Reviews from

in the past

Not a bad game, but also not very memorable at all.

I had a decent amount of fun playing through it the first time, and gameplay-wise it's decent, but pretty much everything in it is re-hashed from older games and it doesn't bring much to the table. Just more forgettable than anything else.

This game is ugly, it sounds ugly, it plays ugly. But i have to admit that the homing attack spam to speed up isnt the most unfun thing ever. This abomination existing at all is crazy.

Hay algo particular que pasa con este juego. Se le esta tomando como un juego momentum, cuando su enfoque es completamente diferente. Se basa completamente en la acción y reacción, por eso hay muchas secciones donde se aprovecha el homing attack. Podrán decirme que las físicas se sienten raras y pesadas, y... estoy de acuerdo. Pero no es excusa para odiar los controles, es posible acostumbrarse fácilmente, solo es cuestión de tiempo. En cuanto a los niveles, no niego que se nota la falta de inspiración. Pero realmente no estan mal diseñados, se ve que estaban bien pensados desde un inicio. Por cierto, si tanto se quejan del acto 2 de lost labyrinth, hay un atajo para saltar el "famoso" puzzle. Ahí les dejo el dato.
Si se juega bajo otra perspectiva, realmente es disfrutable. No es perfecto ni de broma, pero, con todo respeto, el fandom exagera demasiado el odio hacia este juego, no esta ni de cerca a ser de lo peor de la franquicia.
¿Lo recomiendo? Honestamente, pienso que merece una oportunidad, pero recuerden, se basa a pura reacción, la velocidad no es lo principal.

There is something particular going on with this game. You are taking it as a momentum game, when your approach is completely different. It is completely based on action and reaction, that's why there are many sections where the homing attack is used. You can tell me that the physics feel weird and heavy, and... I agree. But that's no excuse to hate the controls, it's easy to get used to, it's just a matter of time. As for the levels, I do not deny that the lack of inspiration is noticeable. But they are not really badly designed, it is seen that they were well thought out from the beginning. By the way, if you complain so much about act 2 of lost labyrinth, there is a shortcut to skip the "famous" puzzle. There I leave the data.
If played from another perspective, it really is enjoyable. It's not perfect or kidding, but, with all due respect, the fandom exaggerates the hatred towards this game too much, it's not even close to being the worst in the franchise.
I recommend it? Honestly, I think it deserves a chance, but remember, it's based on pure reaction, speed is not the main thing.

somehow this game looks 1000% better on mobile but its just

yeah it’s not that great but hey better than I remember on mobile for some reason

giving this the 4 in the title is a fucking insult

Interesting choice to name this game Sonic 4 after all these years and THIS is the game you make.

The main issue here is obviously the physics, the game just doesnt FEEL like it should. Sonic's momentum just doesn't really work well at all. Other than that it's a pretty short and bland experience.

The mobile version isn't as ugly.

that's the only redeeming quality.

this game fucked my wife, spit on my face, ate my children and stole my money i fucking hate it this game is shit

One of the worst sonic games ive ever played there is absolutely nothing i like about this game i would say its even worse then sonic 06 honestly avoid at all costs play mania or frontiers this is not it

I always wondered why this game looked and played like shit when I was young, dumb, die-hard sonic fan. This was supposed to be a mobile game. Why the fuck would you make a mobile game the next ""mainline"" title in the series

Its not that bad ok, its just very derivative, like its just ripping older levels. I do think sonic controls fine here but theres just not enough great levels here, the game looks like ass and the music sucks. That being said most levels are fine and pretty good sometimes, but it never really reaches a good peak. If the levels were original and the music didnt suck ass, itd probably be good. Idk i just think sonic just gets hate because its sonic.

the physics in this game SUCK ASS. it's mid, just go play episode 2, it's a much better game

I don't hate it as much as most people seem to, but it's still just eh. Episode 2 is good though.

Nostalgia bias because this was my first Sonic game, but I don't think it's that bad.

You're telling me this isn't a Flash game?