Reviews from

in the past

Game needs a classic mode badly. Just normal and special summons. Tired of these scumbags having 10 minute turns.

to all of you complaining about maxx c simply just draw the out :)

people are better than me and it makes me upset

Probably the best yu-gi-oh game there ever was, i dream of the day that i will be able to use the cards i physically have to play this...

All of you are cowards, Thunder Dragons is the best deck

i love doing something else for 30 minutes while my opponent plays their turn then taking mine in less than 5 (more than half of my hours are waiting for my opponents to play)

Bon jeu, la meilleure représentation de ce qu'un jeu Yu-Gi-Oh doit être. J'ai cependant du mal car trop d'animation dans tout les sens qui rendent le jeu assez lent et pour un habitué et puriste du jeu de carte TCG c'est assez mou

tinha bastante potencial, mas tem MUITA COISA A SER MELHORADA. Jogadores mais casuais são praticamente proibidos de jogar

I hesitate to give Master Duel a rating by nature of it being both 1) a live service game and 2) a card game that constantly evolves. Any rating that I give now can just as quickly be made irrelevant by a future update that changes the in game economy or the introduction and removal of cards that can change the meta in a moment. For that reason, I'm going to keep this to the current state of the game, while ignoring format specific issues. Lord knows how many people love to complain about the current meta threat.

So I'm going to get this out of the way right now, the biggest issue with Master Duel is the existence of Maxx "C". I have no idea why Konami is seemingly so in love with this card, but it's incredibly unhealthy for the game and warps deck building. You basically have to dedicate a quarter of your deck list to account for this card. While banning it won't solve all the games issues, it would do a lot to lessen the impact of them.

The game is also not very good at onboarding new players. Yu-Gi-Oh is an incredibly complicated game to learn and master, and Master Duel does a very inadequate job at teaching people how to play the game. The tutorial will teach you very basic stuff about the game, but beyond that you're shit out of luck. Solo Mode can maybe provide a better learning experience for certain archetypes, but if none of them interest you, then that's that. The best thing you can do to learn is find a deck that interests you and look up a guide on Youtube on how best to play it. In my experience, it doesn't take that long for me to learn the fundamentals of a new deck, but this will vary wildly from person to person.

The best of one format is also not an ideal way to play a game, especially in a ladder format. I get why that's the case, as games would drag on for much longer if ladder was in a BO3 format with side decking, but it would do a lot to encourage skilful play and deck building instead of simply building a deck that can generate a 51% win rate.

So does Master Duel anything good compared to paper play. Shockingly, yes. In a strange turn of events, Konami created a game with one of the most generous economies I've experienced. You can make competitively viable decks without ever needing to spend a dime to do so. This is made easier by the fact that the game has a crafting system, where you can just craft the cards you need for any strategy and dismantle cards you'll never use. Don't want to spend hundreds if not thousands of gems in the hopes to pull a one of UR? Just craft that sucker. It also helps that a lot of the expensive cards are staples that you'll run across many decks, so the true cost to build a new deck is never as high as it might seem. Master Duel also only uses one type of currency, and that currency can be easily earned by just playing the game. In a world where the TCG can often times be prohibitively expensive, it's nice to see a way to play these decks without needing to remortgage your house.

Another feature that keeps the level of investment low is the game's various starter decks. For 1500 gems, you can run some pretty decent decks. They aren't Tier 1 meta threats, mind you, but some of the Starter Decks on offer are at the very least viable to play on the ladder, which means that you don't need to invest all that much to get a head start on your climb up the ladder. Just do your due diligence and do some research on which decks are worth getting before taking the plunge.

I can't say whether Master Duel is a good way to experience Yu-Gi-Oh as it's so heavily dependent on the type of person you are. If you're looking for a way to just do pick up and play type Yu-Gi-Oh, this is not the product for you. If you're looking to more seriously get into the game while also not wanting to break the bank on cardboard, Master Duel could provide a good alternative for that itch.

Matches are just too long to be fun

I mean it's cool that it's lasted this long (and seems to have a few more years in it at least) and has been relatively popular but there are just much better alternatives of playing YGO online so idk why I would ever revisit this

Most abusive relationship I've ever been in.

Master duel est le meilleur moyen pour jouer à Yugioh de façon compétitive régulièrement. L'interface est très propre avec de bonnes animations (petit sur Switch par contre), le système de ranking est efficace et il y a régulièrement des évents permettant de voir d'autre deck sur le devant de la scène. Les cartes sont update régulièrement avec un écart sur le TCG, ce qui est souvent reproché mais qui pour moi est une bonne chose car cela permet d'appréhender la meta à venir avec plus de recul, ce qui est nécessaire aux vues du système financier.
Le jeu adopte sa propre banlist, qui est également quelque chose de reprocher mais qui de mon point de vue permet de tester de nouvelle chose vis-à-vis du format physique.

