Reviews from

in the past

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I had to play a few rounds of Nasu at the end to convince myself to jump

this game is super interesting, definitely scratched the itch to play something weird and out there, and playing at night with all the lights off really does set a good mood. i wanted to go into this game with as little prior knowledge possible, and once id explored every door world once i started to look things up to see what all was left to experience. i do think i cheapened the game for myself by doing this but i felt like i just needed to see if the game had any sort of closure or anything really cool i was missing out on and there definitely were a few things, but it just felt tedious trying to find the last 7 or 8 effects without hints from a steam guide and i quickly gave up trying to figure the rest out for myself. i honestly would have been fine with this game not really having an ending at all just because of how open ended it is but once i found out there was one i felt like i needed to just see what happens for myself

this game gave me media literacy


i have 10 madotsuki skins downloaded on minecraft

The first hour or so of Yume Nikki was one of the most baffling experiences I have ever had starting a game, particularly because--contrary to my expectations going in--I barely even consider it a game. I wandered around each lurid landscape trying to figure out what the hell the structure of this world was meant to be, before realizing there simply wasn't really one.

Yume Nikki was a lot easier to digest once I realized what I was meant to do: pick away at its lurid world, finding equipment and transformations that change both myself and the world around me, and discovering new places. It's really impressive how, despite there not being a single line of dialogue, the world was still such a strong canvas for drawing meaning and emotion out of. The mall area, with its dreary melancholy pierced by an incredibly rare sense of hope provided by the flute player, which i spent a little while playing alongside with my own flute, was one of the standout areas personally.

The world of Yume Nikki feels so viscerally real in its unreality. The word I've come to best describe the entire experience is "ethereal". Most of the direct fingerprints from the author feel totally dusted off, with a few exceptions, instead left embedded deeper inside the world. It's not the translation of somebody's dreams into a playable experience so much as a direct window into those dreams. Many of my recent dreams, from just before and during my playthrough, have felt almost identical in their structure and presentation.

I don't feel good rating the game like the other games I typically play since, again, I don't see it as a game as much as an experience. I don't know how good it really is, but I don't feel like it matters. My five star rating is more a showing of my overwhelming appreciation for the experience. It'll definitely be on my mind for a while.

This isn't even a game. Interesting but that's it

dreams be like that sometimes

I played this game for the first time in 2010. It was 2am, a hot July night. A breeze rolled through my window while I wandered through Madotsuki's dreams. My experience might not be the same as many others, but I haven't stopped thinking about this game for 13 years.

A melhor execução de uma atmosfera surrealista que eu já vi num jogo. Você passa o jogo inteiro navegando por mundos enigmáticos e confusos, fazendo o seu melhor pra se orientar e progredir no jogo de alguma forma. Entender a geografia dos mundos é sim útil, mas nunca dá pra se acostumar por completo com a lógica de Yume Nikki, o que mantem muito bem essa atmosfera distante de viajar por sonhos.

Gosto MUITO de como o jogo claramente tem temas e uma história, mas demanda sua criatividade e interpretação pra entendê-la. Yume Nikki é um daqueles jogos que até hoje não foi "decifrado", não por falta de significado e sim pelas diversas interpretações que pipocaram pela internet.

clássico de RPG maker

I spent like 20+ hours bumbling around this game without a guide before eventually giving up

10/10 would do again

only chill ppl understand this game

If you get lost then: you may Wiki

If you play this game like a normal game then you will NOT have fun
but if you play it to just explore and soak in the atmosphere then you'll see a really interesting game with some of the best music, environments and atmosphere that I've ever seen

When I finished it I had to use a guide for some obtuse effects which kinda sucked but I actually dont think the game was intended to be finished at all because the ending leaves a lot to the imagination

I liked it a lot and will think about it for a long long time

the kind of creativity you only really get in tiny games like this that exist for no other reason than to show someone's passion and imagination. this game captures the feeling of dreaming and just being a child in general better than pretty much any other piece of media i've ever seen and if nothing else that's pretty fucking incredible

To me, this game is legendary.
Yume Nikki it's one of a kind. Sure, you can found a lot of games that get inspired from his dark and dreamlike atmosphere, yet none of them really gives you the same experience that Yume Nikki it's able to deliver. Walking in these disturbing dreams trying to figuring out what does every elements represent, as dreams are the fifth essence of symbolism, it's what make this game one of the most unique adventure you can get from this media.
One of my favorite elements of this game it's the fact that you don't really have an objective or goal while playing it. Sure there is an ending, that you get by collecting all of the effects, yet even when you achieve this you don't really feel like it's the ending of the game. This is because the real ending of the game it's when you just choose to stop playing it, just as a daydream you have just for the pleasure of having it.
Yume Nikki it's haunting yet cozy, and even in his unfinished form it's perfect the way it is.

I have never enjoyed exploring a game as much as Yume Nikki. The game captured the creepy and unsettling atmosphere so well that it just kept me needing more and more of the game's world and events. I heard about Yume 2kki and I can't wait to try it out with friends in the near future. I love this so much.

Yummy Nicky... best RPG Maker game ever. A cult classic and permanent part of my soul.

A small indie game that is able to showcase the untapped potential the gaming medium has as a literacy media. Instead of trying to mature itself by trying to become a cinematic experience, it can be something different and something very more.

there is a yume nikki shaped imprint on my heart i love this game

someone tell toby to sue whoever made this, mfs STOLE GASTER