Reviews from

in the past

Made like a dark, fucked up version of Jesus haha. Just a glimpse into my dark reality. A full stare into my twisted perspective would make most simply go insane lmao

It's an interesting, seldom explored idea of vengeful Christ and a vengeful religious world. Unique artistic interpretation, reminiscent in a way of the dark Spanish gothic seen in Blasphemous, or the grimdarkness of Bloodborne. Although, it does sound a bit stupid, considering Christ as a religious figure is completely anathemous to the entire idea of revenge, but hey - fiction is fiction.

Sadly, as much as I would love to explore this game, it's impossible to play. The game released in a garbage state - in only one hour of gameplay, I received around 3 complete freezes, the game is very unoptimized to the point where it only manages around 40 fps in the "fair scene" early on, in a system with 4060Ti 16GB and 5600X - more than enough for a game like that. The characters also stench of extreme jank - every cutscene and dialogue has an awkward little pause between every line or action, as if the game is rummaging through pages of script to find the right next line every single time. It's very hideous, and while it might be somewhat excusable back in the days of Risen and Gothic, it's certainly not excusable for a game created in 2024 and costing 40 euros.

An amazing story idea that falls short when it came to game play. I would love to check out the book series, I don't get the impression the game did enough justice to that. The storytelling didn't grab me like it should have, it was all over the place, and even though there was an amazing environment, it still felt very empty with lack of content.

Check out my entire review here:

non ci voglio pensare che nel mondo videoludico c'è gente con così poche idee che ha pensato seriamente ok drop it appena ha anche solo sentito l'idea di sta roba

In an era of forced kino slops this shit hit me like ice water, thank you gaming Allah I'l never doubt you again.

não tava entendo nada, agora que entendo gosto menos

Context on PC build:
- CPU - AMD Ryzen 9 5950X
- GPU - NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070ti

❌ Cons of the game:
🔺 The performance is awful, considering my setup. Had to reduce A LOT to actually have it run kinda of smoothly.
🔺 Started strong but couldn't hold it.

✅ Cons:
💚Interesting premise - Jesus swore revenge on all that impaled him on the crux. Instead of being benevolent, he preaches revenge and a dark vision
💚 Concept looks cool. When I managed to make it work, it looked and sounded extremely interesting