Reviews from

in the past

I think if I'd played this a lot closer to launch, I would have enjoyed it but trying it this year made me want to scoop my eyeballs out.

I played this game on hella Vicodin after getting my wisdom teeth pulled it was an experience

is that kodomo no jikan?! wait, nothing, nevermind... sigh... you wouldn't get it... my mom walked in once as the opening cg to this game was playing and i tried to alt-tab but it didn't work and i was really panicked and i was blushing. it's pretty fun though if you enjoy some jank and cool stuff. i love my little sister!

Low budget anime otaku-bait game. Quit it after 49 mins according to Steam.

A fantastic sandbox & beat em up, full of charm, lewd moments, jokes, and attention-to-detail to the game's map, but janky in combat, low-budget in scale, and the original versions ran terribly.

I bought this game randomly knowing nothing at all, and I was pleasantly surprised with it.

Completed the main story and a few sidequest but I really didn't like Sidequests so I stopped them after a while. Clunky battle system. The whole undressing thing is really tame and it doesn't add anything to the experience. Some dialogues options are really funny.

Nothing too extraordinary but not boring either. Really funny scenes and classic anime stuff going on so...if you are okay with that, is a game that you could pick if you want to play a goofy beat em up game with troped fan service.

This game is wacky, insane, and dumb but that is why I love playing this game

Great little game.
Wish there was more to the relationships and more replay value with items etc.
PC version crashes a lot though.

This game is so unapologetic with its concept and it doesn't care what you think your in for a wild ride deal with it. And honestly I love it for that and I wish more games were like that.

I would give my left testicle for an uncensored version.
Well, maybe not, but it would be very cool nonetheless.

need to w8 for the director cut before finish this game and director cut one

Very silly game, but charming at the same time. Explore Akibahara in this very anime adventure.

Could not get over how generic this game felt. I feel like it was trying to parody a lot of typical anime tropes but it just wasn't that funny, or that interesting. The gameplay loop and combat wasn't much better, and it felt super repetitive after a while.

I was kind of enjoying this game but now my computer stopped running it : (

i never finished the dlc lol

Played this as a joke after me and my friend watched the awful anime adaptation.

Some parts were kind of fun, but its mostly just weird and janky. Overall only worth it if you uh...are really into fanservicey horny games I guess?

My name is JOHN CENA. Probably the best thing about this game is that meme.
Horny gamer on the prowl... WATCH out! Because I'm out here GAMING my brains out brothers.

Not gonna lie here this game is a real guilty pleasure. I've platinum'd it twice. It's just such a fun game. Ridiculous but fun. It's a beat um up game with RPG mechanics. The enemies of this game are sudo vampires and the only way they can die is exposure to sunlight. So naturally your goal is to beat them up and strip them of thier clothes to expose their skin. It's as sleasy as it sounds but it's all light hearted and in good fun. It's equally skimpy on the men as well. The actual fighting is decent and almost anything can be used as a weapon. Your free to make your character how you want. Every person has three "armors" or clothes you need to remove. Head, upper and lower. You have to hi each area enough to deplete the HP of the specific body part and when it's low enough you can atempt to strip the article of clothing off. The act of doing it is very satisfying and you can even chain combo to do multiple strips for big points. It's as fun as it's ridicouls.

The story is stupid but it's just a means to an end to get more battles and stuff. The game takes place in Japan's Akihabara and is almost a 1 to 1 recreation of it so it's really fun to explore and see the different things it has. It's an open world game with side missions and story missions. There is a relationship choice meta game too that impacts the ending. There is enough content to keep you playing for awhile and by the time you have had enough it's over. Can't stress enough how much I liked the stripping mechanic and what a guilty pleasure the game is.

Also the little sister character is the best.

Platinum # 25 and 73

This is literally peak fucking fiction everything one needs in a game the story is hella lackish but really it's about the gameplay and the characters

Akiba's Trip : Undead and Undressed is certainly an interesting game. On one hand, it's a fun, goofy sandbox beat em up game, that certainly doesn't hide what it wants to be. The story is fine, as well as the characters, and there's high levels of customization for all the playable characters in the game, which is undoubtedly fun to play around with. But like what another review has mentioned, it is a fairly low budget game, isn't really a looker, can be shallow at times, and isn't great on other consoles, or run particularly well. Thus, it could be a pick up or pass depending on your taste.

While Akiba’sTrip might seem like one ‘those’ types of games, the ones that appeal to lonely and horny young men, it’s actually not like that at all.

It takes place in a near perfect (at time of release) replica of Akihabara, Japan. It’s amazing how much little details went into the environment alone.

The combat controls can be a little difficult, and feels repetitive pretty quickly sometimes, but is a solid beat’emup regardless.

The plot is ridiculous and over the top, but in a stupid fun sort of way. The characters are likable and relatable, and the voice acting is pretty good.

Overall just a stupid fun game.

Played tf out of this when i was 12

the only reason i finished this was because my ex wanted a turn, and ended up playing for hours and finishing it for me. He’s also a perverted weeb so take that as a review if you want.

i didn’t enjoy the game. i liked some ideas i guess

First things first, since I played this game in its original vita release form, I definitely experienced some performance issues while playing that were fixed by the PS4 port. Since these have been updated by my understanding I won't raise them, but I want to note their existence on vita.

With that being said, my opinion on U&U is a little strange. I really disliked the monotony of the gameplay and the artificial difficulty, and none of the side quests were particularly interesting. The pacing of the narrative is super weird, going from nothing happening in the first 10 or so chapters to more or less everything at once. Shion's route is an inconsistent mess that uses one of my most hated tropes of all time.

And yet I'm still really fond of U&U! The other main girls are all really interesting and awesome, the main antagonist owns every minute of screentime they get (which admittedly is not many, though Director's Cut may fix this) and the lore has a lot going for it too. Nana's subplot is straight up adorable if you go all the way with it, the replay value is neat... in general U&U just feels like a very weirdly cosy game. Also, yay for equal fanservice between the men and women!

However, with Director's Cut existing... I really can't recommend the vanilla PS3/vita releases anymore. Even without playing DC just yet the devs pretty much admitted these versions were unfinished without the "true ending not told ten years ago", so really I'd say just go straight to DC rather than the original game, there's nothing in them that isn't also in DC aside from maybe slightly better lighting.