Reviews from

in the past

Challenge the time, make a mistake, try again the same level until you get a gold medal.

Overall a fun game, you try the same courses until you get all the medals but you can also do online stuff

I liked my experience with that game, especially considering I like "die and retry" type of games where you are trying to get the sequence perfect. I think compared to previous Trackmania games, it introduces fun new mechanics. Unfortunately, I grew quickly out of the game.

Glitchiest Trackmania game. Also the worst tracks since the first game. Still fun, but annoying and I hate Lagoon.

Pretty challenging arcade racing

Nunca pude llegar a jugar el juego completo y era muy malo jugando

"I like this game!" Said young me when I played the demo for the game 6 or 5 years ago.

"I love this game!" I said to myself, finally owning the game 5 years later after it's original release date in 2016, and still, to this day in 2023, enjoying the game as much as the first time i played the full game in 2021.

One can say the feeling between past me and present me is mutual. And it is! I always liked the Trackmania Series, maybe it's the thrill of burning through the track, doing all sorts of gravity defying stunts at high speeds. Of course, the main objective of reaching the goal in the shortest time possible is still paramount.

Improvement is a key part of the series, shaving off second after second for a better record. Perhaps you're aiming for an Author Medal? (Which Turbo lovingly calls a Trackmaster Medal, I have to admit, the name did stick to me!) Looking to beat your friends' records? Or are you pushing for the world record? It's all retry after retry after retry! Hey, it's a reason the words "Try hard", "Try harder", and "Try again" are spread across the game like butter to toast. The idea of trying the same course over and over just for a better time might seem redundant to many, and for others it might get too repetitive and boring. But for me it's part of the enjoyment of Trackmania.

Now, you might be asking yourself "KreL, why do you like Turbo the most out of the other games?" Well, for starters: Yes, it is a version of Trackmania2 made specifically for consoles, I think its explained pretty easily, and it might be short of some stuff present in the original TM2... But I like Turbo for being its own thing. For one, they pushed for a visual idenity so unique to the game itself that really stuck to me, and there are some times where I can say "That's the Trackmania *I* know!". According to interviews, they tried to push for a style that drew inspiration from games like Sega Rally and Daytona USA, as well as aiming for a cross between the X-Games and the Olympic Games, most evident in how the overall scope of the in-game world shows TM as this huge, worldwide motorsport event. I like that a lot!

There's also stuff thats exclusive to the game, lile the additional local multiplayer modes like Arcade and Splitscreen, which, might be ordinary stuff to some, but I had alot of fun playing it with friends. Also exclusive to this game is the Double Driver mode, where you and someone else drive one car and try to stay in sync. And yes, there is a WHOLE CAMPAIGN dedicated to it. It shows that the team also put most of its time to this game mode as well.

The music in this game is a blend of various electronic tracks composed by a variety of artists, and depending on how you play, it intensifies and lessens up, blending it further into the game. It's weird how it's a rather unsung example of dynamic music in videogames.

It's cool that they managed to fit all of the 4 Environments (Canyon, Valley, Lagoon, Stadium) into a single package, complete with a campaign of over 200 tracks. Oh, and before I forget, there's more after that, but that's all I'm giving you. I don't think it's been possible on the original TM2 yet (Environments are sold separately, e.g; You bought TM2 Stadium, you also have to buy TM2 Lagoon ). I think Maniaplanet alleviates that issue? Didn't delve much into it myself...

Overall, Trackmania Turbo does its best at what it knows best: Bringing the flagship arcade racing experience loved my millions around the globe to consoles, and adding more ways to play the game, while also keeping it fresh with a visual flair that remains unique even to this day. It's also notable for being the first TM game to hit consoles in over 7 years (See Trackmania: Build to Race for the Wii), and for what it is, I think it was pretty much worth the wait. As my first experience with Trackmania, and my introduction to the series as a whole, it really did its job very well. Might as well be my one of my favorite racing games.

Buena entrega de la saga y recomendable. Sin embargo no puedo evitar recomendar más trackamina 2 por la particularidad de poder elegir completar las fases de un tipo de circuito de seguido y no tener que estar cambiando cada 10 pistas. Esto es terriblemente molesto ya que cambiar de tipo de circuito es un cambio enorme y provoca que tengas que estar acostumbrandote todo el rato de uno a otro y que te toque hacer pistas que quiza no quisieses hacer.

Très sympa en coop / multi / hotseat, les environnement variés donnent différents challenge. Pas aussi plaisant en main que les TM originaux.

A friend showed me the demo and I thought it was very fun. I showed the demo to two other friends and they hated it and left shortly after

This game would be amazing if it wasn't riddled with physics bugs. Valley water, landing bugs and random bumps on the road all make the last trackmaster medals frustratingly hard to get. Thank god Trackmania 2020 fixed all that.

Streamlined trackmania. Not bad, though, what I love about trackmania most is the community aspect. This one felt a tad lonely.

Beyond infuriating and yet still enjoyable

Trackmania Turbo is my first real experience with a proper racing game. A game that starts out easy enough, but will bring you to your limits by the time you reach the final set of tracks.

Achieving gold medals in some of the black tracks was really challenging for me, and by the time I was done with all 200 tracks, I felt exhausted.

Having to get used to a different car every 10 tracks was also a bit unecessary. I would have welcomed if you could progress the campaign on each environment independently.