Reviews from

in the past

Finished worlds 1-5 in an hour. Worlds 6-8 took an hour each. Technically I beat the game, but I am not doing world 9. Super Monkey Ball Banana Blitz made me more upset than playing Getting Over It. Not a fun time for me personally

completely lacks the monkey ball spirit. Glad banana mania was a true homage.

a very average experience. without the motion controls these levels are an absolute joke and the game doesn't even feel the least bit challenging until world 7. the bosses are also quite atrocious and i did not care at all for the minigames. the game was just really ok and clearly it was not what the fans wanted. we still got banana mania though so we can forget this remaster even exists

Playing through this game is a stark reminder of how we failed as a species.

Was not as bad as I thought it was gonna be. The only thing I thought while playing was how did they think people would be able to play these with motion controls back in the Wii days?

I think some of the levels in this can be best described as absolute fucking bullshit. But that's just a few. And I'm not overly impressed with the boss fights, either. If anyone ever finished this on the Wii, I salute you. I don't think I ever beat the 2nd boss.

But now we've got a HD version which doesn't use motion controls, making Banana Blitz so much better. The first few worlds are probably a bit too easy, boss stages aside, but I suppose that's to get to grips with the dog shit wiimote controls back in the day. Once you hit World 5, it's the taxing, occasionally infuriating monkey ball I know and love. There was probably one stand out stage from each world from that point, that had me turning the air blue, and spending a long time trying to beat it.

Sometimes this game feels more like luck than skill, and I almost gave up on world 7. But perseverance paid off and I eventually beat the main game. Overall I've really enjoyed it, and I'm this 🤏 close to picking up Banana Mania for more monkey ball madness. It's a lot of fun. I'm wondering if playing Super Mario Sunshine at the same time has helped with my patience.

Time to play the bonus world and then suck at the mini games. This was a fiver on the eshop BTW, and was absolutely worth it.

The dream of the Gamecube originals is dead, this is the unbalanced, hectic nightmare of its wake.

Didn't play the original. Probably will play more again someday.

They fucked up the controls so badly that you don't move in a straight line.

It should of had a bigger budget and itshould of had more rails.

SĂşper divertido, pero a partir del mundo 5 es jodidamente frustrante

imagine taking (possibly) the worst monkey ball game and making it both easier and worse (multiplayer-wise, at least)

the music still bangs and slap-OH WAIT THEY CHANGED IT

Enjoyed this a lot, a fair challenge for the majority of the game but the last world was horrible, the collision was all off. Oh and I don’t like the bosses, they don’t work in monkey ball.

got this for 5 bucks and still felt kinda ripped off, just go play banana mania or the gamecube originals instead

it has baby monkey so it can't be bad

i bought it when it came out and honestly thought it was just alright most of the levels were actually pretty okay until i got further into the game and they just got unbearably annoying

Okay, this game has a weird place in my heart. In 2019, my grandmother passed away. It was a low blow to my mother who was going to visit her mother back home for the first time in 10 years in two weeks. She had to reschedule her flight sooner so that she could be with her family. So for a month, it was just me and my dad all alone at home. Since my mom is a housewife, she usually attended to matters such as cooking. Such duties fell to me and my dad, however sometimes he'd just buy and leave me food. However, I wouldn't see him too often since he worked from afternoon (before I got home) to midnight. So, I spent most of my days in the house alone in a sort of depression. However, there was one day where a Youtuber uploaded a playthrough of this game. For some reason, his playthrough made my day for the first time after two weeks. It made me smile. It made me laugh. So this game reminds me of my grandmother. A strange thing to reminds me of her. But yeah. Not the best from the series. I'm just biased.

so lets take a game that's built around the lack of a jump
and add a jump
then add a story mode about monkey space pirates with unskippable cutscenes and dogshit boss fights
shockingly though the level design has some good moments idk it's not terrible

I think the one star review I gave was more based on the tilt control frustrating me and making me want to die then the actual games content, I'll have to give this another try at some point

only monkey ball game i've beaten and it's too easy. ik there are better monkey ball games and i'll play them soon!!!!!

It would be okay if it weren't for the dull boss fights that drag the game to a crawl. At least it has a functional version of Monkey Target unlike Banana Mania

O jogo começa ridiculamente fácil mas nos mundos 6 e 7 fica bem difícil, já o mundo 8 é o mais divertido e logo depois você desbloqueia o Sonic, então no geral eu gostei bastante 👍

Weirdly shallow for such a longstanding series. Still fun and my first time seeing the end of one of these.