Reviews from

in the past

There will never be a character as raw as Reaper ever again

its first year and a half meant the world to me a while back but nowdays i think about this game and get a headache so strong i need to gouge out my eyeballs

Overwatch was the first game I ever played for over a thousand hours. I started out as a silver D.Va main, then when I got more into ranked I usually filled in as Reinhardt (there were only a few dedicated main tank players in the whole playerbase). When role queue was introduced I finally got to play DPS more than once in a blue moon, and I think I got all roles to plat in the first season of role queue. The first time I hit plat was actually in the role queue PTR (playing exclusively Zarya). I eventually plateaued in low diamond on tank (Rein, D.Va, Zarya) and support (Lucio, Ana, Zenyatta) and mid plat on DPS (Cassidy, Ashe, Pharah). The beginning of the end for me was Sigma's release, double shield completely killed the pace of the game and I had less and less fun every season after that until I dropped the game in 2021. I miss the game Overwatch used to be, but I have to roll my eyes when people blame Overwatch 2 as the sole reason the game declined. The final years of the original Overwatch were a continuous string of terrible balancing and design decisions, and not all of that can be blamed on OW2 development.

Blizzard is a horrible company and the Overwatch team is incompetent when it comes to balancing, but when I look back at the time I spent with this game I'll always remember more of the good than the bad.

Really the only thing going on in Overwatch was the Hot People, and thats fine.

Thank god this is a separate entry from the disappointment of a "sequel". This game, especially in the first few years after its launch, was an example of well thought out and polished game design. The characters, the maps, the lore, the voice lines, the steady stream of new content, … Looking back, it‘s so sad that the original spark that had once lived in Overwatch is almost completely gone now in favor of a cash grab free to play shitfest with no clear vision and false promises.

This game was great for about a year then became worse with each update.
With each rework the game got more broken, with each balance update it just became less fun.
That said, the events were good. I like the characters. The 6v6 meta seems to mechanically be optimal, especially in comparison to its (ugh) sequel. The updates really came at a snail's pace, but at least the game was pretty replayable.
Being able to earn loot boxes for a flat one time fee at launch was a HUGE plus in this game's favor.

Played a thousand hours of this game back in the day with the boys. Good times. OW2 is dead to me, though.

For a moment of time, during a peaceful bliss, this game was a refreshing joy to play. Now, whether from constant controversies, rebalancing adjustments, or a galactic shift in Gamer Culture™️, this game feels like a cosmic horror of how predatory a game can become.

Sadly this game no longer exists, Ovewatch 2 does, but this game was great before it was made more competitive and lobbies got sweatier and sweatier, I miss when you could just pick any hero and nobody flamed you for it.

We didn’t know how good we had it 😔🤙

This had so much potential at launch but it turns out this game was actually a social experiment to see the maximum amount of agony a video game could inflict on its player


I accidentally blurted "TEAM FORTRESS 2" out loud while banging Overwatch

When the triple jump Genji was patched out, I knew it was over. Launch Overwatch was the most fun I had with a shooter, but it quickly went nowhere. After a year or two I was done with it and, in hindsight, that was the best decision I could have had. Spared some bitter feelings.

One small note: I don't really like the idea of monetizing a game I already paid 60 quids for. Thankfully it never went anywhere outside of games I don't usually play.

I played this game for too long, honestly I think I genuinely saw the decline of the first real online team based game I played, more and more less skillful characters kept getting added, stronger and stronger options, then for three years it stagnated while blizzard worked on overwatch 2 and that ended up being a bust, this game was once fun but after everything it seems so much more better than its "sequel"

At the best of moments, it was the greatest game of all time. Unfortunately a myriad of bad business decisions, terrible gameplay patches, and me moving on from online shooters caused me to lose my attachment in the game. Despite that I'll always remember the fun times with the game. Rest in piece.

"This game was good, we used to all play it back in 2016."
"Ok Grandpa time to go to bed now"

It was fun until I realized what I was doing.

No matter how much I hate it, it will always be one of my favorites.

Honestly wouldn't be that bad of a game if it was taken far less seriously
plus the world doesn't fit a team based multiplayer game that much

The first one, specifically.
Probably my most-played game ever and one that, despite me not thinking I would like it AT ALL when it first went into beta, I have played for literally thousands of hours and one that felt incredibly special to me, especially when thinking about the huge amount of untapped potential it still had even at its peak and the whole vibe around the community and the passion oozing from everything said by the developers during the initial year or two.
Were there issues and flaws? Certainly. But a lot of them were ironed out and the rest was easily overshadowed by how amazing a product this was in general and the copious amounts of faith I had for its oh so bright future.

This game has taught me a lot about myself, about how to deal with people, including the really toxic ones. It has gotten me out of some really shitty times. I don't want to bog this down by oversharing too much but this game has assisted tremendously in me learning to speak again, and even with doing so in my second language, which previously had been a no-go.

There is just so much about this game that I will never forget. And for years I have remained positive, even when a majority of the community wasn't and most of the people I used to play with on the regular ended up quitting. I stuck around and I enjoyed myself so much, pretty much until maybe 6-12 months before OW2 dropped, which has deflated this whole thing completely for me and it breaks my heart how something so special now just feels like yet another cynical, soulless multiplayer cash-grab that's holding an amazing core and tons of great assets and ideas hostage.

