Reviews from

in the past

Great concept, sort of falls (slithers?) flat in execution. Nothing changes through levels. 6.5/10

this is one of the few games to be mechanically really funny

Neat little game with a neat little gimmick. Didn't feel motivated to play too far into it though, not sure why...

Case study in unique movement mechanics. Demonstrates that a game can simultaneously be slow and thrilling. Required reading.

Snake Pass was a fun game that felt unique in its control scheme. The worlds are bright and colorful and the character designs really brought me back to early Rare titles. The levels were tricky and well thought out but very little was introduced outside of the normal snake and ladder gameplay. Pretty steep difficulty spike in the final three levels but nothing impossible. The highlight of it all was the soundtrack (David Wise Wins Again). Overall loved the game and would recommend playing just to feel like a snake while listening to smooth jazz.

Kendinizi yılan yaptığınız oyun. O kadar.

Kontrollerin kanser olması da o nedenle, sanırım.

Disappointing. The core gameplay had so much potential, but the game fails to provide more than just simple levels. After getting accustomed to the unique controls, there's no motivator to keep going. The story is non-existent, there's no reward for getting the collectibles, no hook to differentiate the levels. I had high hopes that the game would scratch that Banjo Kazooie itch due to the similar look and music, but it couldn't come close. Most disappointing game in a while, not because it's outright bad but because it failed to deliver on it's potential. I really wanted to love this game.

Es un juego bastante divertido incluso cuándo hay veces que crees que has conseguido no caerte de pura chiripa. En algún momento del juego dicen: "Piensa como una serpiente" y es 100% real, más pronto que tarde estás enganchado y oteando el horizonte aunque no haga falta alguna ni tenga ninguna mejora. Como juego de puzzles muy bueno, no demasiado difícil de pasar, aunque la mayoría de coleccionables si que suponen un gran reto. Al principio parece que se resiste al movimiento, pero acabas cogiéndole el tranquilo como para acabarlo. También lo recomiendo para niños que ya sepan manejar un mando, pues la historia es 100% inocente y el juego precioso. Eso si, quizás se frustre un poco si no sabe moverse bien.

this game is really cool and I'm sure it works for some people but the mechanics just aren't fun

Yeah, nice. Really played with my nerves, this one

not a bad game, just not something I feel the desire to finish, one of those "platformers with weird controls" type games, fun for a while.

Fun mechanics but checkpoints and pointless collectibles not great. Final elemental set of stages most annoying (wind).

got this on my switch when nothing else was out for the console. honestly not too bad

Unique. I've never played a game like it. The core mechanic of having to literally 'think like a snake', considering the weight of your whole body, and how it might affect your ability to climb or grip certain surfaces. Reminds me of Subnautica, the way that having full 360 degree movement felt unlike anything I had ever played. SnakePass wasn't quite so revolutionary, but it was very good.