Reviews from

in the past

it's difficult to understand if you're just looking for a good story and entertaining puzzles. i had to play it again, many years later, to actually like -- 15-year-old me was so confused.

I've gotta give it a close 5 stars because how damn creative it is. It is A PAIN to play, can become really tedious and boring, but at the same time, is so laberynthic, strange, iconic, beautiful... it's the (not so secret) inspiration behind many, many modern games

this game is literally the unconscious mind given form

peak arthouse game

An unique little game. Requires some patience but if you're willing to just take it slow and breathe in some of the surreal and depressing imagery this game gives, i think you're in for a treat. Helps that there's random events and very deep secrets in this outside of the main ''objective'' (getting all of the effects, I suppose) so there's reason to come back for another playthrough or two.

Similar to Silent Hill 2 in how I found comfort in its atmosphere.

I mean what am I supposed to write here really? That it is indeed a lot like exploring dreams, including perfectly capturing the sense of fear that whatever scene or place you're in can be replaced by sheer terror at a moment's notice? That I had played parts of this before and still nearly shit myself when Takofuusen came in? That I had a GOOD TIME?

Yeah, I guess I did have a good time. Good game.

objectively dogshit by most technical metrics and contains almost no words and yet still somehow managed to make me afraid of the number 9

el verdadero walking simulator (me encanta)

Todas las guías mencionan que no puedes morir en el juego pero se olvidan de que unos personajes que te persiguen cuando te tocan te teletranaportan a espacios cerrados de los que la única salida es volver a empezar el nivel

A charming little game that has a lot to love about it. I ran out of things to do and eventually found my way to the 'end' of the game, but I found myself intrigued by the small little lore bits and interpretations you could make from the pieces of the puzzle. Early internet game, but there's a lot to like here.

I love this game an incredible amount I can always go back to it and feel that same feeling

a walking sim i can actually fw because of its unpredictable visuals and events

Cool and unique little experience with an atmosphere unlike any other.

não entendi o hype desse jogo

I walked around for three hours, then I found out there is a bike that speeds up your walking speed. I would have to lie if I said that didn't slightly annoy me. Art is cool, buit I wish there external directions instead of FEELING like I should go here.

Buen juego para ellos momentos de soledad,

A día de hoy no se puede jugar. Pero me parece un buen juego.

This review contains spoilers

Um crássico.
Lançado no mesmo ano que Half-Life 2, o gigante da valve, um dos símbolos da indústria AAA e da riqueza técnica e realista, Yume Nikki consegue se manter como uma das experiências mais marcantes lançadas em 2004.
Um mistério, tanto o jogo quanto seu criador, figuras distorcidas, músicas ambientes com drones perturbadores, o excesso ou a falta de cores, a ausência de diálogos, músicas calmas que o fato de estarem sendo usadas em um jogo assim passam mais uma sensação triste do que relaxante.
Esse é um jogos que me fazem me sentir como espectador, um observador acima de tudo, eu controlo os movimentos da personagem, tudo bem, mas existe uma distância tão grande entre EU (jogador) e ELA (protagonista), que não consigo sentir que fiz parte daquilo. Madotsuki passa a jornada inteira de olhos fechados, aberrações horripilantes podem aparecer na frente dela, lugares tenebrosos, paredes psicodélicas, e a mais fria apatia toma conta de sua expressão, como se aquilo tudo fosse um fardo, e ao meu ver, é um fardo .
"Esse mundo de símbolos e figuras misteriosas esconde algo" é um pensamento comum na comunidade, a busca pelos significados e origem desses símbolos. Desde as cabeças flutuantes, a criatura que se esfrega no corrimão, tudo parece sempre levar a uma espécie de espiral triste e sombria, até os cenários mais pacíficos podem ser ofuscados por alguma situação ou elemento pertubador. Não há paz. E isso só leva a uma saída.
Não me importo tanto com as teorias que discutem os detalhes específicos dos significados de cada coisa (não fiquei tão obcecado assim...), a mensagem ali tá visualmente e sonoramente clara pra mim. Eu me senti desconfortável sendo somente o observador, fiquei com pena da protagonista, e vislumbrado com a atmosfera desse jogo.
Uma das experiências de terror mais interessantes que eu tive mesmo já tendo ouvido falar milhares de vezes sobre esse jogo, e realmente, é tudo isso mesmo! Talvez algum pessoal prefira uma maior responsividade e não curta muito essa "contemplação do bizarro" que Yume Nikki oferece, mas não dá pra negar que é uma das obras mais influentes desse século.

I played this back when it was a niche game somebody linked to you from the mysterious regions of the internet.

You walk around and finds nothing for so much time that when blingus 3 shows up bobbling its head it feels like nutting inside a whale's mouth with the angels singing.

Play in the dark.

have you ever wanted to talk about something that you can't conceptualize exactly how to communicate? the word art is thrown around like a title of quality, influence, or simple authority. but the real function of art is a simple tool, an unpretentious one, where one gets to express all those feelings that one can't get to explain with simple words, signs, sounds and so on, when the means of communication are not ENOUGH and have to be put together in various ways to explain the thing clearly.

and yet, trying to say things as clearly as you can find a way to do so, it is ironic that not only does one get to say so little, but one is often more misunderstood...

one of the things that has plagued these last decades is the great growth of depression among mankind. a life where everyone can talk to anyone in the world and yet everyone feels more disconnected than ever.

why don't we start by taking a single step forward, make an EFFORT to fix these things for the benefit of all and limit our scope to a small, region of the world, in an apartment where a single girl lives, and see what she has to tell us?