Reviews from

in the past

Huge dissapointment. Better install Diablo III and enjoy it, because here there is nothing about enjoying.

Gameplay: 1
Art Style: 4
Story/Lore: 3
System: 1
Chracter: 3.5
Total: 2.5

I'd held off on writing anything up on this until I'd played through the first season of which I had started quite late due to other commitments from life. At first glance, I was quite in love with the game as it seemed to have learned a lesson in presentation that Diablo III had chosen to ignore, leaning hard into the dark atmospheric nature of Diablo and Diablo II. In fact, my initial impression was it had sort of cobbled together the best element of those games into something really great and even through the campaign I felt the same. It was this fun (albeit long) campaign with the occasional story misstep here or there that was clearly the result of story changes during development. I could mostly overlook those and just enjoy the campaign enough for what it was.

Cracks began to show after as I'd wondered how this game's version of Diablo III's adventure mode would work. I was pleased to see it was the default after the campaign was completed but there were minor hiccups here or there that left things wanting compared to Diablo III's bounty system. Having to return to the Tree of Whispers so often to re-enable Grim Favor collection dampened fun and a lack of variety of endgame activity made things worse. Nightmare dungeons and helltides are fun but the game definitely needed a bit more variety in its open world so it wasn't just the same handful of things to do over and over. Diablo III's inclusion of bosses in the bounty system is something sorely lacking here as they added that little extra bit of spice to things that broke up an otherwise monotonous flavor.

Nightmare dungeons struggle in comparison to Diablo III's Nephalem Rifts which were quite fun not just due to the sheer amount of mob density but how it leaned into a more arcade style time attack mode where you wanted to rush through as fast as possible to complete things. Diablo IV"s misstep with nightmare dungeons centered around how the dungeons were gated by various mechanics (collect this, click here twice, etc...) that prevented progress and acted more as a time sink than anything else. The nightmare dungeons are fun but in spite of themselves and not because of the actual content which isn't that much fun at all.

I think this is a good game that was standing on the precipice of something far more dire but signs point to the devs looking to right the ship after their own missteps post-release and the next season's changes look interesting. I look to Diablo games to be these evergreen titles I revisit now and then rather than live in them as I find playing games like this much more enjoyable with that approach and I think Diablo IV does succeed in this respect. There must be something there if I'm looking forward to season 2 as I am now.

Came back to change my review post season 1 it sucks and its juat become a souless caah grab that tricked me

Other than the rather weak endgame (at time of writing) its a solid release, the campaign was very fun & the morbid ambience of old Diablo's somewhat lost in D3 has returned

Ruined by level scaling and MMO mechanics. Music also sucked.

Fun gameplay, wish the campaign didn't drag out as much as it did. Endgame could use more to do as well but the future is brighter for this than Diablo 3 at launch

Campanha incrível e o late game ta bastante recheado.

I had a good time playing through the story. It requiring an online connection was a pain though, especially when playing on the Steamdeck.

I think the atmosphere and vibe created in Diablo IV's story is unparalleled. The story is gripping and definitely worth playing through, which surprised me about an ARPG. Lilith was a very captivating antagonist and the cutscenes throughout the story were very well done, especially the pre rendered ones.

Good to play with friends, Lilith has a cool design.
The real game is after you finish the campaign though, I finally grinded a character to level 100 (Necromancer) after not caring for 4 seasons and the post-game content is really quite enjoyable. Trying to get good loot drops and min-max builds is very fun. Only 5 achievements left to do now

no começo confesso que estava receoso, porém, conforme a história foi se moldando eu comecei a me apegar cada vez mais ao jogo, sim, a história é muito boa e te prende fácil, as cutscenes são incríveis e num estilo cinematográfico maravilhoso que às vezes parece até um filme, as bossfights são diferenciadas uma das outras e dá gosto de enfrentar cada um deles e sobre a boss final... só pra deixar claro que joguei na dificuldade veterano (a mais alta quando você inicia no jogo) e tudo bem que eu estava nível 44, mas, isso daqui foi muito difícil, deveria ter upado mais para conseguir com mais facilidade? sim, principalmente quando eu vi que ela tinha duas vidas... 😩 foi desafiador, porém, valeu a pena!! simplesmente um jogo incrível, único lado negativo ao meu ver que é extremamente massante e isso pode fazer com que você acabe enjoando do game. para quem tinha dúvidas relacionadas ao jogo, espero ter sanado elas :)

