Reviews from

in the past

In it's peak, insanely refreshing

A satisfying and fun Moba Shooter that introduced and made the best of it's hero based system throughout it's lifespan.

It's just a distant memory...

El poc que vaig jugar em va agradar

Nowadays people act like OW1 was a perfect game and OW2 made everything worse.

But I remember pirateships. I remember Paris, Horizon, and Anubis. I remember shield-watch: shooting at Orisa's shield until it broke, only to be replaced by Sigma's shield, and vice versa, until the thing that broke was me. I remember... and amid the grief for all that was lost, I am grateful that these things are no more.

got a lot of love for this game. it's great fun and has a very short learning curve

this was so much better than overwatch 2. i remember you, loot boxes.

truly one of the worst of all time

c't tellement bien mais encore un jeu hyper mal géré bruh

would have been nice if they just updated the fucking game once

Shimmy shimmy yay, shimmy yay, shimmy ya (drank)
Swalla-la-la (drank)
Swalla-la-la (swalla-la-la)
Shimmy shimmy yay, shimmy yay, shimmy ya (drank)
Swalla-la-la (drank)
Swalla-la-la (swalla-la-la)

I stopped playing after a year because I was so, so tired

shouldve never updated this game

Gameplay: 4.5
Art Style: 4
Story/Lore: 4
Systems: 4
Character: 4
Total: 4.1

Caught this game during 2018, where it was starting to fall off, but in a much better state than it is today. Blizzard basically threw their Golden Goose into a meat grinder which was inside an incinerator. It's honestly really sad, sometimes I think to myself "man, I wish I could replay Overwatch right now" and then I remember that this game technically doesn't exist anymore.

I hated playing this but could never stop, rip to this eh game

For all it’s company’s flaws, I still sunk hundreds of hours into this game because it is a team-based fps with very complex possible strategies and fun mechanics to go with it’s beautiful aesthetic. Dead Game

c'était bien avant. J'ai vraiment kiffé l'avant 2-2-2, trop cool de vraiment s'amuser en partie rapide en faisant des teams full DPS, après la 2-2-2 il y avait une file d'attente infini pour jouer DPS, j'ai jamais pu m'améliorer sur Cole Cassidy à cause de ça et puis après c'est partit en live

throwback to when the game had soul behind it.

Never played the updated version (I refuse to call it a sequel, because it isn't one).

Some of my best memories are from this. Maybe my rating is clouded by nostalgia, but I wish I could play this as it was in its heyday.

Ranked was awful though. I have never been so convinced that a game was purposefully pairing every awful teammate with me.

Ow 1 era maravilhoso, gostoso de jogar, não era um jogo propriamente competitivo por ser um hero shooter, mas ainda sim era divertido de acompanhar o competitivo. Em relação a "sequência", é uma vergonha lançar isso como uma sequência, promessas não cumpridas e rework de personagens que não precisavam (volta doomfist dps).

Back when OW was good. 6v6 on top

Le prime du jeu, merci pour tout. ça me manque un peu