Reviews from

in the past

Like from the beginning, once playing, you're hooked. Plus with great visuals and soundtrack!

The best Tetris game, but maybe a little bit expensive for being Tetris.

A very interesting version of tetris. The crazy visuals can be distracting, and might not appeal to some people, but I kind of like it. Lots of different modes and online multiplayer.

i beat this game many times and even played it in vr!
its so good... very colorful... challenging at times... wow

The additional Multiplayer modes add a lot to the overall package as the original release felt a tad lacking in that department.

This is just a really nice version of Tetris, and given the new modes that allow for a more refined and classic experience it's pretty much the best way to play it today, save maybe the full version of Tetris 99.

I dunno about the masterpiece status a lot of folks seem to give this game though, it's very good but its best parts are the effortlessness of it, not so much the sterile, marketable aspects. Still undeniably good. I'll be playing it for years to come, just revisited it today so I thought I'd log.

Shapes and colours the likes of which I have never seen!

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After a while it starts getting really hard until you reach the insane Nirvana flow state and it becomes a surreal experience.

Probably meant to be experienced on that VR version but I played it on switch and still had a great time.

I honestly dunno what constitutes as marking this game as 'complete' but, ive played enough of it to know it's my favorite version of Tetris.

I sometimes dislike how the stage visuals can obscure the play field but I think there might be options to reduce that that I just haven't looked into. Either way wouldn't change how beautiful the music is and how fantastically this interpretation of Tetris plays.

my eyes hurts playing this game

tetris and sensory overload, my 2 favourite things

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sure is tetris

Tetris but if you called over 20 different bands to your house, asked them all to play a song, and then took lsd.

Great. Amazing visuals and music. Wish the music would restart at some point though.

Probably the best version of Tetris.

this is probably objectively the perfect game

i played this on vive wands
you know how hard playing tetris with trackpads is

Easily the best core tetris experience but one minor gripe I have is that the effects are so big that I always get distracted by the colors exploding in the background (especially since the tetrominoes are made to blend in)

Uma experiência quase que tátil de Tetris.

Iiiit’s Tetris. I get it, I get the connection schtick and how “Tetris is universal and the concept can connect everyone” but it’s just really pretty Tetris. I don’t think VR helped it at all and it’s extremely overhyped. However, Tetris is Tetris. So it’s okay.

play it on PC, them 144 hz worth it

I had a religious experience playing this game for the first time. A1 adaptive soundtrack as well.

we really are all connected, aren't we?