Reviews from

in the past

"I fear no man, but that thing... Points at innocent pink cat
It scares me"

Playing Through My Evercade Collection Part 15: Jaleco Collection

That goddamn cat. Every single game over has involved that goddamn cat in one way or another, springing up on me unexpectedly as I'm driving, me swerving away to avoid only for it to appear right behind me also. Cats appearing as I'm mid-jump, Cats appearing as I'm descending platforms. SO MANY SUICIDAL CATS.

Aside from feline vehicular traffic accidents stopping my game randomly every so often, this game isn't too bad and its quite fun trying to score-chase as you paint each level and send police cars spinning and flinging about as you fire cans at them. Fun times.

I do think I would rather play the arcade edition given a choice simply because of the usual NES screen-crunch making some of the jumps a little too precise and picky. Its not horrible and theres certainly a lot of fun here. Again though, those goddamn cats!

This game is funny, that's the best praise I can give it.

The premise is quite simple but somewhat catchy.
The backgrounds are very pleasing to the eye, especially for its time.
The controls are atrociously unreliable, I cant imagine getting far without rewindable save states. (big yay for NSO)
The cats are a bloody damned headache.
After completing six cities the game loops over so I’ve seen all that it has to offer.
In conclusion, quite a mid one.

oh i get it! its not SUPPOSED to be fun!!

Bad Nintendo Switch Online NES game #306. What am I supposed to say?

It's a nice arcadey game that is funny for the first time 10 minutes.

The main goal of this game is to get as much points as possible. To do that, you need to roll on some lines with your car.

Your car can jump over enemies (which are police cars and cats) and each stages has 3 differents floors to go to.

The game is really boring since the only thing that you do is to drive the car without hitting anything. The jump timing to go to different floor is precise and getting the stripes on a side of a ledge is really annoying.

I would not recommand this game unless you are curious about it. If you try it, 5 minutes is enough to get an idea of the game.

Game #24 of my challenge

(Played using Nintendo Switch Online NES)
this game gives my eyes hearing problems and i have no fucking clue how thats it even possible