Reviews from

in the past

This might be the best modern fighting game period. Really great and deep mechanics, good music, style, and story, and a pretty excellent roster with a good balance of characters from every SF series. This game holds up really well, and for someone who is really not a fan of modern fighting games, this is great. The only ones that come close are Tekken 7 and Street Fighter 6, but I need more time to think about SF6 before I make that decision...


This is the Super Smash Bros Melee of Street Fighter, this game is really hard to get super good at and that’s easy to put people off on, The roster is good with characters that need to be added to 6, the aesthetic is meh with meh graphics. This is a fun game to watch competitively though.

Jogo perfeito. Até hoje é meu jogo de conforto, me sinto melhor quando jogo, e se for contra os amigos melhor ainda.
Joguei muito a versão Arcade no Xbox360, mas a melhor versão é a Ultra do PC mesmo. Jogo com quase todos os personagens, mas meus favoritos são: Cody, E. Honda, T. Hawk, Oni, M. Bison e C. Viper.

Eu sou o MELHOR Sagat da minha casa.

Até agora pra mim é o melhor street fighter

First SF I played. Opened my eyes to fighting games and never looked back.

Maldito Seth asqueroso está rotisimo, y los minijuegos de mitad de prueba están bien dificiles.

legal, mas nunca peguei a manha do jogo. sempre perdia para o meu pai

The most fighting game to ever fighting game

Has one of the best rosters and supers.

Trully one of a kind, many memories over here

This is that newly-released fighting game that everyone's been playing, right?

I could write an obnoxiously long diatribe about all the intricacies of why this game is good, with long writeups about game mechanics or roster balance or whatever, but I'm not gonna do that because I don't want to. I like this game because it feels pretty good to beat the tar out of people, and there's a lot of ways to do that. It's probaly a pretty good sign that I enjoy this game as much as I do even though I can barely play it. I don't know what else I can say here. Fight game feel good. Fight game fun. Fight game good maybe?

Una paja al aceite es una buena paja, es una paja muy gustosa porque del gusto que te da en la crouching medium kick te saca mucho aceite de los barriles y te alivia bastante. Es muy gustosa y consiste en que yo veo el hadoken al shoto y se me ponen los footsies que me explotan y a continuacion me voy al training del Ultra 4 y me encierro y se creen que estoy labbeando pero es que me estoy haciendo una paja al aceite. Yo voy y me agacho en la DP y me saco la crouching mk que esta autotimed y con el daño alto y cojo pokes, mucho pokes y me envuelvo la crocuhing mk todo ella como si fuera un cilindro y entonces cojo ingentes cantidades de aceite que es blanco a la semilla de algodon y arrelleno de aceite la parte del cilindro del poke que sobresale desde la punta de mi crouching mk y echo mucho y parte se va colando por todo el cilindro y toda la crocuhing medium kick queda llena de aceite. Un truco bueno para que la paja de mas gusto es llenar la palma de la mano izquierda de meaties y frotarse los barriles para que asi del gusto salga mas aceite. Una vez hecho esto se trata de menear arriba y abajo el papel y el roce de la crouching mk con el aceite es mejor que el mejor de los ultras jugosos e invencibles y yo cierro los ojos y me imagino que estoy hit confirming al shoto y como el gusto es tan bueno el grab es bestial y sacas mucho aceite que se mezcla con el meaty y terminas echo polvo y aceitado como un puto grappler o un cerdo zoner. Un truco muy bueno es que conforme te vas haciendo la paja paras un poco y echas otro meaty en el hueco superior del cilindro que poco a poco cae en la punta de la crouching mk y continuas haciendote la paja al aceite.

Como digo es una paja muy gustosa y que te saca mucho aceite y espero que os sirva de consejo y os la hagais porque da mucho gusto y es lo mejor que hay. en la oficina pensaran que soy un labrat y que siempre estoy labbeando pero lo que hago es hacerme muchas pajas al aceite. Hoy ya llevo tres.

I went in wanting to try a new fighting game and came out with a foot fetish

finalmente um jogo de luta que eu sei jogar, mt foda, fiquei das 23:00 as 5:00 jogando com meu amigo e nem vi o tempo passar.

Um dos meus fg favoritos, e provavelmente um dos melhores streets

I don't really vibe much with the esthetic of the game overall, feels like they tried so hard to copy paste 3rd Strike's esthetic and it doesn't fit.

I find the game pretty ugly for a 3D game but the over-extended cast saves everything tbh, especially because it's funny to corner carry people with Hakan's grab

I'm no good at fighting games. I mean, I can obviously beat the arcade mode of one if I'm just given enough time and limitless virtual quarters for when I inevitably hit a wall, but put me in an online context and I'll be destroyed by my opponent nine times out of ten.

Despite this, I was strangely hyped for Street Fighter 6, so I thought I'd play Ultra Street Fighter IV before its release, just to sort of get a bit more used to the language of Street Fighter, if you will. Still didn't play online since I'm pretty sure the only ones active there these days are super pros who've been playing the game since Street Fighter IV released almost 15 years ago. I did, however, give myself the goal to at least be able to beat arcade mode (normal difficulty) without using a single continue.

And I eventually did! Playing as Juri (usually a Ken main, but I love her theme in 6, so had to try her out), I was terrible at the beginning, taking almost 90 minutes just to beat arcade mode my first time, basically knowing two of her special moves and not much else (didn't even know about focus attacks until later.) It felt like I had a mountain to climb at that point, but then I discovered the game's trial mode where I basically got to learn every move possible for any given character, and even a few pretty advanced combos. It wasn't easy and some trials drove me quite mad, but I did eventually get to trial 22 out of 24 where I felt a) "22-24 are going to take me the rest of the year to beat and kill my hands", and b) "I think I'm actually pretty okayish now?" So I returned to arcade mode, did a lot better than before though not without having to use some continues. Tried it once again, had a perfect run until I completely choked against Seth's second form and just lost three rounds in a row without putting in much of a fight. Didn't choke as hard the next time, but still came up short against Seth despite thinking I'd found a way to cheese his AI. Fourth time was the charm, though, and a combination of heavy sweep kicks and focus attacks did the trick well enough on good ol' Seth. What seemed like a mountain quickly turned out to be a hill, and I climbed it a lot quicker than I had expected to. I have no idea if this is seen as a much easier arcade mode than ones in other games, but either way it felt really good to finally have performed on an okay level in a fighting game. And fighting AI is obviously extremely different from fighting real people, but at least it's a start.

Is the game good, you might ask? Definitely, at least from where I'm standing. Maybe it's grossly unbalanced and the controls aren't frame perfect enough for the pros, but there wasn't really anything for an amateur like me to complain about. It felt good to play, looked good and had really good animations for a 2008 game, sounded good with strong sound effects and a memorable soundtrack, so I guess it's a good game! Maybe not on the level of Street Fighter III 3rd Strike, but still a lot more enjoyable than most fighting games I've played over these last few years.

o jogo q sera sempre perfeito

Decently fun, but really hard to get into. Street Fighter in general demands a lot more attention and understanding than some fighting games, which is fine, but it can be tricky to break into

great game but i wasnt there for its prime

en el ultra lo arreglan!!111!!!11