Reviews from

in the past

Les update sont de moins en moins bien avec Microsoft

Minecraft is legendary. But I think game could improve on adventure and exploration.

Just add some good fkn content man please

Boring as fuck alone and lacks content, but a great sandbox and multiplayer, every now and then I play it with some friends

Building bricks with Minecraft is the best thing and the most amount of fun you can have while playing an app. I understand why all the kids are playing this game these days, it's because they like to build brown bricks with Minecraft.

Marked completed but you can never really complete Minecraft.

minecraft sur mac depuis 2011 xx

A classic. If you haven't played minecraft, what are you doing? Just play it. I've spent countless hours playing this game and I wouldn't trade it for the world.

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It’s good

I think this game could have been great i just wish it didn't feature antisemitic charicatures

Minecraft ne po, injusto dar menos de 5 estrelas, jogo que fez a infância de 90% das pessoas da época dele, hoje já não curto muito mas fez bem a sua parte

My entire childhood in one game.

it's a uncomplete masterpeice game of century

haven't touched it since 2019 but it was fun back then.

Thousands of hours lost over years small download size keeps it a constant in my PC play it every year at least once

Perfetto, se non fosse per i nuovi aggiornamenti...

the longlasting effects of minecraft making every dev add crafting to their game will haunt the industry for generations

i respect it but god this game is unbearably boring, it prides itself on its infinite world and infinite creativity, but that world is so void of any interesting things beyond a different block palettes to build with that I find myself really struggling to get any enjoyment out of it beyond its aesthetics.

would be 5 if moobloom was added

Started the game, build a house and still not know what I was doing. I am not a very creative person to be very honest but I can see why people enjoy this game. But overall not for me

i once killed my sisters dog on accident and she didnt talk to me for 3 days, good game.

Simply the best sandbox of all time and one of the best game of all time. The amount of fun things you can experience in this game is crazy. So much nostalgia and happy memories on this. Definitely a must play.

+ Nostalgia
+ Great with friends
- Horrible optimization
- Awful progression
- Grindy

It's Minecraft.

I can go from not touching it for a year to updating and doing nothing BUT Minecraft stuff for 10 straight weeks. I always enjoy finding some new thing to do even if I thought I didn't have something else left. It's like being a dad and finding something new to fix in the house or thinking of something else to build to marginally improve your life.

I think everyone should play Minecraft once in their life. Maybe like 10-15 hours of game time and see where you want to go from there. I think it's easy to sink more time because the resource grind and loop is rewarding.

Nothing much to say, it is a timeless masterpiece. Even after all those years, I still play from time to time.