Reviews from

in the past

Es un juego cozy para pasar el rato pero la verdad que es una re paja el estar dando vueltar 3 horas para conseguir materiales

Relaxing and fun game for the escapist mind


really cute and really fun low stress game! except the mine fuck that place

A poor imitation of a A Short Hike. If you find yourself wanting a similar title to the aforementioned, Lil' Gator Game is a much better shout.

Un bel giochino in cui si fa ben poco, ma la voglia di vedere ogni angola di questo gigantesco parco naturale è un buon incentivo per giocare, anzi, per esplorare.

It's fine. Out of all the "A Short Hike-Likes", this one is the most blatantly inspired by it and probably tries to copy the style a bit too much.

Idk it's fun and short but the base-building is way too repetitive with too few structures to build. At the end I skipped past them all in order to progress the story instead.

A cute and simple A Short Hike and Animal Crossing hybrid that suffers because it tries to borrow a wee bit too much from the former.

The visual and thematic similarities to A Short Hike probably got it some purchases but they prevent Haven Park from standing on its own feet.

Haven Park does a worse job at every aspect it compares to A Short Hike.
The fixed camera hurts exploration and kills the nice vistas that are supposedly there.
The writing is simple and the characters aren't very interesting, though there are a few quests that rise above.
Progression is artificial, there's no climbing and floating and the map tend to lock you into specific lengthy trips.

On the other hand it does surpass Animal Crossing in a couple areas - building UX is streamlined and several of the structures are interactive which makes the world lively. My favourite bit was watching fireworks you placed at a beach going off in distant background when you're on mountain peak.
Fairly impressive for a one person show