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"Haven Park" es una aventura de simulación muy cortita en la que tendremos que devolver la vida al parque de la abuela de nuestro pequeño protagonista, Flint.

A través de la recolecta de materiales y recursos que se encuentran aleatoriamente en el mapa, rapararemos los campamentos y estructuras del parque ayudándonos también de monedas. Todo esto lo haremos a nuestro antojo, ya que se trata de un videojuego libre de ataduras, sin tiempo para llevar a cabo la misión que se nos ha encomendado. Puedes explorar su mundo abierto con total libertad y disfrutar tranquilamente de la dirección artística y la banda sonora, ambas muy cuidadas.
En mi opinión, podrían haber incluido algo más de complejidad o algún que otro desafío, ya que salvo un par de misiones secundarias, todo es bastante sencillo y rápido de llevar a cabo. Además, habría estado bien disponer de más variedad de creaciones, pero aun así es muy bonito, calmado y te lleva a disfrutar de las pequeñas cosas.

excellent game with a lot of fun stuff to do, I'd love more going on but it's briliant as is, and well worth a look.

Just let me fix that poor guy's boat you cowards!

Un bel giochino in cui si fa ben poco, ma la voglia di vedere ogni angola di questo gigantesco parco naturale è un buon incentivo per giocare, anzi, per esplorare.


really cute and really fun low stress game! except the mine fuck that place

It's fine. Out of all the "A Short Hike-Likes", this one is the most blatantly inspired by it and probably tries to copy the style a bit too much.

Idk it's fun and short but the base-building is way too repetitive with too few structures to build. At the end I skipped past them all in order to progress the story instead.

All quests completed, all campsites fully developed. The immediate point of comparison to Haven Park is the excellent A Short Hike, with both games putting the player in control of an anthropomorphic bird, exploring an island from an overhead perspective. However, beyond that there are significant differences, with Haven Park having a less well-defined overall goal, based primarily around restoring a somewhat dilapidated nature park and developing a number of campsites scattered around the area with a 'lite' Animal Crossing like approach, attracting (permanent) 'visitors' of whom a handful will set you a basic quest. Movement abilities are simple running and jumping, without any flight ability; a simple set of skill upgrades are split between those with an exploration focus and camp-building.

With no real element of danger (the worst that you might encounter is falling from a height and having to climb back up) and a charming, cheerful approach to the scenario, Haven Park is an enjoyable, relaxing time to play through. It lacks the degree of polish and satisfying self-containedness of A Short Hike, but not meeting that high bar isn't an overly strong detractor.

A poor imitation of a A Short Hike. If you find yourself wanting a similar title to the aforementioned, Lil' Gator Game is a much better shout.

Haven Park is adorable, there are much worse indie games to rip o… er, homage than A Short Hike, and the blend of basic ASH-style open-world exploration with a very simple campsite management game is fun for an hour or two, but trudging around the map in search of additional resources or new campsites gets stale pretty quick, and there isn’t much else to do beyond that. Apparently, the minimalist map, lack of fast travel, and sparse signposting (mainly limited to a few literal signposts here and there) were deliberate design choices on the developer’s part, but that doesn’t mean I have to think they were good ideas.

Haven Park is not necessarily a bad game, but compared to its peer A Short Hike, it's missing something. I think that missing element would be interactivity with the world: A Short Hike has fantastic movement thanks to both climbing mechanics and soaring mechanics, and Haven Park just doesn't have that. You've only got access to your standard jump and run around, which again isn't necessarily bad, but it does feel lacking when compared to A Short Hike. Also, added updates have now provided fishing and boating in A Short Hike, so it's got plenty more variety as well.

The rest of the game again, feels chill and relaxing enough, but it doesn't really hold much of a candle to A Short Hike, which isn't afraid to empathize with the player and provide interesting side stories from the other characters. Most of your time in Haven Park is just going to be meandering around collecting resources (which fortunately gets trivialized once you start raking in the coin from overpriced food and exploiting the market) and looking for that last broken fence or torch, which often get obscured or blend into the environment around it.

Finally, I appreciate that the devs give you a hot air balloon for more convenient travel and exploration at the end of the game, but it nevertheless would have been more convenient to have fast travel or a faster hot air balloon, as I felt that rising up with the hot air balloon was quite sluggish. All in all, Haven Park is great if you're looking for more content along the lines of A Short Hike, but if you're looking for the best and freshest experience, then A Short Hike does unfortunately outrank it in practically every way.

