Reviews from

in the past

No tiene malas ideas, jugando con la realidad, el misterio y algunos puzzles sencillísimos, pero tiene un puñado de cosas que lastran bastante la experiencia. Lo primero es que han bajado mucho el tono macabro respecto a su anterior juego, pero en este lo remarcan y repiten todo el rato. Lo segundo es que la niña no calla en ningún momento, cargándose cualquier tipo de tensión y resultando cargante la mayor parte de tiempo. Y lo tercero más importante es que se ve venir desde el principio por donde van los tiros, y dado que el camino es poco interesante, te queda poco donde rascar.

Y aun así, creo que el juego está hecho con cariño, y tiene cosas buenas como una banda sonora que pega en el momento justo y un ritmo decente, pero no es el juegarral que me pareció Fran Bow.

This game was beautiful. First game like this that I have played and I really enjoyed it. I was able to finish it in one sitting which was really nice because since there was not any real gameplay I could see myself getting bored very soon if it continued. This game is perfect for people who love examining every little thing and exploring everything the game has to offer. The story was beautiful and kept me engaged and I felt strongly attached to the charming characters even in the short playtime. I was genuinely scared that my choices would greatly impact everything and I was thinking a lot about my actions. No complaints, amazing game that everyone should try.

Benji Lenda sempre soube

Historia envolvente e devastadora curti.

Muito bom! Mas queria que tivesse tido mais... Meigo e melancólico.

Little Misfortune is a dark and whimsical game that explores themes of childhood innocence, loss, and grief. The game is beautifully hand-drawn, with a charming and unique art style. The music and voice acting are also excellent, helping to create a truly immersive experience.

The gameplay is simple but engaging. The player controls Misfortune as she explores the world, interacting with objects and characters. There are some puzzles to solve, but they are generally not too difficult.

The game's story is the real highlight. It is well-written and thought-provoking, with some genuinely funny and heartwarming moments. The game also does not shy away from tackling some difficult topics, such as abuse and death.

gostei muitão desse jogo! amei a arte

that was a umm.. a game that I played! a pretty grim dark comedy from the perspective of a very young girl who has no idea what's really going on, a pretty linear adventure type game where you make choices along the way and the game says they matter but I'm not sure most of them actually do (beyond achievements I guess?), they're just ways of seeing different jokes

pretty good all things considered, but so strangely childish in presentation despite the dark humor that I dunno if I could recommend it, but I guess it didn't bother me so what do I care what other people would think!

eu acho q eu sou fudida, mas essa menina mds coitada

Unique story and quite funny but the game itself gets real boring at times. Sometimes it feels too much like a visual novel.

Really enjoyed this game. Great mix of humor and horror elements.

The art design of the game was truly impressive, especially considering it was a point-and-click adventure. Furthermore, the storyline took unexpected turns, and certain scenes were so poignant they almost brought tears to my eyes.

Fun. Nothing special, but not bad at all.

mto tristinho, vale a pena a experiencia.

Sabe a cena do barco com a caveira... EU FARIA O MESMO QUE ELA.

This one left me a bit conflicted. The game has a very dark sense of humour as you explore a day in the life of a young girl from a broken home who decides to go on an adventure. Along the way you are given a look into her cute and wholesome misunderstanding of the gruesome world she lives in.

It has a very Eastern European sense of humour given how dark and bleak the goings on are but it's endearing to see the character take it all in stride and try to find the optimism in her naivety. The result is a comical point and click adventure that leaves you a bit torn between feeling concerned for her and curious at what exactly is going on since some of the events blur the lines between fantasy and reality.

There isn't actually much gameplay involved as you're just interacting with things and listening to dialogue for most of the game with occasional A or B choices that just leave room for 1 extra run through if you want to see the alternative events - though nothing that significantly changes the story - though there is a special ending if you achieve a certain goal.

Points for originality, but I get the feeling they could have just made an animated feature and gotten the same result.

