Reviews from

in the past

Not as good as Civ 6, I did like it pre-civ 6 but I really had a hard time dragging people from civ 5 to civ 6 because college kids are brokees.

probably my most favorite CIV series

way better than Civilization VI ever could have hoped to be

Great strategy game with tons of bugs in multiplayer, but still fun

Civilization V is a grand-strategy game with high variation in strategies and tech available to each of the countries. Very enjoyable with or without a party for people who enjoy turn based strategy with opportunities for mass variation in how you spec your tech tree to how you approach diplomacy with other countries. My major gripe is the mostly linear progression in the army building and that sessions can take a large amount of time in one sitting.

Highly recommended regardless due to its completely enjoyable experience.

Intense strategy game that will hold your hand until you feel comfortable enough to master it on your own. The difficulty of AI can be set to dumb-as-rocks or literally-cheating. A strategy game for literally anyone.

ESSE JOGO É TIPO CRACK. "Só mais um round ai eu vo deslogar", passaram 30 rodadas já

men lovee getting u to play this

I'm so bad at these kind of games, so I simple completed one single game lasted 13 hours and I'm happy with that.

fun with friends, fun alone up to emperor difficulty, is a time sink tho

Probably my favourite turn based strategy game. I've wasted hundreds of hours in this and have no regret. Miss the days when I'd just launch this and spend an entire evening eating pizza and playing this with my roommate.

Epic board game. I love dominating opponents

once you learn the game it becomes very addicting

fun with really patient friends

The amount of time I have logged playing this game is truly staggering. I don't know if it's the best in the series, or if it just hit me at a perfect time, but there's something so therapeutic about taking over the world in this game.

Peak 4X. I'll still play this over Civ 6

As addicting as the other civ games but less depth than IV

ESSE JOGO É TIPO CRACK. "Só mais um round ai eu vo deslogar", passaram 30 rodadas já

My favorite Civilization game of all time. This one really shook up the formula and made it fun.

Loved it, can't recall much more because it has been fused with VI in my memories

See I've played like 300 hours of this and the only way I could win was by being smarter than everyone else bc any time I tried to pick fights i'd get my ass absolutely whooped