This has to be without a doubt one of the single most infuriating games I have ever had the misfortune of playing. It was without a doubt one of the most miserable experiences I've had with a game in the longest time. It's just so very soul crushingly tedious and boring to play, I would say that Blizzard should just stick to writing books about Diablo but I know for a fact they would just mess that up too. I say this without hyperbole, I genuinely think that Diablo Immortal is a better game than this.

Beh, beh.. Diablo non è mai stato una mia fissa ma le sue campagne narrative le gioco sempre volentieri e quella del quarto non ha fatto eccezione. Non che sia una storia particolarmente interessante ma è tutto ciò che mi aspetterei da Diablo e in questo non fa niente di sbagliato. Classico gameplay agile e alla portata di chiunque, semplicistico ma ugualmente divertente e mai noioso.

Diablo IV continues on Blizzard's dumbing down of design bringing games ever closer to mindless mobile games. Hope you like left clicking!

A real bummer because the art finally nails the Diablo 1 esthetic in incredibly detailed 3D, it's gorgeous. The music follows the original vibe without turning into cheesy references and having it's own voice. The story's even better than I expected!
But none of this can save the incredibly controlled game design refusing to give any freedom to whatever class you've picked.
No, you'll only unlock a few skills every few levels even though the ones available in each circles are very redundant.
No, you won't equip more than 6 skills total (including your basic attack) because why would you wan't to make complex combos, right? Forget making any elaborate multi skill trap / attack / movement synergies, D4 wants you to have a controlled balanced build and force you to play with multiple other players so that you can't do everything on your own.
No, levels won't be meaningful. In fact they feel completely useless as monsters level up instantly with you. Why would you care about getting more powerful if enemies do at the same time. This is Skyrim syndrom, everything is set to your level and it's as efficient to just run through the oversized maps filled with boring loot as to killing everything. The loot isn't even linked to the areas either, they are set to your level. You'll always find something better, which you'll need because you leveled up and made the monsters stronger in doing so. It feels so gamey and immersion breaking.
The game is filled to the brim with idiotic systems that feel right out of a mobile game, that don't quite make sense in an RPG that should immerse you in the world. The game tells you exactly how many steps and quests remaining in the current quest / act so that you know when you ve checked all the boxes: you wouldnt want to have any surprises in the story, would you? At each step of quests, gold and items magically appear in your inventory because we need to constantly feed the slot machine addict players and maintain the belief that they are "progressing".
Once you step back and look at the mechanics, it is shockingly obvious how it is designed to create a mindless loop where players are constantly given a thumbs up no different than mobile games giving you a pat on the back every 10 seconds. There is no thinking involved, builds are incredibly basic ( are you doing bleed ? no, then you're doing berserking) with each skill only having 2 specific upgrades clearly lined with just 3-4 kind of build in mind. Wouldn't want you to get creative, woah!
Surprisingly I also found the controls pretty bad with my character regularly getting stuck in walls. Would have expected that to be super slick considering Blizzard's high production quality.

D4 gets incredibly boring after a handful of hours and monotony steps in as you watch thousands of meaningly critters gib and drop pathetic piles of gold.
But hey, still better than Diablo 3 which couldn't even boast such great art direction.

If you're looking for a similar game with any kind of depth, go play Path of Exile.

Hmm! Lucy, Charlie Brown, Football etc. I might have enjoyed this a bit more if it had been structured differently, with different mechanics, a different gameplay loop, a different approach to character building etc. As is it just bummed me out. It felt like the game didn't want me to play it, or only to play hyper specific parts of it.

