Reviews from

in the past

Ojala hicieran un juego full de esto

This game has a lot of love in it not the best game but its still fun for what it is.

Recriação da primeira fase do Streets of Rage no universo de Yakuza, não tenho mais do que falar além disso.

You can’t throw bicycles, you know what kind of assessment will follow now, right?

Нельзя кидать велосипеды, сами знаете какая оценка последует сега, да?

É praticamente um Streets of Rage com desconto. Não dá pra dizer que não me diverti jogando, entretanto.

Divertido, gostei d+ das músicas em 16-bit

Fun for a while until you realize there is no story, and it is just one level repeating over and over. This is purely an "arcade" high score game.

Super curtinho mas diverte muito. Eu terminei e nem me dei conta e continuei jogando o loop por um bom tempo. É uma experiencia legal pra jogar uma vezinha pra matar o tempo, joguei sozinho mas com um amigo deve ser melhor ainda

I get that it's free but it's still just kind of a weird waste of time. It's SoR2 but with only one moveset and only one level. Just play SoR2 man

That feeling you get where you really want something, and then you get it and it's nothing like you thought it was? That's Streets of Kamorocho. Streets of Kamorocho is basically a tech demo that uses Streets of Rage 2 assets to make a beat'em Yakuza game with only the look of it. It's like cleaning a room by painting it or putting a sticker on your computer. Sure, you made it look pretty, but it's still the same thing it was when it started, but like also not because, again, this is a tech demo. It really would have been nice if they just gave each character a different move set or like a unique voice line, but literally everything here is just for show. The whole game is going through the first stage of Streets of Rage 2 as Alex clones fighting enemies that look like they are from Yakuza. I really, really wish there was something else here, but it honestly feels like a lazy rom hack.

Fine for an hour or so with a friend couch co op, tops.

I mean, there's no meat on the bone here at all, just the scent of where meat once was. It's one Streets of Rage level but with Yakuza sprite edits. But it does make me happy, and I like that when you unlock Ichiban, it uses the Like A Dragon battle theme! Points knocked off for all three characters being Axel variants, though. Majima would never rapid punch without a knife, he is 100% a spinning bird kick super kinda guy.

Come on, Sega make it a full game. It was really fun to see Kiryu and Majima in pixel art.

Grappige Yakuza en Streets of Rage crossover

It really works as a reminder of the beat em ups of the arcades.
Fun for a while, nice overall for a Yakuza fan.

A cute little freebie designed among others to celebrate a huge anniversaty for SEGA. Would have liked it to be longer but just the fact that it exists and it's not intended to be anything fleshed out is enough.

it's cute for what it is.

The one single stage that this game is rules. So much effort was put into a simple streets of rage 2 reskin.

Funny to play once, cool to see a Beath Them All with a Yakuza skin

It's okay, nothing groundbreaking. There's only level and one moveset, and they are really done well; but then again, being only ONE level just make this game kinda pointless.

ichibans in it and i like ichiban

No me puedo quejar mucho porque es un juego promocional gratuito. Pero bueno, es un nivel que se repite infinitamente y todos los personajes son reskins de Axel. Igual está bueno ver a los personajes y ubicaciones en pixel art de manera oficial.

eu ficaria extremamente feliz se isso fosse um jogo completo no estilo do streets of rage 4