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in the past

an extremely good attempt - much better than you'd expect at a glance - at recreating the mind games of fighting games without requiring that you grind your bones into dust against the controller to practice combos. it's a little opaque (would be nice if the game told me how to identify when the next turn happens instead of a steam guide) but is extremely rewarding nonetheless.

i understand why people keep throwing around the word "chess" when discussing this but i think for non-players this makes it sound like a game that lacks immediacy. you might spend a full 30 seconds planning for a "turn" that lasts 4 frames but those 4 frames can still be more rewarding than any single turn in normal chess would ever be, thanks to some chunky, bitcrushed sound effects. this kinda arrangement extends the satisfaction of a well-executed combo as long as possible and it rocks. game's funny too. nothing better than ending a turn, watching some completely innocuous shit happen for a whopping 6 frames, and then getting a message that just says "shit".

uh, play it with friends though, the playerbase is small enough that people don't always respect the "beginners only" lobby

É perfeito para quem gostava daquelas lutas épicas de Stickmans onde os dois eram extremamente poderosos. O normal já é foda, com mods ficam melhor ainda!

Removing the execution barriers to the strategy and prediction aspects of high-level play of fighting games allows people like me, unwilling to devote the time and effort this kind of thing takes, to experience how rewarding it actually is. People I've played with online have also been surprisingly nice. This game makes me want to give proper fighting games a real chance

This hits the spot in so many ways. I've always wished for a fighting game without the practical necessity of the real-time combat, now couple it with your Newgrounds' childhood stick fighting nostalgia. This game becomes unique by taking the more jargonic mechanics of fighting games, generally understood from within the fighting game community and applying them to a strategy game with its own set of rules. As such it might be hard to understand to some users, the learning curve is steep and it becomes quite a niché game for the uninitiated. What is certain is that Yomi Hustle is one-of-a-kind within its genre, and an industry that struggles to come across new innovative spins on established game design forms.

Very good, I have to Thank a friend for Making me return to This Game. (Thanks GabeeW)

Do you remember watching these stick fight animations like 10 years ago? You ever thought "Man, I wish there was a game that would let me do this". Well, here it is.

Stick fight does not only look crazy like these animations we look back so fondly on, it plays like a dream too. "Fighting games are turn based" has long been said in the community, "you just need to know when to take your turn". The developer Ivy Sly took this literally and created one of the most innovative fighting games we've seen in a long time.

Both players doing their turn at the same time, having to guess what the opponent is going to do, confuse them with movement, react to the moves they throw out... it's all so familiar. It really plays just like a fighting game, but your reaction time is instant because of the turn based nature of the game.

If you're a greedy player, you'll throw up stupid moves and get punished, if you're scared, you'll get backed into the corner, and if you're too defensive, you will get grabbed. It's all here, just in a turn based coating.

What really takes this game to the next lvl are the mechanics it borrows from other fighting games. Being able to influence the direction you fly when you get hit, guessing when the opponent is going to push you away with their burst, how different characters have different friction on the ground allowing for sliding moves and creative ways of hitting the opponent, fighting game fans will recognize all of this and be able to pinpoint what games they're being "borrowed" from, but ti just makes so much more sense in this game.

The level of control you have over your character in this game, even when you're being comboed by your opponent is astonishing.

This game manages to skip a lot of the issues traditional fighting games face. Telling your friend that they have to stick with a game for a while before they know if it's for them or not, it's not really a good selling point. "The game is fun, but you have to put in the work". This game skips all of that. Anyone can play this, and they don't have to spend hours in training mode to do awesome combos. Every time you press a button, you can see a preview of what is going to happen, before it happens. This means that you'll be able to see what moves will and will not work, and you can compare your moves to your opponent's, letting you know how big of a risk you're taking.

The main issue with this game is that some of the downsides of fighting games are even worse in this one. Fighting game players will complain having to "watch a cutscene" if your opponent combos you for more than five seconds. This game is even worse. While it is cool that you are also playing while you're being combod, by influencing the direction you get hit, your options are still extremely limited, and you're not exactly doing anything "cool".
Having to wait for your opponent to plan their incredibly cool 10+ hit combos can leave you waiting for upwards of five minutes before you're able to play again. But then again, when you actually get a hit, you'll be the one doing the most awesome sequence of moves you'll ever see for five minutes, so maybe it's worth it ;)

Overall, this game is incredible. It's a fighting game with all the depth and fun characters you'd expect, while also being incredibly accessible to the point where anyone that understands the basic principle of "You want to hit the opponent without getting hit yourself" to play and do awesome moves.

Regardless of if you win or lose, you'll be able to watch the whole match play at lightning speed once the round is over, and it looks just as cool every single time. I'll continue to play this a lot more for sure.
Highly recommend.

