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in the past

While it has some outdated design elements, this is an incredible remake that is so incredibly satisfying due to how little it holds your hand. Highly recommended!

I had a hard time really getting into the game. I never played it when it originally came out, I think if I had I would've enjoyed it more, due to nostalgic memories. The graphics were good but seemed to blend together a lot and I had a very difficult time trying to figure out where exactly I had to go next.

See the entire review here:

Really cool and fun game. I feel it scaled just right in combat and difficulty. I do feel that the combat was very "peak around corner, shoot, then step back behind corner", which can kinda get stale. The scrapping system is kinda annoying to keep up with and ended up giving up on it. Inventory management was kinda a nightmare at times. Shodan is a funny killer ai that i would loved to be threatened by again.

This review contains spoilers

it's pretty good, as i hoped it would be but the rumors are true: the ending does suck

everything else is top notch tho

2023 System Shock is smooth sex.

1994 System Shock is sex with a bio-mechanical deity from the Megastructure.

Plusy: wierny oryginałowi remake, świetna muzyka, klimat, brak prowadzenia za rączkę
Minusy: wierny oryginałowi remake – słaby model walki i labiryntowe poziomy, gorsza niż w oryginale finałowa walka

Having never played the original, this is a great way to experience its strong suits - exploring the station without handholding, relying on the player to make connections and understand how to proceed. Combat is greatly enhanced by juggling different ammo types and other resources (though in the end there's probably too much ammo around), and every new weapon feels like a great addition to your arsenal. Biggest issues are some excessive backtracking on certain station levels (a strategically placed door locked from one side could have saved a lot of wasted time on the executive level) and managing the recycling of junk items is tedious and ultimately pointless - just scrap everything, and you'll have more money than you can spend.

I guess most people who were expecting this were caught off guard by how well-made and faithful to the original this is.

I appreciate the effort, but I can't shake the feeling a lot of its faithfulness comes from a desire of just swimming against the current than an actual creative choice.

For the French -

There is plenty of amazing stuff here, brought down by an ending that sucks ass and just a bit too many enemies.

I like the aesthetic (it's a bit overbearing, and the retro textures aren't for everyone) the music is pretty cool and the atmosphere is great. The voice acting is cool and Shodan is a genuinely great presence. I wish they made darker areas where I had to use the various flashlights and night vision abilities though. I loved exploring, but the backtracking for the super long code wasn't that much fun, now that I know about the code it feels obvious but yeah. Having to remember codes like this game forces you to is a great throwback and it makes the worldbuilding so much better. Also, the animations are so unbearably long and killed me more than once- really annoying.

A great time, quite challenging and very save/load heavy, but a great time still.

It's NOT the same game. You will be doing kind of the same puzzles, going through the same areas, but it is a different game.
A more modern approach to the 1994 classic, definitely worth playing.

One of the very few remakes id recommend over the original for newcomers

Ремейк, который сделан с большой любовью к оригиналу, это ощущается в каждом аспекте. Но, к сожалению, это и является его главным недостатком, так как игра ориентирована исключительно на фанатов оригинала, она слишком узко направлена, от чего простому игроку местами можно нереально душиться во время прохождения

Vraiment sympa... au début. J'ai vraiment adoré au début, la sensation d'être perdu, l'atmosphère oppressante et les ennemis qui représentent de vraies menaces, tout avait bien commencé.

Malheureusement, plus on avance dans le jeu, plus on se rends compte qu'on évolue pas, on est tout le temps dans la merde, les objectifs sont littéralement juste cachés, je demande pas à ce qu'on me prenne la main comme dans GoW: Ragnarok mais j'aimerais AU MOINS savoir quoi faire.

Les combats sont pas si mauvais mais on n'évolue pas, malgré les composants qu'on peut récupérer etc... ça change pas grand chose, il faut toujours une dizaine de balle pour tuer un ennemi qui te tue en 3 coup, bref, c'est pas du tout satisfaisant.

Peut être qu'avec des mises à jour le jeu deviendra plus accessible, on espère en tout cas.

Great game. Remake made with love and passion.

However it was made in the unreal 4 engine. The Ai is very easy to exploit and the tougher more intimidating enemies at the end of the game are a cake walk to beat with the arsenal the game gives you, which is unfortunate. The game's most difficult moments are floor 3-4, which have some of the most frustrating enemies to fight.

ótimo jogo, definitivamente um FPS Hardcore, muito backtrack, não é um jogo para correria, um jogo que deve-se apreciar do inicio ao fim, ele se passa num cenário muito louco de Cyberpunk no ano de 2072, onde vc só tem que lutar contra as tramóias da SHODAN, que é a vilã do jogo (IA)

Tem que prestar bastante atenção no jogo, se não tiver culhão pra tankar o vai e vem desse jogo, vc simplesmente não vai conseguir prosseguir no jogo, combate do jogo é bem estratégico, sem correria, cada combate é um desespero novo em sobreviver do que atirar rsrs, no fim eu recomendo muito o jogo a todos!

