Reviews from

in the past

Pikmin is a wonderful first step into a quirky, yet touching new genre for Nintendo. It's short and sweet, but there's nothing else quite like it, even among its sequels. Atmosphere is king here, along with how managing an ever growing and diminishing squad of plant-like creatures messes with your head.

It feels great running around commanding your tiny army. The environment is perfect for doing it and solving the puzzles and growing hundreds of Pikmin is incredibly rewarding.

This is a difficult one. I respect the hell out of what they're going for, but it's heavily marred by the fact that you can't "undo" a day. I wish that instead of a "You have 30 Days to Win," it was more like "See how few days you can win in." The result is that you are so so close to winning, and then you have to start all over. I'd like to return to it someday, but it's hard not to be salty over that.

Fun and cool. beat it in like one day. Very addicting and fun

It's funny how a game that came out before I was born is one of my favorite games in 2023. Pikmin really is ahead of its time and feels very modern despite being the first entry of a series in a genre that Nintendo hadn't really touched on before or since. It is a little rough around the edges mechanically but the core gameplay and ideas the game brings is brilliant. I love this game so much that I made a Backloggd account just to talk about it.

A good start, but too few options, which makes the game get boring quickly

played when 12. drowned pikmin. cried. didn't play for like 15 years.

fun ass games pikmin 2 betta

I bought a copy off ebay as a kid for around $10, didn't get it. Years later as a cultured gamer I've come around and appreciate how unique and great this series is. The first entry has limited time and getting things done effectively is very satisfying. I'd reset days knowing I could do better. The OST is nostalgic just through Smash Brawl and other greats in the game itself.

someone at nintendo realized they hadnt cooked up any new IP in a while so some geniuses made this masterpiece of a game

GooeyScale: 90/100

they don't call it PEAKmin for nothing, this game was an absolute banger and one of the best Nintendo games I've had the pleasure of playing in a minute. although it goes without saying that the first playthrough of a game is always going to be the most exciting, I think pikmin is designed in such a way where the next time I start a run it'll feel almost as good. I was not expecting to like pikmin nearly as much as I do, the main reason being the timer, which is hilarious in retrospect, as I finished with an entire week of time leftover, without a guide. I am an adult however, this game would be so stressful for a kid ha ha. this game is cute, satisfying, and has just the right amount of puzzle. and the atmosphere and the music? don't even get me started. this game is a masterpiece, and I'm going to play it over and over. i can't wait to play 2/3/4. i sure do hope there isn't some evil moron that eats everything and fucks everything up in those titles

Really fun and charming, Pikmin strikes what must have been a tricky balance of calmness and tension. It does feel like something is missing, as Yellow Pikmin don't get much of a chance to shine compared to the other types, and bomb rocks are a bit clunky to use.

That being said, when the game makes you use all three types together, like when getting the Libra, it really feels like something special. Olimar's end of day logs and ship part descriptions are charming and give you some insight on his life on Hocotate and also highlight the depth of the planet's ecosystem. It also feels like the perfect length to revisit and see if you can get all the parts in less days, which I'm excited to do at some point.

Amazing game that really knows its identity even despite being the first in a series. Pikmin has always been one of Nintendo's more experimental series especially when it came down to marketing this game. Pikmin is an odd case when it comes to its target demographic. The visuals are too colorful and cute to market to the more edgy teenage crowd but too much cruel and fucked up things happen to the Pikmin for it to appeal to more casual players. This leaves Pikmin with a playerbase of people who want to play more artistic and creatively driven games. It was a bold move by Nintendo to put out a game like this but its rewarded them in the present day with the Pikmin series being hailed as a cult classic. A big gripe I see a lot of people have for Pikmin, especially the first game, is the time/day limit. While it may seem overwhelming and daunting at first the time limit really adds a lot to that micro-management gameplay and really forces you to use your time wisely and do as much as you can in a day. My biggest issue with the game is the Pikmin themselves. The AI for the Pikmin can be a bit annoying to work around sometimes. Pikmin can sometimes fall behind with the rest of the group or trip up while moving, causing you to have to go back for them. Sometimes they'll just decide to do they're own thing like pull out grass for nectar or start randomly carrying things back to the Onions. But other than that small problem this is a great puzzle game that feels very rewarding to complete.

one of the best games i've ever played. easily replayable fun to eradicate each and every living thing standing in your way. that is when the game isn't glitching your pikmin through the floor and is why you play the Switch version.

A very short but sweet game. The overall atmosphere of this game is deceptively calm despite the carnage that ensues when you send your Pikmin into battle. Can be finished in one sitting and is a very fun little game.

Shell shocked. War nerves. Neurasthenia. Combat neurosis. Perchance even post traumatic stress disorder.

War. War never changes. Men do, through the Pikmin that perish

(Review for the GameCube version, and thus the jank I complain about is probably something I voluntarily played with)

Pikmin is a game that's boring, until it's not. You go from thinking that the Pikmin are dumb and don't listen, the day cycle is pointless and just wastes time, and the world is some boring forest or whatever, to realizing that the Pikmin are the best minions in gaming, the day cycle is absolutely brilliant and allows for so much strategy on every playthough, and that the setting is genuinely stunning, and perfectly contrasts with the game's somewhat nihilistic tendencies. While there is some jank, being able to reset any day nearly eliminates it, and leaves behind one of the most replayable and relaxing experiences I've ever had.

Game #7 of 2024, January 24th

A friend said this is like gen 1 pokemon in how janky it gets.
And yeah, its REALLY janky, but in a very funny and charming way.
Start of a series I love, and even then its incredible and has aged very well.
If you think you can make it without pikmin dying.
I hope you enjoy your last moments of sanity.

Pikmin 1 is like the first season of a really good show, it's short, simple and a little rough around the edges, but other than that it's still a good time.

Simply one of the best games for the GameCube. Still really enjoyable and with the Switch port even now a very pretty game.

One of the best Nintendo Games of this century

Un peu trop Japonais pour mes yeux de gros blancos Européen désolé

I tried playing this on Dolphin but it's incredibly clunky without the original controller. I'll definitely give it more of a fair shot at some point, don't worry lol