Reviews from

in the past

I would give my left testicle for an uncensored version.
Well, maybe not, but it would be very cool nonetheless.

need to w8 for the director cut before finish this game and director cut one

I was kind of enjoying this game but now my computer stopped running it : (

I think I like delicious garbage anime weeb trash more than actual good games

Platinum on PSvita. Fun easy and simple game mechanics.

First things first, since I played this game in its original vita release form, I definitely experienced some performance issues while playing that were fixed by the PS4 port. Since these have been updated by my understanding I won't raise them, but I want to note their existence on vita.

With that being said, my opinion on U&U is a little strange. I really disliked the monotony of the gameplay and the artificial difficulty, and none of the side quests were particularly interesting. The pacing of the narrative is super weird, going from nothing happening in the first 10 or so chapters to more or less everything at once. Shion's route is an inconsistent mess that uses one of my most hated tropes of all time.

And yet I'm still really fond of U&U! The other main girls are all really interesting and awesome, the main antagonist owns every minute of screentime they get (which admittedly is not many, though Director's Cut may fix this) and the lore has a lot going for it too. Nana's subplot is straight up adorable if you go all the way with it, the replay value is neat... in general U&U just feels like a very weirdly cosy game. Also, yay for equal fanservice between the men and women!

However, with Director's Cut existing... I really can't recommend the vanilla PS3/vita releases anymore. Even without playing DC just yet the devs pretty much admitted these versions were unfinished without the "true ending not told ten years ago", so really I'd say just go straight to DC rather than the original game, there's nothing in them that isn't also in DC aside from maybe slightly better lighting.

I think if I'd played this a lot closer to launch, I would have enjoyed it but trying it this year made me want to scoop my eyeballs out.

i never finished the dlc lol

Unexpectedly a really good time. Combat is a bit jank but fun, most weapons feel moderately different from each other. The overworld is really cool to look at and the ads for real life businesses did actually kinda made me want to visit. Also not as horny as you'd think, though I still didn't play it in public.

Made me want to visit Akihabara, I like beating random people in the street with a Neptunia body pillow (In the game)

is that kodomo no jikan?! wait, nothing, nevermind... sigh... you wouldn't get it... my mom walked in once as the opening cg to this game was playing and i tried to alt-tab but it didn't work and i was really panicked and i was blushing. it's pretty fun though if you enjoy some jank and cool stuff. i love my little sister!