Incredible disappointment:
- Boring cutscenes
- Characters you don't have any reason to care about. There's no attachment or reason to be attached.
- Voice acting isn't as good as previous games, and long pauses which make you think they are done talking.
- Apart from the idea of Lilith, the story isn't as interesting.
- THE CAMERA IS TOO ZOOMED IN! A choice that was made in order for you to closely look at your character to make you want to purchase the cosmetics. Great graphics except you can barely see 15 ft in front of you
- Other players show up throughout the world (in and out of town) so you can look at the whales to make you want to purchase cosmetics.
- A full cosmetic outfit is $25!
- Filled with meaningless side quests that don't add anything to the main story.
- 99% of the gear you get is catered to you now. No more excitement when you find the perfect item.
- Meaningless "Challenges" (aka Achievements) to try and get you to play more and feel the game has more than it does.
- A lot of forced story/talking (and too much of it) for a game that is suppose to be ARPG/hack&slash
- All the areas being connected together as one map makes for a huge loss in discovery and realism. Access to hell is like a 5 min jog away from a city.
- Way too many health potions drop, the game play was actually designed around this it seems.

Stripping away all the filler, this game should have been a DLC akin to Lord of Destruction.

This will be the last Diablo game I am buying. The game shows that "live long enough to become the villain" is still true today. The game and company have been overtaken by pure capitalism. Those of us who played D3 (and it wasn't their introduction to the Diablo series), saw this coming.

It is insane how Blizzard has consistently made games with solid launches then manage to make them terrible with post-launch balancing.

Extremely polished ARPG. Lots to do, and I can see how they expand this into a live service.

Pretty good. It's Diablo, and that pretty much says it all. The cinematics were God tier tho

If this game came out 8-10 years ago I probably would have played it a lot more.

Dungeon crawlers really are the kind of game that are best enjoyed as a group. Being that all of my friends are in their late 20s, finding significant time to sit down together and play a game is really hard. With that being said when we were able to get a four player party going it really was a blast. Playing on hardcore made it particularly exhilarating. Maybe one day we will come back to it, but I have no desire to play it alone.

Better balanced and designed than Diablo III, and the story and atmosphere are actually interesting enough to compel you to progress, as opposed to its predecessor's putting you to sleep. A much more substantial sequel than I was expecting, and I'd go as far as to say it has been fairly underrated in its reception, especially in a year where a lot of titles in my eyes had outsized acclaim.

It's more Diablo with some mmo touches. Very much enjoy playing this game. Campaign was cool. Looking forward to the future seasons and whatnot. Great place to start if you're looking to get into these types of games.

Quando joguei o teste de servidor, achei o jogo bem chato. Não sei o que eles mudaram para quando fui jogar (um ano depois de lançado), mas gostei bastante. A história é a melhor de qualquer jogo da série, e algumas missões secundárias são interessantes apesar da simplicidade mecânica.

No entanto, após a campanha, já queria trocar de personagem. Trocando, joguei com alguns outros pra ver as habilidades, e ainda tô curioso pra ver algumas coisas a mais, mas ao mesmo tempo a simplicidade mecânica me fez cansar. Provavelmente jogarei no futuro em outras temporadas.

Jogo excelente. A história é muito boa e sem aliviar em nada, o que condiz com a temática. O gameplay é fluido e apesar de ser um pouco repetitivo em alguns momentos, temos grande variação de builds, inclusive dentro da mesma classe, despertando interesse de jogar novamente. A única coisa que me incomodou foi o pós game. É necessário um grindind muito demorado e massante pra upar e buscar aproveitar o que o jogo tem a oferecer nos níveis mais altos. Acabei perdendo o interesse pois já não estava mais me divertindo. Ótimo primeiro contato com a franquia, certamente jogarei os outros.

Look, I just play this game alot. It's engineered to be addicting and I'm only human, okay?

Me lembrou Lost Ark.
É muito foda o jogo, a história e vicia fácil