Cependant, il y a deux défauts majeurs que l'on peut reprocher au jeu, en premier lieu le système économique. Master duel n'est pas un simulateur Yugioh, mais un f2p embarquant un système d'obtention de carte similaire aux gachas, ce qui va rendre l'obtention des meilleures cartes très lente, et même si le jeu est plutôt friendly par rapport aux gachas classique, il va être difficile pour les joueurs de se constituer plusieurs decks sans passer par un long moment de grind sans mettre d'argent dedans.

Un autre souci est le manque de guide "moderne". Yugioh est un jeu facile à comprendre mais très dur à maitriser, et à l'instar de tous les produits Yugioh, Master Duel est vraiment à la ramasse pour ce qui est d'apprendre aux joueurs les spécificités modernes du jeu ou la meta en cours. De ce fait, un joueur qui ne fait que commencer ou qui reviens sur Yugioh après un long moment de pause se fera oblitérer par toutes les nouvelles mécaniques s'il ne s'est pas mis à jour avant de lancer Master Duel. Un constat qui peut vite devenir amer quand on combine cela avec le premier défaut : un joueur qui à dépenser ses premières gemmes dans les mauvaises cartes aura beaucoup de mal à repartir.

Il y a clairement une marge d'amélioration que le jeu pourrait avoir, mais globalement c'est un jeu qui fait bien ce qu'il a à faire : Permettre de jouer à Yugioh de façon compétitive facilement et officiellement.

Petit point sur le jeu de cartes en lui-même : Cela semblerait évident, mais Yugioh a beaucoup changé, et la façon de jouer compétitivement à ce jeu n'aura absolument rien à voir avec la façon dont il était joué dans les cours de récré il y a 20 ans. Si vous voulez juste aligner vos cartes favorite ou des cartes qui vous plaisent, tournez vous plutôt vers les jeux classiques disposant d'un mode solo comme Legacy of the Duelist

Aqui você vende a sua alma e sanidade para o META. E quando não conseguir esse feito, apenas desista.
Mais tarde você se lembra que um amistoso entre amigos consegue ser bem divertido.

Gosto tanto de "Yu-Gi-Oh!" a ponto de jogar o card game físico por pelo menos 7 anos, só que é mais um "vai e volta" do que jogar direto. O que sendo bem sincero é saudável kkkk.
Porém, com relação a acessibilidade dele no geral fica difícil de querer arriscar algo. Tipo, se você duelar contra alguém que segue o META tu vai acabar assistindo o cara jogar sozinho ou só dando a vitória à ele.

O crafting eu achei zuado e muito demorado, vão para o Ômega ou EDOPRO. São mais acessíveis.

this game makes me question if my cards are good or not

the dark magician>> dark magic attack

The Game doesn't feel like it's pay to win; the first solo mode missions give you tons of gems to create your own deck.
The only issue I feel with this game is how slow the balance changes are, and I feel like they may need to start doing some more ban lists, very slowly. Currently as it stands Diamond Rank is too harsh in punishment due to how harsh the current meta is. Diamond Rank should be the level of platinum instead of dropping instantly down to 4 wins away and there's one loss and you drop way too far.

i am not the same person i was before playing yugioh


aside from when i hate this game, its the best game ever made

YGOPro só que tem que adquirir as cartas, no fim o melhor pra saúde é não jogar yugioh

Played, got my ass beat for like a month, then stopped playing.

This is it, this is pure unadulterated Yu-Gi-Oh with all of the new mechanics and cards introduced over all the years scince the original anime.


> Gameplay is snappy with a nicely designed Ui System, With Quality of life features such as highlighting part of a card's text showing you what just happened.

> Cross-Progression and Cross-play

> HD artwork of basically all of the original and current cards in real life, also (some) Cards have Summoning animations giving the original artwork much love.

> The Singleplayer mode gives you lots of free cards and cosmetic accessories.

> The game is very genuours with it's in game currency, with daily challenges, monthly deul events and story mode missions can all net you plenty of "Gems" and "Dust" you'll need to start building stronger decks.


> The tutorial doesn't do a good job of teaching a new player how to play the game.

> If you're a fan of the original format of Yugioh be warned there's a heap of new features to learn, It can be very overwhelming.

> Losing on your first turn is definitely a thing. I once had a duel where my opponent went first then I lost before I even had a turn.

> The Community is a mixed bag; the magority are very helpful but you'll get a few duels where you Cleary lost but Instead of finishing you off they'll go on a 10min combo string before dealing the final blow. Wasting your time for no reason.

Overall if you're a fan of the Anime or just want to try Yu-Gi-Oh, this is the full experience, it'll take some time to learn but with a strong community to back you up with advise and recommendations, You'll be sending fools to the shadow realm in no time.

Could be sm better but still good yk

Gachas aren't real games + just play EDOPro instead.