aesthetics. Honestly, a personal favorite that I don't think most people would really like if you like your doomer shooters to be not so balls fucking hard but I like it.

It's fun to shoot hundreds of enemies at the same time but the game just doesn't give you enough ammo to tank everything, and in some sequences it even takes away your weapons

Boomer Dynasty Warriors (compliment)

Serious Sam: The First Encounter (2001): Venir 8 aƱos despuĆ©s de DOOM y 5 tras Duke Nukem 3D, y no aportar ni una sola idea nueva. No es mal juego pese a hacerse repetitivo, pero tengo la sensaciĆ³n de haber jugado a esto mil veces, y es mi primera experiencia con la saga (6,35)

Amazing shooter game, cool story!

...a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


Extremely loud, stupid and fun. Non-derogatory.

This game is so close to being a 5/5. So close. I don't like certain enemies in the game most definitely because they ruin the flow of the game, and it happens more than I would like it to happen.