Reviews from

in the past

A game that has been completely ruined by esports. I hope everyone who was pushing for games to be considered real sports in the 2000s and 2010s gets kept up at night by all the games thoroughly ruined because of that. When it was good, it was REALLY good, but it's completely impenetrable to newcomers these days and every edge has been sanded off to create a very sterile, very balanced game that vaguely resembles the chaotic and inventive fun it used to be.

I flunked a class because of this game. Exams were coming up but I studied how to be tactical here instead of in the classroom and it really made me have to consider whether I should be playing this.

Steals your life from you, but its worth it

Rainbow Six Siege genuinely was one of my favorite shooter experiences of all time. Back in Year 2-4 ish it felt wonderful to play, even in spite of the absolutely horrendous community. I dumped a thousand hours into this game, and if you asked me then I would have given this game a 10/10. Ever since year 5, the game started to homogenize abilities, and just felt so boring and uninspired to play, and as I revisited r6 this past month, I still believe that the game is just far from how amazing it once was. I truly wish to see this game at its prime once again, but Ubisoft continues to have questionable design choices that impact r6 for the worse.

After 1100 hours it just doesn't hit like it used to

How do people get good at this game when you just get bodied for looking in front of you?

o jogo que era PERFEITO, mas a ubisoft - como sempre - o matou.

Worse than the last update and better than the coming update.

great game if you want/have mental problems :)

I mean it's fine. I love shooters but this was just not it for me at all

i didnt like it when it came out and didnt like it today. only found any semblance of fun by playing with a stack of friends but thats only cus i liked playing with my friends not because i liked the game. everything about the game rubs me the wrong way, it feels boring and soulless and trolling around was the only way i got fun out of it.

its just not for me man.

Un gameplay fade ou il ne faut que camper, des agents sans âme, sans intérêt.

game's impossible to play solo cause the playerbase is horrendous

el juego es muy bueno, probablemente el mejor shooter de la historia, pero es de ubisoft

i love siege for no reason for some reason this game hurts my head alot but its fun its terrible on console though.

For the love of all that's holy, this is the WORST competitive FPS you can play, and it's not even close.
I'd rather play 10,000 hours of Overwatch with child molesters than sitting through another match of this terrible game.

Counter-Strike is free and (although completely different), will forever be what this game has always dreamed of being, but never will be.

i went like 1 - 4 and it made a guy on my team cry

My friends force me to play this game please send help.

It was fun for a time, then reality set in.

imagine you didnt have to relearn the entire game every update

they made it terrible with all the updates, won't play it anymore

Fun concept which is verry common with Ubisoft games.

C'est compliqué, le jeu avait le potentiel de devenir un des meilleurs FPS de tout les temps mais trop de bug, de problème d'équilibrage et de mauvaises décisions...
Le jeu est encore bien joué mais personnellement j'y ai perdu tout interet mais il en reste un bon jeu

muito legal, muito bonito, só que meu jogo no primeiro tutorial bugou e eu não consegui passar nem fudendo na parte de apertar TAB para ver os controles do jogo.

So far this is the best tactical shooter ever. It never gets boring. Every single match is like a new game, almost nothing is repeatable. Every season they bring in new changes, operators and maps. With those changes it changes the whole gameplay as you have to think of every decision you make, and every single thing can affect the result of the match. Every operator has its own loadout and skills, which can affect the game. It really tests you skills and brain, as this is not spray-shooting game, like CoD or Battlefield.