Relaxing and fun game for the escapist mind

Unfortunately the Switch version leaves a lot to be desired and the poor framerate makes it completely unplayable on the Switch.

Super adorable little game. i reached a point where i dont know what else to do in the game, but it was really fun nonetheless

Es un juego cozy para pasar el rato pero la verdad que es una re paja el estar dando vueltar 3 horas para conseguir materiales

Scratching that A Short Hike vibe, but lacks content / polish.

the map you explore and the tone of the game are perfect, but gameplay wise the collectibles and camps quickly dry out and you lose interest, the characters aren't really interesting, neither are the quest they give you.
the emerald quest that plays like a simplified dungeon and dragon was one of the most interesting part.
The game has its little lore but it would've been nice if it was developed around it and not entirely around camps.

Basically you get collectibles, make a camp and repeat 7 times, sometimes you do a FedEx quest and that's it.

A cute and simple A Short Hike and Animal Crossing hybrid that suffers because it tries to borrow a wee bit too much from the former.

The visual and thematic similarities to A Short Hike probably got it some purchases but they prevent Haven Park from standing on its own feet.

Haven Park does a worse job at every aspect it compares to A Short Hike.
The fixed camera hurts exploration and kills the nice vistas that are supposedly there.
The writing is simple and the characters aren't very interesting, though there are a few quests that rise above.
Progression is artificial, there's no climbing and floating and the map tend to lock you into specific lengthy trips.

On the other hand it does surpass Animal Crossing in a couple areas - building UX is streamlined and several of the structures are interactive which makes the world lively. My favourite bit was watching fireworks you placed at a beach going off in distant background when you're on mountain peak.
Fairly impressive for a one person show

Gave up in the middle, I get the ideia, not a bad game, but also not good.
I've played better games with the same idea and overall vibe so it didn't catch me. Not to say only bad, or mediocre , things, it was pretty good walking around, just the perfect speed and snappiness to the controls, a bit buggy, specially in jumping to get to a higher area, but that was also fun.
Play if you like to complete stuff in a chill vibe.

Dieses Spiel ist die Auszeit, die ich lange gebraucht hab. Flint, der kleine Vogel, muss den Campingplatz seiner Oma wieder herrichten und bekommt nebenher kleine Aufgaben von den Besuchern.

Das Spiel hat das Herz am rechten Fleck und der Humor ist einfach goldig wie Flint selber. Ich mag das Design der Welt und der Dinge, die man erschaffen kann, unheimlich gerne. Alles passt stimmig zusammen und die Geräusche, sowie die Melodien, die anspielen, wenn man einen Platz besucht, runden die Atmosphäre in meinen Augen perfekt ab.

Weibels Ideen sind niedlich und machen sehr viel Spaß. Das Skill System bringt immer wieder einen kleinen Antrieb hinein, die Karte, die durch den fehlenden Marker noch mehr zum erkunden anregt, macht neugierig und trotz des einfachen Gameplays kam bei mir keine Langeweile auf.

Einen Punkt Abzug, weil das Spiel sehr kurz ist, die Gegenstände an sich keine Unterschiede machen, obwohl sie unterschiedlich viel kosten, aber die Besucher immer glücklich sind. Das soll den Stress wohl vermeiden, aber mindert die Motivation umzubauen.

Insgesamt war das Spiel sein Geld in meinen Augen wert. Ich hatte eine erholsame Zeit auf dieser Insel mit ihren kurzen, aber herzerwärmenden Geschichte von Groß und Klein.


Cozy, calming and completely low stakes, Haven Park puts its own spin on the relaxing open world sub genre by adding in a collect-and-craft mechanic as you build campsites across the titular park.

And it works - just about anyway. The controls can be finicky when placing items in around each fire pit and I'd have liked a touch more variation in what you have access to, but there's still a good level of satisfaction to be had as you entice in more visitors with their own set-up requests. These characters you bring into the park each have their own unique and quirky dialogue - they're not quite as memorable as in other titles that go for a similar vibe but still retain that charm nonetheless.

The world itself is laid out pretty well with your usual assortment of environments, and the little story the game is telling ends up being more touching than I expected. I had a few nitpicks with the camera (including tying a better view of the game behind a progression system with skill points) and it's very easy to get caught on the scenery with grinds your momentum to a full stop, but they weren't troubling enough to distract from a pleasant and refreshing experience.

One final note - while not quite satisfying as the 'honk' in Untitled Goose Game, I do appreciate being able to make my little bird go 'pew pew pew' whenever I wanted and I hope more games add dedicated buttons to their games that do nothing but make your character create noises.