Reviews from

in the past

I loved this game and fell in love. I 100 %ed it and got the platinum trophy! Best Assassins Creed!

ultimo da franquia stealth, mt boa essa tematica

Одна из моих любимых частей серии. Отлично сделанный Лондон и приятная графика в купе с простой, но зрелищной боевой системой

Assassin's Creed Syndicate is so bad. The fact that people call it "the last good Assassin's Creed game" is fucked.

The combat is good, but different. It doesn't follow any kind of formula, old or new, and it's an outlier in the series.
The parkour is the same as Unity, and it is so bad. The buildings in London are super spaced out and that makes the parkour even less fluid, that they had to introduce a grappling hook that doesn't want to function when you're on the ground. It's fun to use, but only when it's usable.
The story is probably the most brain dead AC story so far, following Jacob and Evie Frye who are twins. They're good characters in my opinion, but the story would've been better if they had a dynamic rather than it trying to split them apart. Evie's story was definitely the better of the two, but then the last two sequences kinda just give up on her and rush everything to an end. And I think it's weird that they've been assassin's for this long, and they suck this bad at it. Especially Jacob, who just causes problems for everybody. The story outside of their dynamic would be good if they tried taking it more seriously instead of just making character like Alexander Graham Bell and Charles Darwin as fucking goofy as possible. It's a disservice to how historical figures are treated in this series, looking back on someone like Leonardo Da Vinci from the Ezio trilogy who was handled far better. I cannot recommend this game, as not even the side activities were ever very exciting. Just all the same. I gotta say it, this was also worse than Unity.

the two characters campaing is really nice, but every other aspect from the game is reused from previous games

isnt it crazy how the game about parkour just lets you skip the parkour

Meu Deus, que jogo ruim. Eu simplesmente não me sentia bem jogando de jeito nenhum

The last classical type ac we had. I think it did a decent job of everything that what most people expects from an ac game.

the last assassin creed imo, was good fun


Amo a ambientação inglesa desse jogo, um verdadeiro ac moderno, porém o gancho destruiu a valorização do parkour removendo a essência da franquia

Storyen e usannsynlig kjedelig, fortida eller motivasjonen til hovedkarakteran blir aldri forklart, skurken blir utforska og forblir dermed ekstremt 1-dimensjonell. Grapple Hooken e ganske gøy å bruk da.

The combat is really good but the stiff animation and weird execution seems off, but its still satisfying enough to enjoy the game. There are some upgrades and downgrades from the previous title assassins creed unity, like the vehicle carts and the grappling hook is new to the game but they remove the large population and change the combat into clunky fast paced.. The story is ok. The Final boss is quite intimidating enough but the boss fight is very underwhelming. Overall it is still a great fun assasins creed game.

DLC : Jack The Ripper
- It had great potential to be a great DLC game because of the introducing character Jack The Ripper, but the story are just really underwhelming as well.

pretty good lore and story of the game but the comeplete downgrade of combat, parkour, and utilities from ac unity kills it, still fun though

storia meh ma molto divertente. evie seconda migliore protagonista di assassin’s creed imo

o jogo é ok mas o combate é kinda bunda

Gameplay is the only good thing boring ass story

I'll be honest this is far from the worst assassins creed. In fact the layla trilogy is so bad it makes this game feel like a kenway saga title even a ezio trilogy game despite how far from the truth that is. This is the last AC worth your time and money. (Perhaps mirage can change that) That being said it is flawed as shit. There is too much repetitive side content that often you do have to do in order to level your character enough in order to stand a chance against the enemies as it is a leveled based game and not a skill game.
On top of that you do want to it because the best gear in the game is locked behind these loyalty levels. At least you'll get most of the stuff from city takeover but things like the best gun or the best cane sword is locked behind extremely tedious missions that most people aren't going to do enough of in order to max out (Ned and Robert).
Performance is debatable. While I am able to run the game on 4k ultra 60 fps with no real issues the temperatures do get pretty hot despite this game's age and graphical fidelity. I have also been getting lots of crashing that has no real tell. Some days ill get a few crashes. Other days ill crash every 20 minutes no consistency YMMV.
The gameplay loop is not bad but becomes extremely stale on replays as it basically uses a similar loop to ghost recon wildlands a terrible ass title. The parkour is a bit weird as it looks like they were trying to keep the unity formula but made it even more sticky (kinda like the kenway games with the magnetism) so its not exactly the best but it is workable and you do have the grapple hook to help you minimize and do some decent assassinations. Combat isn amazing considering how long it takes to drop someone and its always not responsive but once you are maxed out its somewhat fun and bearable. Stealth is interesting like the combat it improves over unity in every single aspect ( not saying much tbh ) but it has some issues.
While stealth is now much more viable especially for Evie there are some serious issues. Like a guard triggering an alert despite the meter not being full but at least if you kill them fast enough you can sometimes prevent everyone from detection. You can also now headshot with throwing knifes which is a honest Godsend.
The story is far from amazing but its actually decent and much better paced than unity. This game does a lot of callbacks to the original AC that were stripped from unity and it honestly gives some good brownie points to this title. Jacob and Evie are both really fun and interesting protags that are essential foils to each other and have great charisma with the rest of the cast. Evie is easily the best female protag in the series ( Also quite possibly the most attractive character in the franchise) and is actually her own character unlike what they did with odyssey and valhalla.
Crawford Starrick is like a superior Cesare Borgia they are both very similar in they way they act and operate but he at least is a true templar as he seeks control for the templar ideal unlike Cesare who was just power hungry like his father. He is very intimidating and its honestly fun to see his reaction to whatever the hell Jacob or Evie just did to undermine another piece of his operation. The boss fight was actually pretty cool too unlike the previous title.
This game basically took all the new ideas unity produced and refined them enough to be tolerated or enjoyed to some extent. It is certainly worth a run if you are a fan of the series just make sure to buy on a heavy sale and to go to for the gold edition if its cheap enough as the jack the ripper dlc is pretty interesting.
Also put Evie in Elise's outfit and go for a parkour run you'll thank me later ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

assim que eu comecei esse achei que não iria gostar por se passar em londres, quando vejo que é em londres já fico meio ehh mas me surpreendeu muito positivamente, eu amei a dinâmica dos gêmeos, a evie toda séria e o jacob todo bobalhão. o combate desse é muito divertido e bem mais dinâmico que o unity, e ainda trouxeram o assobio de volta. a tirolesa foi um acréscimo muito útil que poupou muito tempo.

spoiler: simplesmente obcecada por evie e henry, quando ele pediu ela em casamento no final da side quest dele eu chorei kkkk

was fun back then but alot of the systems are badly designed, but i really appreciate the setting and story as a whole, pretty goofy

It's not the best AC game, but it's a lot better than Unity. Ziplining around London is simple, quick, and enjoyable. Even though the combat can be comedic at times, it is fast-paced and enjoyable. However, the graphics are inferior to Unity. The plot is anticlimactic, and the characters are forgettable.

Decent game.
Nice gameplay, nice story.

A bit bland and not much of an improvement over the previous entry.

Its not that bad honestly but it is a regression over Unitys ideas and kinda made sure AC never tries anything interesting ever again.

I think I enjoyed this more than most people, but I still think this is a good entry to the franchise, and the Jack The Ripper DLC is probably my favorite AC DLC.

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