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Gone Gold

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For some reason, I went with the strange decision to start with this game instead of RE7 (mostly because I am a pussy who was too scared to play it and I heard that Village was a bit more action-oriented). Despite that, this still presented itself as a fun, atmospheric, and scary experience all in one.
I mentioned that this game is more action-oriented compared to the previous game, and I can't really validate how true that actually is (I do plan to play RE7 eventually) but it's got a good sense of agency and action without going too far into pure-action territory. There will still be moments where you feel like you're horribly outmatched, you're low on resources, you're caught off guard, and other situations that keep the tension up.
The game also looks great, both graphically and art direction-wise. Every important location has a distinct theme, with an impressive level of detail and fidelity. This combined with the great set-pieces lead to some truly memorable moments.
Speaking of set-pieces, the story and it's accompanying characters and cutscenes are no slouch either. Every boss has their own twisted reasons for their being, and they're all charming in different ways.
Overall, a great time all around, and an easy recommendation if you're a Resident Evil fan, or just interested in the series.

Lovely little tile puzzle game based on Shovel Knight. Admittedly I'm pretty garbage at puzzle games so I didn't get too far, but I quite enjoyed what I played of it. Cute artwork and great renditions of the Shovel Knight OST.

(Initial thoughts while I slowly play through the first game)
A very well-made facelift to the classic games with much love and care, including new modern controls that feel alot more in-line with current sensibilities. However, the lack of an autosave and the sometimes frustrating platforming does show the game's age somewhat.