I heard that this game is really interesting with a lot of depth, so I bought it because it was cheap. I see the depth and I know I could invest a lot of time into this game, but I found the barrier to entry was too tall when there are other games I would not need to work as hard at to fully enjoy. There are different characters you can choose with different abilities. Each player chooses an action at the same time from the list of possible actions that their character can make. There is a little preview of what could happen, but what actually happens can change dramatically depending on what your opponent does. The expanded game of rock paper scissors with added combos obviously has a lot of depth as I initially saw. The problem is the UI is fairly obtuse. To really get into this game, I expect I would have needed to have my ass handed to me for a long time until it clicked or watch/read a bunch of guides while still getting my ass handed to me for awhile. I have a feeling when the game eventually clicked I would have felt like it was worth the initial struggle. I just don't want to invest the time when I have so many other options that don't require such a large initial investment.
The gifs of other people's fights are pretty cool though. I would suggest looking up highlights on YouTube or something.

Fun game but oh my god the ui is not user friendly and competitive players seem to be in the 8th layer of insane meta hell

It's hard to write a review for this game because of how biased I am.

I love this game, and it is easily one of my games of the year for 2023. No contest.

So why do I love this game so much? Simply put, Your Only Move Is Hustle encapsulates everything that makes fighting games fun to play, and delivers it in a package with no execution barrier or reaction time necessary. This game is essentially fighting game chess, and it is wonderful.
Now that it's on steam, it even has more options for everyone.

Want to beat up random people? Hop into a steam lobby!
Don't want to play other people but you do like crafting awesome looking fight scenes? Single player is right up your alley.
Tired of only 4 characters? There's an unlimited number of cool modded characters in the workshop. I'm partial to Neon White myself.
Want more backgrounds/stages? Workshop has a bunch of those too.
Want even more competition, check out the ranked mods which add ranked lobbies to the main menu.

If you have even a passing interest in fighting games, I suggest you check this gem out.

Turns out that a game focused on my favorite aspects of fighting games - decision making and theory crafting - is something I really really enjoy. Still tons I need to learn but it's already been super fun and full of depth. Fuck wizard tho

Nothing quite like fiddling with the cope wheel for 20 minutes while watching your ass get expedited shipping to pound town 6 frames at a time after misreading the neutral mix up

A flip on the whole fighting game genre. I love it. Sometimes I just boot it up to make some workshop characters fight each other.

This game defined my 2023, I have been playing it non-stop since it released on Steam and I'm still going. This is maybe the best non-traditional fighting game ever made. It distills the core appeal of the genre down into a humble package and makes it accessible to anyone who can click a button. If you've never given a damn about fighting games and wanted to know why so many are so passionate about them, this is the game to check out.

Gameplay aside, I've made a lot of friends through the community, and that's something I can't put a price on.

Mantığı çok güzel oyuna yedirilmiş bir dövüş oyunu. Oyunun mantığını anlatmak isterdim ama buraya yazmam biraz zor, size kendiniz deneyim etmenizi öneriyorum. Bunun için'dan demosunu oynayabilirsiniz. Animelerde ve filmlerde gördüğünüz havalı dövüşleri bu oyunda canlandırabiliyorsunuz. Oyunu oynamak için biraz sabırlı olmak gerekiyor, ama oyuna iyice alışınca sanki normal bir dövüş oyunu oynar gibi oluyorsunuz. Ayrıca, mod desteği var ve aktif olarak yeni karakterler, yeni stageler ve yeni oyun modları çıkıyor, ve bazıları gerçekten çok kaliteli oluyor

Um jogo de luta por turnos, tem algo mais nerd que isso?

A wholly unique take on a fighting game, being turn-based allows for the kinds of fights that you'd only imagine or see in Flipnote animations. Obviously a proper matchmaking system and some ways to ease players into the experience would help, but the core gameplay was cool enough for me to ignore being pulverised for my first few matches.

the most unique and fun fighting game

Amazing concept for a fighting game but kinda sucks it's multiplayer only with no interesting single player options. No story mode or not even a mode where you fight against a bot. All you really get is a single player match where you can just mess around and make a cool replay and that's fine but not something I would do, personally. Workshop support is cool thouigh

Arcsys games wish they were half as good

Personally one of the most unique fighting games on the market right now. It's a big of a slog to really get down to the nitty gritty and learn it, though the pay off is... semi worth it?

The modding scene saves but also ruins this game for me. I'm not a huge fan of over the top characters with really simple/unbalanced movesets. Which is really the fate of alot of these types of indie fighters that allow mods. Wishing it had bit more characters and a bit of fluidity with some of the moves on current characters

tldr: i have a skill issue

This game is so unbelievably fun with friends. It's extremely addicting and the addition of workshop support makes it even better. Here's hoping for further updates and maybe some stage variants.

I wish this game existed when I was a kid

My brain isnt big enough for this but still cool

this game made my childhood dream come true lmao.

Pulling off a spot dodge in this game is the equivalent of an anime character going "I've already won."
Even when I'm in a getting obliterated in a zero-to-death stunlock combo I can only think about how fire this game is

My 11 year old selfs wet dream. Probably the best fighting game I've ever played. Fun as fuck, massive amount of community content, engaging, satisfying - this game is fucking sick.

Even if I lose its extremely satisfying to see the fight play out at full speed at the end.

incredible game for the price. However, stick to playing it casually because as soon as you start playing conpetitively the game becomes a mental slog to get through.
lock the fuck in and play it