Reviews from

in the past

Absolutely phenomenal. A culmination of FromSoftware's work from the past 13 years that formed into one of the best digital experiences I've ever consumed.

This game even got my soulsborne hating friend hooked. Go play it.

Definitivamente el Darksouls de los mundos abiertos, obra maestra en todo el sentido de la palabra y si pudiera recomendar que soulslike jugar primero seria este definitivamente.

very good, end game difficulty is a bit bs.

A experiência Souls mais uma vez adaptada com sucesso pra um novo estilo, dessa vez, o mundo aberto!
mas não é só no sucesso de sua formula que ele se garante, o mundo, seus mistérios e segredos, monstros e deuses te deixam de queixo caído o tempo todo durante toda sua looonga jornada nas terras intermédias.

I am not one for being good at difficult games, but Elden Ring is a great one. I haven't gotten far (only beat Margit and Tree Sentinel recently), but I feel like I grow better at the game every time I die, just as intended. I don't really like getting destroyed all the time, but finally getting over everything in my path is satisfying. I'll come back to this when I've finished the game.

Best game after terraria fr fr

Talvez o melhor jogo já feito.

Exploração próxima de BOTW, num jogo com jogabilidade Dark Souls, em sua melhor versão. Há problemas (algumas categorias de armas com poucas armas, alguns problemas pequenos de performance, pulo em dificuldade/dano próximo do fim), mas é ainda um dos, se não o melhor jogo de todos os tempos. Tudo dos outros jogos da From foi melhorado, desde variabilidade e utilidade de diferentes habilidades (como as Weapon Arts), como a habilidade de pular que melhora bastante a movimentação.

O modo como o jogo vai mostrando aos poucos um que o mapa é maior do que parece é uma das coisas mais impressionantes que já vi. A experiência de encontrar certas partes do mapa é muito impactante.

A rejogabilidade de todos os outros Dark Souls é potencializada pela quantidade de opções do jogo. O unico problema é que a exploração o impacto depois da primeira vez, mas ainda é muito bom de se jogar nos lugares.

A perfect and masterful game this is everything fromsoft has done amazing through there different games and merged it into one big masterpiece this game is perfect

voce sabe que o jogo é bom quando voce perde um semestre por causa dele

Um dos melhores jogos que já joguei !! Otima historia

Truly a masterpiece, although the bosses may be better in past installments, everything else surrounding them makes up for it.

140 horas de galopar como una peonza, caerse por sitios random "a ver qué hay", de que barra el suelo con tu cara toda la fauna y flora del lugar... 140 horas de DOLOR y DIVERSIÓN por igual.

Este juego es una barbaridad de grande y debería ser ILEGAL

É um dos jogos já criados né

Elden.... MID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(play sekiro...... my evil spirit commands you.... or ds1.....)

Look I haven't finished it yet but this is what I think of it now it's cool but it's no SKYRIM

I liked this game, and see why so many adore it. That being said, I just couldn’t get past a certain point with it. Maybe it was the difficulty spike at Mountaintops of the Giants, maybe it was the way that my engagement with the game varied wildly in different areas. Either way, I wish I liked this game more, but I think it’s just not for me.

My second favorite souls game(which is funny considering it's the souls game I've put the most time in) and a game I cannot wait to play on PC.

People complain about reused boss fights when each fight is only used 2-3 times in the game, and most the time they are completly optional. The only egregious examples are the Erdtree Avatar because there is around nine of them. Also Godrick and Astel should not have been re-used. Still an amazing game.

In my humble opinion, this is the greatest open world ever made. The core design of the game is so refined and precised. The way this game manage to give you a "wow" moment and chills in every session is unbelievable. The gameplay is challenging and it was tough sometimes but i found it less harder than everyone has been saying. I guess if you're not a gamer on a daily basis maybe you'll struggle. That said, these game is stupidly good and it has became one of my favorite games.

Top notch exploration, combat, enemy design, art design, evocative landscapes and characters, and wonder around every corner. The only thing that I can really say negatively about the game is that the last third of the game doesn't hold up to the standards the first chunk of the game sets when it comes to environments and zones, and there is a lot of enemy re-use. However, this is a nitpick in the grand scheme of what the game accomplishes, and the last-act legacy dungeons are top notch. Haligtree, Farum Azula, and Raya Lucaria were the highlights for me, and I never struggled to progress (except on Melania). Just a really great accomplishment overall, and I will definitely be putting more hours for new builds and NG+.

I had love-hate with this game, and I dropped it for almost half a year total, but once you embrace the challenge its hella adventure

This Game is good for the first run, but i love to replay hard games with challenges... and this game is bad for replaying... 2nd ng is like shopping in the mall

Lo intenté jugar un par de veces y me gustó pero por algún motivo no conseguía engancharme lo suficiente como para terminarlo. Después de mucho tiempo lo intenté una tercera vez y esta run me ha calado muchísimo. Me ha hecho enamorarme de todo el mundo, los boses y el lore y tras mas de 120h, de las cuales 20 serán de las dos primeras runs inacabadas, he terminado el juego. Además jugarlo con amigos es divertidísimo.