Reviews from

in the past

Lazy, unimaginative, and filled with greed. These are the ingredients Sonic Team used to make the worst Sonic experience ever.

And there is no chemical X to save the day here. They succeeded and the game is just plain terrible. I was able to put up with the likes of Shadow the Hedgehog yet I literally quit this game 5 minutes in because of how bad it is. Sega put no effort into this game at all.

The controls feel awful and far worse than the original 1991 game. The running animation is super broken and the textures look like they were made to work on a Nokia 3210. It honestly felt like Sonic Team was trolling us by naming this Sonic 4 - there was absolutely nothing remotely close that feels like a classic Sonic experience here.

Even the music sucks ass in this game as I literally remember none of the tracks. Music was supposed to be a redeeming factor in a failed Sonic game and they completely butchered that part as well.

This game exists just for nostalgia cash. There is absolutely no reason to play it. In fact, you should hate this game for how effective it is at further tarnishing Sonic's already poor reputation.

aight i don't think i need to brag myself for long with this game in particular because i don't know what needs to be said more than just full of hatred and curse words towards this game,it's genuinely that awful.

the fact that SEGA has the audacity to call this Sonic The Hedgehog 4 as sort of follow up and reimagine of old classic sonic games baffles me because in no way this deserves that title with how shitty it plays,how awful it looks,how utterly lazy it is with it's zones,and lastly it's just so fucking boring like you can tell this wasn't made out of passion more so it was made out of fucking greed.

looks like shit, sounds like shit, plays like shit with the worst homing attack ever conceived. the design overall is horrible, featuring plenty of leaps of faith, precision platforming in a sonic game, and generally unkind enemy placement. the fact that dimps apparently made this makes it even funnier. the one star i give this game is purely from how funnybad it is from start to finish

Strange as this may sound, this game would be so much better if it literally just had a different title. "Sonic 4" holds so many more implications than what this game actually is. If the game was advertised as the small, low-budget, side-game that it is, then I feel like it would be much more appreciated. Not exactly beloved, but at least accepted. But instead the game is presented as the sequel to Sonic Goddamn 3. Imagine if Super Mario Run was titled and advertised as "Super Mario Bros 5" and released on consoles, I feel like that game would be much more hated. To me, Sonic 4 will always be a mediocre spinoff and nothing more.

Los gráficos son feos, la música es horrenda, el movimiento es ortopédico, el diseño de niveles es horrible. El tercer jefe y el jefe final pueden irse a tomar por culo.

This game is just purely bad. All of the music is terrible, the game looks like shit, the levels are dogshit to play. Nothing redeemable about this game.

Cashgrab from SEGA, which takes advantage of fans' nostalgia, while doing nothing interesting.

i never played this game but i bet i would like it if i did

I've had quite the complicated history with 4 Episode 1, back in the day I thought this game was actually pretty good and I recommended it to people who weren't even big Sonic fans. But nowadays, after learning about the development history and the fact that it advertised itself as a sequel to one of the best Sonic games ever, I can totally understand why people hated on this game and I've grown to realize that this game is actually pretty bad all things considered. Visually, it's a mess, not being able to blend the 2D backgrounds and 3d models well enough to make it appealing. Musically, it could have sounded decent had it not been for the sound font they chose for this game. Gameplay wise, it's as if you took Classic Sonic gameplay and took out everything that made it fun, no momentum, no interconnecting pathways, only 4 rehashed zones, and an overall lack of original ideas in general. Sonic 4 Episode 1 is one of the most disappointing games in the series and I'm sure Sega and Sonic Team knew this given that they never bothered finishing this saga and went on to help make the real Sonic 4 being Sonic Mania, go play that game instead.

Yep. The worst game ever made. Honestly a pretty fitting sequel to Sonic 3

(written on April 28th, 2024) Ugh... I just do NOT like this game. While I think the first half is just boring and inoffensive, the 2nd half is so infuriating to me with the amount of bullshit such as the torch puzzle in Labyrinth, the bottomless pits at times and the classic Dimps level design trope of "you'll only go fast when we want you to." Combined with Sonic not being fun to control due to missing basic properties such as not being able to properly roll down slopes, no proper momentum and Sonic weirdly being able to stop on a dime at times, you have a game that's not really fun to play and one of the worst Sonic games IMO. The bland visuals and soundtrack also don't help anything. 3.5/10, don't play if you value your sanity. I felt like the only reason I was somewhat sane playing was that at the same time I was watching ATLA (ofc the good one) on another monitor.

this game kinda sucks, if they just released this as a mobile game and didn't call it sonic 4 i think the fanbase would've been a lot more forgiving

“Bro this game is terrible you retard why is it a 7 and not a 1 like it obviously deserves?” Actually give it a chance because it’s not that bad I don’t care if it looks ugly or sounds like trash as long as the gameplay is solid then I couldn’t care less about those things
“But it controls shitty and the level design is bad you gotta spam the homing attack over and over again” the controls are fine sure they take a bit of time to get used to but they’re doable whatever about the physics like sa1 and rush have messed up physics and yet people still like those games and level design doesn’t force you to use the homing attack all the time look up speed runs for proof and you’ll see what I mean it’s more skill based than you think
Some flaws that bring to mind are the level gimmicks and which some are fine (vines, torches, and rotating gears) but others aren’t that don’t have much going on (boulder, pinball and mine cart ride) and admittedly the homing attack is a dumb addition even though it’s not too much of a problem it’s still just as unsatisfactory as it’s always been

Así es, soy el de los gustos raros, tuve la suerte de poder disfrutar este juego.

Mm yes, we need more "puked-up crayon" aesthetics in video games I believe

“What if we made sonic soulless”

Though it might be one of the most insulting games in the series and I understand why it is so hated. The game is still ok at the end of the day. I wouldn't recommend the game, but it is by no means a terrible game.

I used to play this so much purely just for the pinball

For a phone game it's like a fine enough platformer, as the game that's meant to be Sonic 4 it's laughably awful. The physics are so messed up and the level design is just bleh, even the music is not great which is the one thing Sonic is always meant to get right.

Would be a 5 or 6 out of 10 if it weren't called Sonic 4.

Tries to be the classics but fails to rekindle want made those games good. Sonic 1 is better.

I remember the first level's music being pretty good, but yeah. That's about where the positives end for me. Honestly, it's partially my fault too. I know that Sonic 4 can't hold a candle to its predecessors on Genesis & the like, but me personally? I'm just bad at 2D Sonics. Try as I may, I can't click with them. So that definitely doesn't help.