Played from – to: (2021-09-12 – 2021-09-12) - Beaten on PC via keyboard.
‣ 10/10 – Don’t follow voices in your head.
‣ Game Audio / Soundtrack - 10/10
‣ Graphics – 10/10
‣ Atmosphere – 10/10
‣ Main Story / Characters – 10/10
‣ Voice acting – 10/10
‣ Final notes: This game made me feel like I just watched a very good movie that I will talk about and remember for a good week. Now that does not mean I will forget it, but it will remain something I remember if it is to be brought up in conversation. Don’t get me wrong Little Misfortune is a fantastic little story. It is both funny and dark at the right times. I think the whole tale is wrapped up perfectly without really leaving any unanswered questions. Sure, I would like to know what happens to the protagonist after the story ends in for example a short DLC. However, I think the story ends in a very solid place giving you the conclusion and explanation you seek on your journey. The voice acting was also great, I enjoyed the accent Little Misfortune had, because it gave her more charisma and made some jokes funnier than they should have been. Overall, this game is a quick and short story that everybody who likes linier quick journeys should enjoy at least once.

I get what were doing here, but the execution just feels so sloppy and rushed

Este juego tiene el mismo tipo de ambientación que el Fran Bow, pero con una historia totalmente nueva.
Todo comienza con una voz dirigiéndose a nosotros, el cual nos presenta a la protagonista, una niña muy mona. La niña también es capaz de oír esta voz y, tras un diálogo, deciden jugar a un juego, donde la niña conseguirá la Felicidad Eterna. Así, al lado de esta voz y de la niña, viviremos una aventura donde tendremos que tomar decisiones, y todas estas decisiones tienen consecuencias.

Lo importante de este juego es la manera que tiene de contarnos la realidad, ya que contamos con dos tipos de perspectivas: el jugador(nosotros), siendo esta más adulta, y la de la niña, siendo más infantil. Realmente ocurren cosas muy chocantes y muy, pero muy reales. Desde la terrible situación familiar, como presenciar muertes, adicciones o cómo los habitantes se ocultan detrás de máscaras. Pero, aunque tenga temas muy importantes, nuestro camino sigue adelante como si nada. La protagonista lanza purpurina a todo lo que sea malo y ya estaría todo solucionado.

Visualmente está genial, tiene buenas animaciones y muchos detalles, donde la música acompaña bien a todo esto.

El juego es una aventura con una gran crítica a la realidad y con temas de humor también. Aunque el juego dure muy poco (yo me lo pasé en 3h), lo recomiendo comprar pero en rebajas, merece muchísimo la pena ♡

good by itself, but not as good when compared to its prequel - fran bow. little misfortune has a lot of good comedy, but to me it was obvious who the villain was; the characters didn't have any ambiguity or much dimension, especially the villain (won't say who it is due to not wanting to give spoilers). there also were no puzzles, or if they were they were rudimentary at best, which was a shame and a disappointment because fran bow was so entirely based around puzzles, and they were very challenging, which i really loved. still, little misfortune is a good game and has some fun easter eggs from its predecessor. it also explains more of what comes to pass within the realms. excited for the benjamin game that focuses on the fox :)

Muito legal, história boa, bem construída, e divertido pra caralho de jogar

Me gusto la historia, me esperaba algo diferente pero ta bien.

É um joguinho curto mas giro de se jogar

é um jogo muito divertido, fofo, macabro, é ótimo.

Why did a game where a little girl witnesses a full grown cow projectile shit onto a calf make me tear up at the end?

какая прекрасная игра и грустная концовка :(

Little Misfortune однозначно попадает в мой лист любимых персонажей, со своей харизмой и эксцентричностью Маленькой Леди-Ниндзя (только тсс...)

игру можно пройти за один присест, но я чуть растянула удовольствие. я думаю, что без озвучки игра бы не была так хороша, так что слышать гг и Мистера Голос только в плюс.

пожалуй, чем игра берет, несмотря на примитивный геймплей, не столько даже историей, сколько диалогами и рисовкой, в которых динамично сочетаются полярности: Маленькая девочка выглядит так невинно, а ходит и ругается вокруг, ещё и к лису подкатывает, пока мимо проходят жители с масками улыбок, а мама дома вечно пьет свой "сок". Криппи-кьют

однозначно рекомендую ♡⃛