Reviews from

in the past

Fun fighting game that is a mixed bag mechanically. That's overshadowed by the fact that most of your friends are more likely to play a fighting game with Batman in it than most others.

The online is so fun. Great story and still expanding on one of the greatest comics of all time

Feels a bit stiff compared to other fighting games, but is still plenty of fun.

Quase chegou no mesmo nível do antecessor.

I sped ran through this shit just to get the free character gears. First NetherRealm game that I actually like to play for once.

muy entretenido con amigos, lo malo es el como te cubres.

Good evolution, don't love the customization stuff

meu pai me comprou esse jogo bêbado, quando ele acordou ele demorou pra se lembrar que ele me comprou esse jogo quando tava bebado e pôs a culpa em mim

Had a pretty good time with this. Got pretty decent with Red Hood. The story is pretty ok (The comics are worth reading) But the game is pretty well balanced also with most characters have a way to shine. The customization was pretty neat, shame that it actually affected your stats in multiplayer and wasn't just cosmetic.

Soy extremadamente malo en los juegos de peleas, solo lo jugué porque me llamaba la atención la historia y pues sí estuvo muy interesante. En sí, el juego merece 4 estrellas para mí, pero le quito una media porque se me hace absurdo que el Bruce sea el vato menos guapo. They did him so dirty.

m not particularly into fighting games, but this is pretty good fan service for fans of comics and the DC universe. The company tells the story in a relaxed manner and takes turns beating the next villain. There is a half-dead online mode where you need to collect “power” like in an RPG for your characters from random loot boxes. Unfortunately, I don’t like the format of endless grinding in fighting games, this is not why we love this genre of games.

Я особо не увлекаюсь файтингами, но это достаточно неплохой фансервис для поклонников комиксов и DC вселенной. Компания достаточно не напряженно рассказывает историю и по очереди бьем очередного злодея. Присутствует полумертвый онлайн режим, где необходимо собирать как в RPG "мощность" для своих персонажей с рандомых лутбоксов. К сожалению, не люблю я формат, бесконечного гринда в файтингах, это не то, за что мы любим этот жанр игр.

I am not good at fighting games

nem os desenvolvedores sabem o motivo de fazer um segundo jogo

Story is severely worse (especially if you’ve read the comics)… but Hellboy is playable so it’s an improvement
still 6/10

The ultimate one step forward, two steps back. Storywise, very smart that they’re only keeping with one universe instead of multiple like the first game, and Brainiac is a hell of a villain, best voice actor to play him! But everything else about it super sucks. Not one thread feels connected or tied up by either ending.

Gameplay wise, it feels like they refined everything the first one did well, but then the stupid costume things changing stats for every character so now I have to design a stupid looking character in order to have the best stats to beat somebody online or one of those challenge towers or whatever they call it in this game.

I want to like this game a lot, like LOOK at that roster! But it just made some bizarre choices, only made worse now that Kevin Conroy has passed and Idk if we will ever get a third installment.

ehhhh iwl i think it's kinda boring ever since i got the legendary edition. Like it's lacking something

The game really gives you what would you want from a DC concept fighting game.

I'm going back to Mortal Kombat

Fun story. Playing on easy made the combat going quickly. If I was a fighting game player, it seemed like there was a lot of customization options.

é o primeiro jogo melhorado, apenas.

Fun game if you are DC fan other than that kinda mid.

Pretty fun fighting game and a very good story
The game could have got a higher score but I am just bad at these games which makes it less fun for me but that is just personal

Feels like a pretty basic fighting game. Enjoyable, but not something I will stick with in the long term. Hope to at least finish the bonkers story mode.

Good game! Decent (superhero) fighting game.

Solid fighting game, fun story

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If you pick Superman, consider yourself an opp