Reviews from

in the past

Narrative: N/A
Gameplay: 4
Graphics: 4
X-Factor: 4
Overall: 4

Per mi el millor de tots els jocs de gran estratègia del seu estil, també és pel que tinc més nostàlgia.
L'actor de doblatge en castellà és molt bo.

Peak 4X. I'll still play this over Civ 6

As addicting as the other civ games but less depth than IV

ESSE JOGO É TIPO CRACK. "Só mais um round ai eu vo deslogar", passaram 30 rodadas já

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I've put a lot of hours into this game over the years.
Id never really played any games like this before and was very confused at the beginning. the tutorials didn't help at all and there are so many different systems to learn that it becomes very overwhelming very quickly.
I was fortunate enough to have been introduced to the gameplay through the multiplayer mode with my friends. aside from a dedicated tutorial mode that limits the scope of the features while you learn, playing with experienced friends can be great because they can answer your questions and help protect you so you can survive through the occasional tedium.

was fun but ultimately not my type of game, too nerdy

men lovee getting u to play this

Super fun really easy to sink a ton of hours into

Awesome TBS game, one of the best CIV games!

Ghandi se despertó con el pie izquierdo.

Wide as a sea, shallow as a puddle, or whatever the saying is. Decent fun, especially if you like playing 4X's with friends, but if you want a particularly deep experience—economic management, tactical warfare, complicated diplomacy—there are other games that'll scratch your itch. Don't drink water when you really want beer.

Esse jogo foi responsavel de me tirar MUITAS horas em uma mesma partida, mas diferente de outros jogos cada minuto compensa, porque tive que pensar muito pra cada movimento, e embora a vontade de jogar ele seja de tempos em tempos, eu assumo que é basicamente uma versão digital do que seriam os jogos de tabuleiro.

A blast with friends, VI is honestly better though, just different in some ways. This one is more gritty and "realistic-y", VI is just great fun

Alexa, play Despacito while I nuke Ghandi (in game in game).

ESSE JOGO É TIPO CRACK. "Só mais um round ai eu vo deslogar", passaram 30 rodadas já

Игра не требует представления. Спустя столько времени наконец-то ее прошел, достигнув культурной победы. Интересно то, что я к ней не стремился. Пятая часть мне понравилась больше всего. Не пожалел потраченного на эту игру времени.

Pro Tip: It makes plane rides, car rides, and days shorter.

I'm so bad at these kind of games, so I simple completed one single game lasted 13 hours and I'm happy with that.

good if you like this type of game, i'm sure there are better options

I installed too many mods and now my computer crashes when I look at the desktop icon wrong

Just one more turn! this is a fantastic multiplayer experience, 3-4 max.

I always think love playing this game so much, and then I need to go to war, and I am like, wow, I do not like this game actually

A perfect entry into strategy games. Not too complex, just deep enough to get you hooked.