Overall, really enjoyed the game. It grabbed me pretty quickly from the start and it was fun to crawl my way through the station. It took me 30 hours, which is seems to be on the longer side than most people, but I'm not sure if that's because I was pretty thorough, others have played the base game before, or I sucked. Probably all 3. I played on the standard difficulty for all settings. The fights were challenging, but the AI can feel a little dated - which I expected going in. The puzzles were fun, but also still took me some time.

The graphics were an excellent choice as they are hi-def pixelated. The game also ran great as I had everything maxed and upscaling maxed at 200%. The sound design was solid and while I think some of the voice actors were different than the original game, they all fit well and of course OG VA for SHODAN.

There are definitely some flaws, but it's one of the games I enjoyed the most so far this year. It was cool to see the influences it had on later games, especially Bioshock.

Right off the bat the game runs well I have basically all the settings maxed out on 4k ultra 60 fps no issues in terms of running it which in this day and age is extremely rare day 1. Does get a little too toasty for the graphical fidelity.
In terms of being a faithful remake this is basically a 1 to 1 remake. This game can be enjoyed by OGs and newcomers. The controls are debatable granted they are a million times better than the original it is still a little clunky especially on controller. But hey at least controller is usable now and the game is not going to be difficult because you cant turn properly. But will be difficult because of other factors. The vibe from the original is also amplified due to the visuals and ost. And that more horror like aspect from system shock 2 is also more incorporated. So if you like immersive sims, atmospheric horror/dread, cyberpunk, or even a fan of bioshock certainly look into trying this bad boi out.
Not a fan of the hacking portions but I doubt they were going to replace it. Great facelift for one of the best immersive sims out. Lets hope the SS2 remaster will hit as well.
Could of been a much higher score if Controller support was better, the visuals were more modern (or give us the option of either) and overhauling the hacking segment as that is just ass.

Pixel 3D is a great idea but it's too shiny, a great example of mindlessly utilizing PBR techniques. Ends up being very ugly, and very clunky. It's fun but I've played all the better imsims and it's not doing much for me.

This is an odd one. The AI feels a few decades too old. The wire puzzles were fine, but with only two types they got old fast. I fucking HATED the hacking minigame, the game would be a whole grade better without them. I also did not like running around the cramped station aimlessly with very few map markers, it made me want to drop the game quite a few times.
The gunplay felt a little weak at times, but I enjoyed the different combinations and ammo. I did enjoy the visuals a lot and the animations had character, the voice acting was also very enjoyable!
Also, despite being called one, the System Shock remake does not live up to the immersive sim reputation of being able to solve a puzzle in multiple ways.

TLDR; a great remaster in the sense that it keeps everything from the original game but does not hold up in terms of modern standards.

good lord the ending is a wet fart

wanted to enjoy this way more than i did but lost interest by executive

System Shock ist so wunderschön gnadenlos darin, wie es einen in diese feindliche Umgebung wirft und man als namenloser Hacker alleine gegen die AI SHODAN kämpfen muss. Ebene für Ebene. Raum für Raum. Die Sprachmemos der Besatzung und SHODAN und E-Mails, die man unterwegs findet, schaffen es gemeinsam mit der Space Station selbst die Geschichte unterschwellig voran zu treiben und ihr Gewicht zu verleihen, die Kämpfe sind hart aber nie unfair und vor allem das Hacken hat es mir angetan.

unfortunately got released in a year with so many good games and it went under the radar of pretty much everyone. So good though

died a lot :) really good remake. Good to play before trying the orignal imo if you're new.

I never had the chance to experience the original, so this is my first time coming to this title and I have to say that there's a lot that's impressive about the cohesive world design and maps that truly came to later define Immersive Sims. I think I agree with the take that this is more of a dungeon crawl than an Immersive Sim. It's also a solid story with memorable beats. Cyberspace and a couple of the levels still kinda suck in that way some 90s games did of being too obtuse and poorly paced and I'd have liked to see that stuff simply streamlined out but maybe that would have pissed off the fans.

Still, much better than I expected it to be and I'd recommend just setting cyberspace to 1 so you can get through that as quickly as possible.

- Really liked the remake as i was unable to get into the original game.
- Game difficulty spikes immensely at the ending of the game and i felt like i was playing the game wrong by the end.
- Surprisingly, too loyal to the original art style and not at the same time. It felt weird having a blocky world rendered in 4k.

Captures the retro feel in a modern package. SHODAN is fantastically sadistic as always. The final boss encounter leaves a lot to be desired but otherwise a great game in many respects.