Still, that doesn't change the fact that, while definitely flawed, the first game will probably always remain one of my favorite gaming experiences and precious memories I will cherish forever.

it really is just TF2 but a bit lamer in regards to gameplay and style. there's a reason final smashes are turned off in competitive smash.

Sad death of a fun game

Overwatch is a squad based first person shooter with some moba qualities like different heroes and classes with unique abilities. Most game modes involve attacking or defending a point or objective and all of the story and lore takes place outside the gameplay while all the game modes themselves aren't exactly canon except for certain special events. A lot of people consider this game to be a spiritual successor to team fortress 2 and well I can absolutely see that here. There is so much to say about overwatch that is good and bad, so I'll try my best to keep it short. (it won’t be)

Gameplay: Originally there were just a few game modes but by the end of OW1s cycle it had multiple game modes and seasonal events with different playstyles. In this game you pick a hero in one of 4 different classes. There were healers, tank heroes, defense heroes and attack heroes. In the beginning this was a simple game with quick play and weekly or daily changing arcade modes. Quick play is the standard, and a seasonal competitive mode returns though out the year. In quick play and competitive you find games with 6 players and are sent into matches where you either attack or defend points, payloads or locations. The objective is to take them strategically with your team and finding the right balance of heroes to use and counter the other team’s heroes. Most of the arcade modes are things like the standard CTF, TDM or FFA. They started doing seasonal events, so you had exclusive game modes, story modes and skins to unlock for a season of the year. You would level up your account and gain loot boxes to get random skins for your heroes. Each hero is incredibly unique with their size, hit box, movement, play style, ultimate abilities and even the sound of their footsteps. For a long time, this game was a massive success and everyone and anyone was playing it for hours and hours. It was funny, memorable, immersive and competitive. There were so many ways you could play and combo things with other heroes. I'll be honest I miss the launch version of this game. Every character was overpowered in their own way and people didn't understand a lot of the ultimates yet and it was just goofy fun or frustration where a whole team would pick a cheap hero like bastion, and it was hilarious... then came the changes. Changes like only being able to have 1 of each hero, changes to maps, changes to heroes like buffs and nerfs and in the beginning a lot of it made sense and I wanna say they eventually found a balance somewhere in the middle but then it started to get crazy where they changed hero’s kits and what heroes did. Some of them made sense but others felt unforgivable. Like for me personally I started to get frustrated with blizzard when they changed mercy's Ultimate ability and I feel like somewhere after that it all went downhill. This is probably problem 1# with OW1 is the number of changes that were constantly happening. It got sickening playing the same game every day for years and then all of a sudden, the character you like playing isn't the same anymore and there is no classic way to play them again. The reason they changed things a lot was because every time a new free hero or map was added it changed the meta and usually this would clash with what pro and casual players wanted. I personally feel like 90% of the changes were what pro players wanted but I've heard people argue the reason these changes happened so often was to appeal to both old and new players and it's probably true. You can't please everyone, my only issue with these changes is usually it felt like they hurt the game more than they helped it. A few other big problems this game had were its loot box system and the growing toxicity that came with new heroes and meta changes. Let's start with the loot box system. Loot boxes are completely random and often if an event came out there was probably no way in hell you were getting everything without buying loot boxes and of course my friends and I did the stupid and gave into this (something I’ll never do again). It got a lot of criticism and after the whole loot box lawsuit game companies had for "promoting gambling" they removed this in OW2. The toxicity has honestly only gotten worse, especially in OW2 but we will get to that when I review 2. OW1 though always had a level of toxic problems and most of it came from meta changes and cheap gameplay techniques with heroes especially in competitive mode which is why we hardly touched competitive play.

Graphics, music and voice acting: Graphically OW looked amazing and I'll always love the unique art style it had. The music for OW was always pretty decent with the main theme being fairly memorable. Voice acting wise this game was on another level. The voice actors for this game absolutely crushed their roles and always seemed to love their characters. They would participate in a lot of fun videos online and at comic cons with fans, even the staff (before we knew they were sh*t bags that would sexually harass their employees) were fun and meme able with videos to the fans on their projects and passions. I remember seeing videos all the time from "Jeff from the overwatch team" about changes that were coming to OW and all the memes that would follow.

Story/ no spoilers: Overwatch has a super deep hours long lore to look up, so I suggest looking it up if you want to know that and at first it was honestly my favorite part of the game. Basically, it takes place in the far future after a robot war and a special team that was ensembled to stop it. Every hero feels like an alternate universe version of avengers or something with their unique and in depth back stories. The game takes place after the team has disbanded and new threats are rising. They would constantly make animated shorts for each hero and the seasonal archives event would push the story forwards each year. Honestly this game could be a movie series because of how interesting it is, and I have to give them that but unfortunately the story, writing, gameplay, updates, company all turn to shit fast towards the end of the games cycle and especially since OW2 has launched. I remember seeing so many people turn their backs on this game and company for all the shenanigans and it’s really sad because for me personally I loved this game at its prime but the game that exists today really isn't anything like the original Overwatch (even though it kinda is the exact same game) it's the same but different and it's hard to explain how without someone experiencing the changes first hand. I almost wish I could review different phases of overwatch's life cycle because it absolutely has changed and when I review OW2 I'll treat that as a part 2 to this review.

Overall prime OW1 was probably close to an 8/10.

I like how I can learn about certain characters on a helpful website. Mind you, your keyboard will get messy and that's kind a down side.

this shit so ass they make so much porn of the characters to make it likeable

You can’t play this anymore so I guess abandoned?

this game carried me through school